
演讲 | 美国第一女儿伊万卡最新演讲,美语经典范本

2017-12-03 小芳老师






李冰冰 | 从高考英语27分到联合国做英语致辞,她如何做到的?






张靓颖在Billboard Live无压力秀英文

汤唯女神为你读英文诗-The Road Not Taken


美哭的民国英语教科书 好想穿越去读书啊








Nancy Gibbs: Thank you for being here.

Ivanka Trump: Hi, everyone.

Nancy Gibbs: We appreciate your coming and you were observing the holidays and you’ve a debate to get to. So, let’s get right to it.

You called your father’s comments on the Access Hollywood tape “clearly offensive and inappropriate” and said that you were glad that he had acknowledged that and apologized, but I’m sure you understand that many people were not just offended by the language, they were offended by the actions that he was describing. Were you?

Ivanka Trump: Way to warm up. Thank you, Nancy! It’s lovely to be here in California. I think my remarks were clear on this front. I did find it to be offensive, he acknowledged it was as well. This tape was over a decade old, I’m sure he didn’t remember this conversation, but was very embarrassed by it. And he expressed that, not only to me personally, but to the American people. And, and…you know, I appreciate that he did that. I think it was very important for him to have done so.

Nancy Gibbs: What did he say to you, just father to daughter, about that?

Ivanka Trump: Well he recognizes that it was crude language. He was embarrassed that he had said those things and he apologized. That’s not language consistent with any conversation that I’ve ever had with him certainly or any conversation that I’ve overheard, so it was a bit jarring for me to hear. And he was very sincere in his apology.

So, you know, I have the good fortune of knowing my father so well, not only as a parent and he’s been an amazing parent to me. And I’m now a mother of three children, ages 5, and…from five to three to six months. So I don’t take for granted in any way how hard it is to be a good parent and he was a loving and supportive and tough, at times, parent who challenged me and my siblings to achieve our potential and helped us find purpose in our lives, which is what any parent can do. But I’ve also known him in the capacity as a leader and as an executive at the Trump organization, where I’ve also worked in addition to my own brand for over a decade. And I’ve been seeing him inspire tens of thousands of people. He sets a bold vision – an aggressive vision and he helps people realize that goal.

You know, there are some people who are managers of people and there are some people who are leaders of people and he is very much a leader of people; and I’ve seen it my whole life in a business capacity. So I know him so well personally and professionally. And you know, when things have happened through the course of this campaign that are uncomfortable for us as a family, often times, things have been said that are mischaracterizations or interpretations that are false and not consistent with his intent, you know, a statement he’ll make, we talk about it. So, you know, we have a very open dialogue and I think that’s one of the things that I respect so much about him – the willingness to listen. And look, he’s very much his own man, just like I am very much my own woman. I have opinions, my opinions are my own, I express them to him when I am excited, when I am disappointed and everywhere in between. I am certainly not sheepish about sharing those opinions, but I do so in private.

Nancy Gibbs: We’ve talked a little about your role in this campaign. You’ve spent a lot of time building a very successful retail brand whose sort of core theme was about female empowerment…

Ivanka Trump: Yes.








