BBC地道英语|Mansplaining 男人说教

2018-01-25 小芳老师 小芳老师


Hello and welcome to The English We Speak from BBC Learning English, I’m Neil and with me is Feifei.




Now Feifei, if you just put on your headphones you’ll be able to hear what I’m saying.


Yes, I know that.


And you need to push that thing there –we call it a fader –we push that up and speak into the microphone.


Ah, yes Neil I already know that.


You see, Feifei, you have to be careful not to be too close to the microphone when you speak,because the pressure of your breath will create this sound - we call that a ’pop’ and the recording will sound bad and our listeners will complain.


Neil! I’ve been working in radio for over 10 years! I know how to use the studio! Stop mansplaining.


Feifei, I was only doing it to introduce that word – mansplaining. It’s a new word.It’s made up of two parts – ’man’ and ’explaining’. Mansplaining is when a man explains something to a woman as if they are stupid or knows less about a subject simply because she is a woman.


Here are some examples.


So there was this guy mansplaining the offside rule to me. I’ve been playing football since I was 4 years old!


Push your foot down a bit harder on the clutch before you try to change gear. It’ll make it much smoother.


Quit the mansplaining. I’m a taxi driver, OK?


Mansplaining. A man’s explanation to a woman, which shows he thinks he knows more than her just because he’s a man.


And did you know Feifei that it’s also a verb – to mansplain? Yes, language changes all the time, Feifei.New words come and old words change meaning. That’s something all language learners need to know…


Neil! Stop! Mansplaining!





BBC地道英语|Down in the dumps 心情跌入谷底

BBC地道英语|So done with 十分厌倦

BBC地道英语|Donkey's years 很长时间

BBC地道英语|Down in the dumps 心情跌入谷底

BBC地道英语|Pot luck 碰运气

BBC地道英语|A busman‘s holiday 照常工作的节假日

BBC地道英语|About 这里,这附近

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BBC地道英语|Long 冗长乏味的

BBC地道英语|It won't wash 没有说服力

BBC地道英语|Give us a bell 给我打电话

BBC地道英语|No great shakes 不怎么样

BBC地道英语|Shrinkflation 缩水式通胀

BBC地道英语|Pull a fast one 欺骗,行骗

BBC地道英语|Left, right, and centre 到处,四面八方

BBC地道英语|A sting in the tail 不愉快的结局

BBC地道英语|Echo chamber 回声室效应

BBC地道英语|It beats me 不知道,不理解

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BBC地道英语|All that jazz 诸如此类

BBC地道英语|The heat is on 压力很大

BBC地道英语|Not gonna lie 实话实说

BBC地道英语|Suck it and see 试试看

BBC地道英语|Give us a bell 给我打电话

BBC地道英语|Snowflake 容易不高兴的人

BBC地道英语 | To blow the cobwebs away 出去透透气 

BBC地道英语|At the drop of a hat 毫不犹豫地

BBC地道英语|Wet weekend 无聊时光

BBC地道英语|Have a go 批评、指责某人

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BBC地道英语|A thing 一种潮流

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