BBC地道英语|social media words 社交媒体用语,你是喷子吗

2018-04-07 小芳老师 小芳老师


Hello, this is The English We Speak, with me Li…


… and me Neil. Hello! What’s the matter with you, Li? You are upset, I can tell.


It’s about my social media profiles, Neil. Some people keep posting negative messages all the time on my pages no matter what I write.It’s not that they disagree with what I post. They just criticise everything - even when they don’t give a proper reason.


Ah… Don’t worry, Li. They might be what people are calling ‘haters’.


Haters’. Yes, I’ve heard this word before… the verb ’to hate’ means to strongly dislike something, doesn’t it?


Yes. And the word ’hater’ has been used to describe someone who says or writes unpleasant things about others or criticises their achievements, especially on the internet.

Hater 怀恨在心的人。现在通常用来指那些在互联网上总是指责批评别人的、发表负面言论的人。

That’s right. And I’ve also heard ’troll’. Is that some kind of creature?


Well, language evolves and old words can take on new meanings. A troll is an ugly creature from folk tales who often behaves in an antisocial way. But these days we call people who leave deliberately annoying or upsetting messages on the internet - while hiding their true identity – ’trolls’.

语言在发展演化,有些老词有了新意。比如 troll 这个词在最初的民间传说里面指一个丑陋的,经常违背社会公德的人。不过,在互联网统领的当今,人们往往用这个词来形容那些不透露真实身份在网上发表恶意中伤言论的人。称这类人为 trolls。

‘Troll’ and ‘hater’ are today’s expressions in The English We Speak. Let’s hear some examples of how they are used.

‘Troll’ 和 ‘hater’就是今天我们地道英语要学的词汇。接下来我们来看几个例子来看看怎么用这两个词。

Joan is fed up with a troll who posts comments on her cooking blog saying that she is fat and should only eat lettuce.

Joan 非常讨厌在博客上狂批他烹饪的网友,喷子们批评他太胖了,应该只吃生菜。

Haters will always have something negative to say.


As I read in a comment on Pinterest: “Haters will see you walk on water and say it’s because you can‘t swim."


You shouldn’t bother about ’haters’, Li. As singer Taylor Swift says in her song Shake It Off, "haters are gonna hate".

你不该因网络喷子而烦恼,杨莉。就像泰勒 斯威夫特在她歌里唱的“耸耸肩,一笑而过”,喷子就该遭恨。

Yes, I like a good debate but ’haters’ and ’trolls’ don’t want a debate. All they want is to annoy people.


That’s more like it. Now let me go and update my Facebook status and check my Twitter account.

差不多就是这样。现在我要更新下我的Facebook 和查看一下我的推特账号了。

Me too. Bye bye!



