
演讲 | 笑翻全场!上海纽约大学留学生毕业致辞:我学的第一句中文是“你的外卖到了”(附视频&演讲稿)

小芳老师 2020-09-18



上海纽约大学国际学生代表Itmum Momin毕业演讲稿英文版

A wise philosopher once said that “in the end, we’re all just stories.” Chancellor Yu, Vice Chancellor Lehman, President Hamilton, honored guests, family members, and fellow members of the Class of 2018, please join me as I take you through our story. The story of 300 dreamers who four years ago, grasped an opportunity of a lifetime and decided to come to NYU Shanghai. The story of how we forged friendships that will last a lifetime. And for better or worse, the story of how we posted things on social media that will as well. The story of how, many of us wanted to give up, pack our bags and go home. But we didn’t and here we stand; united in glory, beaming with violet pride.

Over the last four years, NYU Shanghai has showed us, and continues to show us that if someone is open to it, the ties that bind people - from their race, ethnicities or nationalities, etc. can be transcended by common ground - whether that’s leaving home for the first time, and exploring China with new friends, or going to a GPS lecture together and learning that the answer is often “it depends,” or perhaps to memorizing the iconic welcome tune of a certain 24 hour convenience store. But looking back through all the ups and downs, one thing is clear. The diversity in our nationalities, our gender identities, and socioeconomic backgrounds combined to create a rich diversity in thought, understanding, and action which has led to an unforgettable four years.

Class of 2018, throughout all the ups, downs and midnight street food we’ve consumed, the empathy, kindness, and love we have shown one another is nothing short of amazing. We never just listened to respond with a sassy remark, well, almost never; but even when we did, we always tried to understand the other person’s point of view. You all are my heroes and I learnt something from each and every one of you. 孔子说: 三人行必有我师, as Confucius said, there is always someone to learn from and whether you all know it or not, you all pushed me, every day, to learn something new and become a better person. Not all heroes wear capes, for example, sometimes they wear blue Eleme 饿了么 jackets, but tonight, I see 300 heroes in purple gowns.

And the world needs heroes, 世界需要蝙蝠侠. Jokes aside, we graduate at a time when the world, our world, is dealing with enormous challenges; but also at a time when the opportunity created by those challenges has never been greater.

In 2014, John Sexton challenged us to play another octave of the piano, and that challenge does not end today. As we move forward, I hope we continue to challenge the status quo, continue to shatter ceilings and continue to be engaged agents of positive change within our communities. As we transition from students to alumni, we have a renewed responsibility to continue the standard of excellence we have set for ourselves. But we must also never forget, that it was NYU Shanghai that provided us this fantastic launch pad that many of us would have otherwise not be able to afford.

But enough about the future. Let’s talk about the here and now. Tonight marks the end of a chapter in our stories. A chapter where friends became family, professors became mentors and Shiji Dadao 世纪大道 became home. A chapter where, with Wang Peng and Li You as our guides, we embraced Chinese culture, discovered the deliciousness of freshly made Xiaolongbao and learnt the language. I’ll never forget the first Chinese phrase I learned “Ni De Waimai Dao Le” - Your food delivery is here. But my favorite part of Chinese is that the most common term used to say goodbye - Zai Jian, literally translated to see you again. So, to conclude, to the inaugural Class of 2017, our faculty and staff members, the donors, the A Yi 阿姨 and Shi Fu 师傅, 衷心感谢你们为我们所做的一切. Thank you for everything you have done for us. You have laid the foundations of our future success.

To the Class of 2019, we leave our home in your capable hands. To the Class of 2018, a.k.a the Class of 268, I’m extremely grateful and mighty proud that I had NYU Shanghai and all of you in my story. It truly made this chapter one I’d like to retell over and over again. Zai Jian!

双语回顾 | 上海纽约大学2018届本科生毕业典礼


NYU Shanghai has held its 2018 commencement exercises to honor the many accomplishments of its 265 graduating seniors. The graduates, hailing from 35 countries, including 138 Chinese students from 21 provincial regions, were bestowed NYU bachelor’s degrees as well as NYU Shanghai diplomas during a ceremony at the Shanghai Oriental Arts Center.

下午2点,毕业典礼仪式开始。在掌声和欢呼声中,2018届全体毕业生在旗手姚毓夏、火炬手Leidy Tapasco的引领下入场。此次毕业典礼通过在线直播,向全世界的观众播放。

Led by the banner bearer, Yao Yuxia ‘18, and torch bearer, Leidy Tapasco ‘18, the Class of 2018 entered the hall, to the cheer of family, friends, faculty and fellow students, as audiences around the world also watched the event live online.

火炬手Leidy Tapasco


The first to address the graduating class, NYU Shanghai’s top academic officer, Provost Joanna Waley-Cohen, urged graduates to hold on to “creativity, character, and community,” explaining that “these are the values that will inform your every action as you move forward and will form the basis of lives lived with joy.”


学位授予仪式前,纽约大学校长Andrew Hamilton向2018届毕业生致以祝贺,赞扬他们作为探索者的“胆识、想法与主动性”,这让上海纽约大学从一个愿景,发展成为一个彼此紧密连结的大家庭。

Before joining Chancellor Yu Lizhong to confer the degrees, NYU President Andrew Hamilton honored the pioneering Class of 2018 for their “ideas and initiative,” which have helped transform NYU Shanghai from a vision into a community.  

纽约大学校长Andrew Hamilton


“NYU Shanghai has grown into one of the most exciting universities in China. With rigorous academics; a unique blending of Chinese, American, and international cultures and traditions; a liberal arts curriculum that helps develop nuanced and well-rounded leaders; world-class faculty and top-notch research centers; and a spirit and dynamism and warmth that is all its own,” he said.

纽约大学董事会主席、斯特恩商学院1966届校友William Berkley先生致辞,祝贺新一届校友所取得的成就,欢迎他们加入纽约大学全球校友大家庭。

William Berkley, Stern ‘66, chairman of NYU’s Board of Trustees, also saluted the new members of NYU’s alumni community.

纽约大学董事会主席William Berkley先生


From landing jobs in top-flight companies and intergovernmental organizations such as Amazon, Alibaba, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, IBM, L’Oreal, Morgan Stanley, Roland Berger, Standard Chartered, Tencent and UBS, to earning coveted postgraduate scholarships including one Schwarzman and two Yenching scholars, the Class of 2018 has distinguished themselves across industry sectors and education institutions around the world.  

在同学们的掌声欢呼声中,2018届学生Itmum Momin和陈梦竹作为毕业生代表发言。

Drawing cheers from their classmates, Itmum Momin ‘18 and Chen Mengzhu ‘18 joined the platform party and delivered inspiring speeches that proved to be one of the soaring highlights of the event.

毕业生代表Itmum Momin


“NYU Shanghai showed us, and continues to show us that if someone is open to it, the ties that bind people - from their race, skin color, nationalities, etc. can be transcended by common ground - whether that’s going through GPS together and learning that the answer is often ‘it depends’, to leaving home for the first time and exploring different parts of China with new friends,” Momin said.


“As we navigate in this turbulent world, we will inevitably be disoriented, lost, frustrated, and anxious, but we are also equipped with an open mind, an intellectual cerebrum, and a major called ‘the world’ to tackle on,” Chen said.



Chancellor Yu Lizhong said NYU Shanghai has followed the city’s spirit of “tolerance to diversity, pursuit of excellence, enlightened wisdom and humble openness” over the past five years and has truly integrated into the city.


俞校长赞扬毕业生是和学校一起成长起来的先驱者,并称学校的“探索、改革、创新”精神,也一定融入了同学们的DNA。他引用法国诺贝尔文学奖得主安德烈·纪德(André Gide)的话,鼓励毕业生继续在更宽广的世界寻求挑战,驶向成功,“如果没有勇气离开自己的海岸线,人类将永远不会发现新大陆。”

He reminded the young, pioneering graduates that they have grown with the University and “inherited the DNA of exploration, transformation and innovation.” Citing André Gide, a French Nobel laureate, he encouraged them to respond to global challenges with the courage of “losing sight of the shore,” so as to “discover new oceans.”


Revisiting memories of Global Perspectives on Society with the graduates, Vice Chancellor Jeff Lehman encouraged students to counter stereotypes and prejudice invoked by prevalent fear and isolation for foreign languages, ideas, religions, and races.



“Familiarity breeds respect,” Lehman said. “As you shared your NYU Shanghai experience with classmates from 34 other countries, you offered a model for how genuine mutual knowledge diminishes the kinds of misunderstanding that lead to wars of weapons and wars of trade.”


Celebrating the University’s values and mission, both Chancellors conferred honors to individuals that have exemplified the spirit of NYU Shanghai or shaped its development. Prominent angel investor Xu Xiaoping was recognized as this year’s Chancellor’s Medal of Honor while Zhang Qiling, a parent of the Class of 2018, received the University’s first Vice Chancellor's Service Award for her commitment to community building. Both addressed the graduating students, their families and dignitaries in attendance.



Reflecting on “a few unexpected turns” from his decades of career experience across the fields of music, education and investment, Xu advised the graduates “to stay open to new possibilities, however far they might be from the original plan.”



“In the fine motto of NYU Shanghai, you have made the world your major. And the best part is that when the world is your major, the course of discovery never ends,” he said.


“If you have a vision of yourself as the kind of man or woman you aspire to be, that alone will carry you far. Think less about finding the ideal job, and more about making yourself the ideal person. When that is your outlook, opportunity, I promise, has a way of finding you,” he added.




Following the conferral of degrees and the passing of the NYU Shanghai Torch from the graduating class to the rising senior class, the NYU Shanghai Chorale closed the ceremony with a spirited rendition of NYU Shanghai’s Alma Mater.  


On May 22-23, Shanghai’s iconic landmark--the Oriental Pearl Tower, was once again lit up in violet in honor of NYU Shanghai class 2018, in the same way the Empire State Building is illuminated each year to salute NYU’s graduation. Three cruise ships on Huangpu River were also dressed in violet light to celebrate the joyous occasion.


