

小芳老师 2022-06-09




 每日口语 | 走遍美国

1. 先看视频,了解大致情节。

2. 再听音频,盲听音频3-5遍,大致听懂。

3. 通过文本,学通全部内容。

4. 再听音频,模仿跟读练习语音和口语。

5. 盲听音频,最后盲听音频尽可能多遍,听出画面感。



ACT 3-1  “感恩祷告”

Philip: OK, everybody. I want to welcome Harry and his daughter Michelle to Thanksgiving with us.

Harry: Thank you, Dr. Stewart.

Philip: Call me Philip.

Harry: OK.

Philip: But first, I think we should take a moment and remember the meaning of Thanksgiving.

Harry: Philip, I took Michelle to a school play about the first Thanksgiving.

Philip: Well, why don't you tell us about that, Michelle?

Michelle: Thanksgiving was about the Pilgrims, the first settlers in America. They shared the first harvest with the Indians and gave thanks.

Philip: All right. Then in that spirit let's each of us give thanks. Each in his own way. Who wants to begin?

Grandpa: I will. I give thanks for being here with my family and for being well, so I can enjoy you all.

Robbie: All right! We love you, Grandpa.

Susan: I'd like to give thanks for a healthy year, a good job, and for meeting Harry and Michelle.

Harry: We'd like to give thanks for meeting Susan and the Stewart family.

Michelle: I love you, Daddy.

Susan: Thanks, Harry. That was very kind of you.

Robbie: I'd like to give thanks for Grandpa coming to live with us. And I'd also like to thank my math teacher for giving me a passing grade. And call me, Alexandra.

Ellen: Oh, Robbie!

Grandpa: She'll call.

ACT 3-2  “我应当谢谢你”

Richard: You go first, Marilyn.

Marilyn: I'm thinking. You go first.

Richard: Well, you all know I'm working on my photo album. It's not finished yet. And I'd like to thank Marilyn for being so patient.

Marilyn: Thanks, Richard. I should thank you for encouraging me to keep working on my fashion designs. I'm lucky to have a husband with an artistic eye.

Ellen: Oh, we have a lot to be thankful for. For the food on this table. Just like the Pilgrims.

Philip: I'll go along with that, Ellen.

Ellen: Well, help me serve, Robbie.

[Later, after dinner.]

Harry: It was a wonderful meal, Mrs. Stewart. Thank you.

Richard: And now to see the end of the football game.

Philip: Exactly.

Ellen: Where are you going, Philip?

Philip: Remember, the Michigan football game? And Michigan needs a touchdown.

Ellen: Did you forget something?

Robbie: Dad, your famous apple pie.

Philip: Just let me see the score, Ellen.

Marilyn: Go ahead, Philip. We should all take a little break before dessert.

Ellen: Oh, who could that be? Oh, it must be Alexandra. I invited her to come by for dessert.

Robbie: You did?

Grandpa: I like Ellen.

ACT 3-3  “你怎么猜出来的?”

Robbie: You know everyone, Alexandra.

Ellen: No, she doesn't know Harry Bennett and his daughter Michelle.

Alexandra: Nice to meet you.

Harry & Michelle: Hi.

Marilyn & Susan: Hello, Alexandra.

Alexandra: Hi, Marilyn. Hi, Susan. Happy Thanksgiving.

Ellen: And Alexandra brought us a pumpkin pie.

Robbie: Please sit down, Alexandra. Dad, Richard - Alexandra's here.

Richard: Michigan needs a touchdown. Three minutes to play. Hi, Alexandra. Welcome.

Philip: Hello, Alexandra. Yes, Michigan needs a touchdown. One tiny little touchdown, with just three minutes to play.

Alexandra: You want Michigan to win.

Philip: How'd you guess?

Ellen: And Alexandra brought us a pumpkin pie.

Ellen: What happened?

Philip: We forgot to turn the oven on.

Ellen: We did? Philip, why don't you go watch the last three minutes of the game? I will serve coffee and pumpkin pie.

Philip: OK. I'll be back in a few minutes.

Ellen: Robbie , would you bring the dessert plates? And, Marilyn, would you pour coffee, please?

Marilyn: Sure, Ellen.

Grandpa: How was your Thanksgiving dinner, Alexandra?

Alexandra: Just wonderful, Mr. Stewart. The Molinas are a large family. I love being with them.

Robbie: I'm glad you came by, Alexandra.

Alexandra: I am, too.

Philip: Touchdown!Touchdown! Touchdown!

Grandpa: Great Thanksgiving. Lots to be thankful for. Michigan scored a touchdown. Alexandra came by. And nobody misses Philip's famous apple pie.

Ellen: Oh, Grandpa!


OK, everybody.好啦,各位。

I want to welcome Harry and his daughter Michelle to Thanksgiving with us. 我对Harry和他女儿Michelle来参加我们的感恩节晚餐表示欢迎。

Thank you, Dr. Stewart.谢谢你,Stewart 大夫。

Call me Philip.叫我 Philip。


But first, I think we should take a moment不过首先,我想我们应该用一两分钟

and remember the meaning of Thanksgiving.来追忆一下感恩节的意义。

Philip, I took Michelle to a school play Philip,我带 Michelle 看过学校里演出的

about the first Thanksgiving.第一次感恩节历史剧。

Well, why don't you tell us about that, Michelle?那好,你能否给我们讲一讲,Michelle?

Thanksgiving was about the Pilgrims,感恩节是关于清教徒的,

the first settlers in America.他们是第一批来美国定居的移民。

They shared the first harvest with the Indians他们与印第安人分享首次收成,

and gave thanks.并感恩。

All right.正确。

Then in that spirit let each of us give thanks.现在,本着同样心意,让我们开始感恩。

Each in his own way.每个人用自己的方式来表达。

Who wants to begin?谁先开始?

I will.我来。

I give thanks for being here with my family and for being well,我感谢能在这里和家人同住并且很健康,

so I can enjoy you all.让我享受到你们大家的温馨。

All rihgt!太好了!

We love you, Grandpa.我们爱你,爷爷。

I'd like to give thanks for a healthy year, a good job,我感谢这一年来身体健康,工作顺遂,

and for meeting Harry and Michelle.认识了 Harry 和 Michelle。

We'd like to give thanks for meeting Susan and the Stewart family. 我们要感谢认识了Susan和Stewart一家人。

I love you, Daddy. 我爱你,爸爸。

Thanks, Harry.谢谢你,Harry。

That was very kind of you.你真周到。

I'd like to give thanks for Grandpa coming to live with us.我感谢爷爷到这里和我们一起生活。

And I'd also like to thank my math teacher for giving me a passing grade.我还要感谢我的数学老师给我及格分数。

And call me, Alexandra.还有,打电话给我,Alexandra。

Oh, Robbie! 啊,Robbie!

She'll call.她会打的。

You go first, Marilyn.你先讲,Marilyn。

I'm thinking.我还在想。

You go first. 你先来。

Well, you all know I'm working on my photo album.好吧,你们都知道我正在进行我的写真集。

It's not finished yet.现在还没有完成。

And I'd like to thank Marilyn for being so patient.我要感谢 Marilyn 付出的耐心。

Thanks, Richard.谢谢你,Richard。

I should thank you for encouraging me to keep working on my fashion designs.我应该感谢你一直鼓励我继续我的服装设计工作。

I'm lucky to have a husband with an artistic eye.我很庆幸,我丈夫具有艺术的眼光。

Oh, we have a lot to be thankful for.啊,我们有很多需要感谢的事情。

For the food on this table.感谢这桌上的丰盛食物。

Just like the Pilgrims.就像早年清教徒那样。

I'll go along with that, Ellen.我也有同感,Ellen。

Well, help me serve, Robbie.好,帮我分菜,Robbie。

It was a wonderful meal, Mrs. Stewart.真是一顿精美的晚餐,Stewart 太太。

Thank you.谢谢你。

And now to see the end of the football game.现在去看看足球赛的最后一段。


Where are you going, Philip?你上哪去,Philip?

Remember, the Michigan football game?记得吗?Michigan 足球赛?

And Michigan needs a touchdown. Michigan 队需要达阵得分。

Did you forget something?你是否忘了什么东西?

Dad, your famous apple pie.爸爸,你最着名的苹果派。

Just let me see the score, Ellen.让我去看看比数,Ellen。

Go ahead, Philip.吧,Philip。

We should all take a little break before dessert.吃甜点之前我们大家应该稍微休息一下。

Oh, who could that be?啊,这会是谁呢?

Oh, it must be Alexandra.一定是 Alexandra。

I invited her to come by for dessert.我邀请她来吃甜点。

You did?你请了她?

I like Ellen.我喜欢 Ellen。

You know everyone, Alexandra.你认识每一位吧,Alexandra。

No, she doesn't know Harry Bennett and his daughter Michelle.不,她不认识 Harry Bennett 和他女儿 Michelle。

Nice to meet you.幸会。



Hello, Alexandra.你好,Alexandra。

Hello, Alexandra.你好,Alexandra。

Hi, Marilyn.嗨,Marilyn。

Hi, Susan.嗨,Susan。

Happy Thanksgiving.感恩节快乐。

And Alexandra brought us a pumpkin pie.Alexandra 给我们带来了一个南瓜派。

Please sit down, Alexandra.请坐,Alexandra。

Dad, Richard--Alexandra's here.爸爸、Richard-Alexandra 来了。

Michigan needs a touchdown.Michigan 队需要一次达阵得分。

Three minutes to play.还剩叁分钟。

Hi, Alexandra. Welcome.嗨,Alexandra。欢迎你。

Hello, Alexandra.你好,Alexandra。

Yes, Michigan needs a touchdown.是啊,Michigan 队需要一次达阵得分。

One tiny little touchdown, with just three minutes to play.一次小小的达阵得分,只剩下叁分钟了。

You want Michigan to win.你希望 Michigan 队赢球。

How'd you guess?你怎么晓得?

And Alexandra brought us a pumpkin pie.Alexandra 给我们带来了一个南瓜派。

What happened?怎么啦?

We forgot to turn the oven on.我们忘了开烤箱开关。

We did?我们忘了吗?

Philip, why don't you gob watch the last three minutes of the game. Philip,你为何不去看完那最后叁分钟的球赛。

I will serve coffee and pumpkin pie.我来准备咖啡和南瓜派。

OK. I'll be back in a few minutes.好,过几分钟我就回来。

Robbie, would you bring the dessert plates.Robbie,你把甜点盘子拿来好吗?

And, Marilyn, would you pour coffee, please.Marilyn 请你倒一下咖啡。

Sure, Ellen.当然,Ellen。

How was your Thanksgiving dinner, Alexandra?你的感恩节晚餐怎么样,Alexandra?

Just wonderful, Mr. Stewart.好极了,Stewart 先生。

The Molinas are a large family.Molina 家是一个大家族。

I love being with them.我喜欢和他们在一起。

I'm glad you came by, Alexandra.我很高兴你来,Alexandra。

I am, too.我也一样。

Touchdown! Touchdown! Touchdown!达阵得分!达阵得分!达阵得分!

Great Thanksgiving.美好的感恩节。

Lots to be thankful for.要感谢的事很多。

Michigan scored a touchdown.Michigan 队达阵得分。

Alexandra came by.Alexandra 来了。

And nobody misses Philip's famous apple pie.还有,没人再想到 Philip 着名的苹果派。

Oh, Grandpa!啊,爷爷



备考专辑:英专听力50篇 & 20天四级单词 &  60篇高分范文  

语音单词:美音发音视频教程 英音发音视频教程 @ 名师课堂100集

新闻英语:VOA标准 & VOA慢速 & BBC新闻 18BBC地道英语

歌曲TED:  听歌学英语 & TED合集 & 18年歌曲合集 & 19年歌单

美文故事:  双语美文30篇 & 有声双语48篇 & 听名著学英语 & 图说英文

名字外教:男生版 & 女生版 & 搞笑版 & 命运版 & 外教课310合集 & 每日听写200集

