Shangkai Kevin Yu
Shangkai Kevin Yu
Shangkai Kevin Yu is a painter based in New York City. Dimensionality and visual context are critical to Yu who paints his subjects in vivid detail against backgrounds that are flat, opaque, and in some cases, totally empty. He describes the intended illusion this creates on his blog: “The ground is working to isolate each individual figures; the wholeness of the individual figure is put before the illusion of them together in a real space.”
“The optical and haptic qualities of different painting techniques possess intrinsic symbolic meanings, which are often amplified when the different techniques are contrasted with one another on the same canvas. My work invests itself in finding the right combinations of techniques to capture ideas that emerge from a mixture of fleeting sensory experiences in life, encounters of strange narrative associations in objects, and the critical conceptual response to the ways these experiences and narratives have been captured visually throughout the history of art.”