
Derrick Greaves 绘画

2016-06-15 | 角一


Derrick Greaves


Derrick Greaves (b.1927) is one of the most eminent British painters and is extensively represented in museum and public collections. He  initially gained acclaim in the 1950s, when he represented Britain at the Venice Biennale along with the other 'Kitchen-Sink' painters: Bratby, Middleditch and Smith. However, his work swiftly developed into a more heraldic style that paralleled 1960s Pop Art. 

Derrick Greaves(生于1927)是最杰出的英国画家之一,他的作品被博物馆和公众广泛收藏。他最初在20世纪50年代获得了好评,当时他代表英国与其他“Kitchen-Sink”的画家一起参加威尼斯双年展:Bratby, Middleditch 和 Smith。然而,他的作品迅速发展成为一个更前卫的风格,平行于20世纪60年代波普艺术。

©Derrick Greaves


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