6月15日起,包括肉夹馍、牛羊肉泡馍、葫芦头泡馍 biangbiang面、蓝田荞面饸饹在内的5种西安地方小吃将有统一的地方标准。25日,西安市质监局召开新闻发布会,公布了标准的详细内容。同时强调该标准只是地方推荐标准,对小吃只有引导作用而无决定作用,目的就是为了保护西安小吃的整体品牌。
而在公布的标准中,对这些西安小吃的英文名称也进行了统一。如肉夹馍英语为“Rougamo”,牛肉泡馍英语为“ Pita Bread So awked in beef Soup”羊肉泡馍英语为“ Pita Bread So awked in lamp Soup”,荞面饸络英语为“hele buckwheat noodles”,葫芦头英语为“hulutou”,biangbiang面英语为“ biangbiang noodles”。
肉夹馍 【Rougamo/Meat burger】
Rougamo is one of the Xi'an people’s most favorite foods,it is composed of [由……组成] two key elements – juicy shredded [切成碎片的]braised meat [炖猪肉] and a crispy[酥脆的]steamed bread.
凉皮【Liangpi -cold skin noodles】
Liangpi was made by flour or rice flour. As we all know, the liangpi are often mixed with chili oil[辣椒油], pepper powder[胡椒粉], vinegar[醋] and diced garlic with bean spr-outs[豆芽] and sliced cucumber on it.
石榴汁【Pomegranate juice】
Pomegranates are a local specialty product. It always become the one of the most popular drinks in the autumn.
羊肉泡馍 Pita Bread Soaked in lamb Soup
Pita Bread Soaked in lamb Soup is a symbol of Shaanxi dishes. Before eating this delicious food, people usually break the Pita bread into small pieces.Then, the bread and mutton soup and other ingredients[组成部分] will be cooked together. While people eat the Pita Bread Soaked in lamb Soup together usually with pepper sauce, garlic, parsley, etc.
biangbiang面 = biangbiang noodles =荞面饸络 = hele buckwheat noodles =
主播:侯丹 李依凡
文字整理:侯丹 吕颖
编辑:张珂郡 吕颖