十二生肖是十二地支的形象化代表,即子(鼠)、丑(牛)、寅(虎)、卯(兔)、辰(龙)、巳(蛇)、午(马)、未(羊)、申(猴)、酉(鸡)、戌(狗)、亥(猪),随着历史的发展逐渐融合到相生相克的民间信仰观念,表现在婚姻、人生、年运等,每一种生肖都有丰富的传说,并以此形成一种观念阐释系统,成为民间文化中的形象哲学,如婚配上的属相、庙会祈祷、本命年等。现代,更多人把生肖作为春节的吉祥物,成为娱乐文化活动的象征。 你真的了解 生肖的影响吗 让我们来听听这篇文章是怎么说的吧 Have you ever been asked by your Chinese friend, "What is your zodiac sign?" Don't think they are making small talk. If you say, "I'm a Monkey," they immediately know you are either 24, 36, 48 or 60 years old. Asking a zodiac sign is a polite way of asking your age. By revealing your zodiac sign, you are also being evaluated. Judgments are being made about your fortune or misfortune, your personality, career prospects and how you will do in a given year. If you share you and your partner's animal signs, they will paint a picture in their mind about your private life.你有没有被中国朋友问过“你的生肖是什么?”不要以为他们只是寒暄,如果你说:“我属猴。”他们马上就可以知道你多大年纪。问生肖是问年龄的礼貌方式。知道了你的生还可以对你进行评估。可以预测你幸运与否、你的性格、职业前景、接下来一年的运势走向。如果你分享了你和爱人的生肖,甚至可以想象你的私人生活。 Maybe you don't believe in the Chinese zodiac. As a quarter of the world population is influenced by it, you'd be wise to do something about that.也许 ,你不相信中国的生肖, 但是鉴于全球四分之一的人受它的影响,你最好还是知道一些相关的知识。So what is the Chinese zodiac, exactly? Most Westerners think of Greco-Roman zodiac, the signs divided into 12 months. The Chinese zodiac is different. It's a 12-year cycle labeled with animals, starting with a Rat and ending with a Pig, and has no association with constellations. Our Chinese ancestors constructed a very complicated theoretical framework based on yin and yang, the five elements and the 12 zodiac animals.到底什么是中国的生肖呢?大多数西方人听说过希腊罗马12星座,这些星座把一年分成12个月。中国生肖不同。中国生肖是以动物命名的一个12年的循环,以鼠开始,以猪结尾。它们与星座没有任何联系。中国的老祖先以阴阳,五行和12生肖为基础建立了一套非常复杂的理论框架。Over thousands of years, this popular culture has affected people's major decisions, such as naming, marriage, giving birth and attitude towards each other. And some of the implications are quite amazing.千百年来,这种流行文化影响着人们的大部分决定,比如起名、婚介、生产,甚至对彼此的态度。其中一些涵义令人称奇。The Chinese believe certain animals get on better than the others. So parents choose specific years to give birth to babies, because they believe the team effort by the right combination of animals can give prosperity to families. We also refer to the zodiac when entering into romantic relations. Chinese people even believe some animals are natural enemies.For an example, as a Pig, I need to be careful with a Snake.中国人相信某些生肖与其它生肖比较好相处。所以夫妇选择特定的年份生孩子,因为他们相信特定的生肖组合会让家族更加繁荣,谈恋爱的时候也会参考生肖。甚至中国人相信有些生肖天生相克。比如我属猪就要小心属蛇的人。One last but interesting point: many Chinese people make their investment decisions based on the zodiac sign index. Although the belief and tradition of the zodiac sign has been over thousands of years,the trend of using it in making major decisions did not really happen until the past few decades. Our ancestors were very busy surviving poverty, drought, famine, riot, disease and civil war. And finally, Chinese people have the time, wealth and technology to create an ideal life they've always wanted. The collective decision made by 1.3 billion people has caused the fluctuation in economics and demand on everything, from health care and education to property and consumer goods. As China plays such an important role in the global economy and geopolitics, the decisions made based on the zodiac and other Chinese traditions end up impacting everyone around the world. 最后一个有趣的事情是 很多中国人依据生肖图作为索引 进行投资。 尽管生肖的信仰和传统由来已久,使用生肖作重大决定的风潮近几十年才开始出现。我们的祖先忙于战胜贫穷,干旱、饥荒、动乱、疾病甚至国内战争。终于中国人有时间,有财富和科技,可以过上他们梦想中的生活。13亿人做出的集体决定,足以在经济上掀起巨大的波澜,足以改变很多事情的走向。无论是医疗还是教育领域,无论是财产还是消费品方面。随着中国在全球经济和地域政治中扮演越来越重要的角色,基于生肖和其他中国传统而作出的决定,将会最终影响世界上的每一个人。 好啦,今天小编的分享就到这里,更多美文请点击西法大新锐传媒。好新闻好声音,我们不见不散(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ