竹内亮作品 |《高考2020》之《送你去高考》
这四位导演是日本纪录片导演竹内亮、英国纪录片导演罗飞、柬埔寨纪录片导演潘西西、美国纪录片导演米切尔·法卡斯。今天推出第一集:《送你去高考》,由日本导演竹内亮(Takeuchi Ryo)执导。
竹内亮:他们都是警察吗? Takeuchi Ryo: Are they all police officers? 李宜:对,防止发生一些特殊情况。 Li Yi: Yes, they are here in case of emergencies. 李宜:现在对于高考的防护比以前多了很多,以前没有这么多的警车,现在有特警、公安、消防、救护。 Li Yi: Now there are a lot more protective measures than before. Before there were not so many police cars. Now there are SWAT, public security, fire trucks, and ambulances.
竹内亮:你为什么报名这次的高考专车工作? Takeuchi Ryo: Why did you volunteer to drive the car serviced for Gaokao examinees? 李宜:我自己当年高考的时候是1996年。第二天考试的下午,中午睡过了,我醒来的时候离考试时间还剩20多分钟了。我们那时候规定是提前5分钟必须进考场,如果不进考场就视作放弃,然后我是大概最后还有两分钟的时间赶到考场,非常危险。所以我也希望现在这么发达的年代,能够给考生和他的家长带来一些帮助。 Li Yi: I took Gaokao in 1996. I had to hail a ride myself on the street. On the afternoon of the second day, I overslept. When I woke up, there were only 20 minutes left until the exam time. Back then examinees must arrive five minutes in advance. If you were late, you would be disqualified. In the end, I arrived at the testing site with two minutes left. It was a close call. So now I'm just hoping to do what I can to help the examinees and their parents.
竹内亮:大概每天学习几个小时? Takeuchi Ryo: So how many hours do you study everyday? 李宜女儿:早上到晚上都在学习。 Li’s daughter: Morning to night. 竹内亮:为了什么学习呢? Takeuchi Ryo: What are you studying for? 李宜女儿:主要是想以后能找到自己喜欢的工作。没有获得大学文凭的话,或者没有学出来的话,你干的就是你自己不想干的工作,所以我觉得这样的事情很可悲。 Li’s daughter: I just want to find a job that I enjoy in the future. If you don't get a college diploma, or if you don't learn anything, you might end up doing something you hate. That would be a real shame.
竹内亮:我很好奇,为什么今天你们俩模拟开车? Takeuchi Ryo: I'm curious, why are you doing a test run today? 李宜:我们希望把所有不利因素降到最低。说实话像您这种外国人可能无法理解,我们对高考重视程度,可以说不能再重视,庞先生为了今天走一趟特意请了个假。 Li Yi: We hope to minimize all possible risk factors. To be honest, foreigners like you may not understand, the importance of Gaokao. There is nothing more important than Gaokao. For today's test run, Mr. Pang even asked for time off. 竹内亮:您特意请了假? Takeuchi Ryo: You took time off just for this? 考生家长:对,请了假,因为从我们家到考场有9公里远,有很多路况我不太熟悉。 Examinee’s Parent: Yes, I took time off. Because the testing site is nine km from our home, I am not familiar with the roads. 竹内亮:没想到对中国的学生家长来说高考那么重要。 Takeuchi Ryo: I did not expect that for Chinese students and parents, Gaokao is so important.
李宜:说实话我开车快20年了,2002年拿的驾照,没有哪一次像现在这么紧张。 Li Yi: I have been driving for almost 20 years. I got my driver's license in 2002. Never has it ever been this intense. 竹内亮:庞先生现在是什么样的心情? Takeuchi Ryo: How are you feeling? Mr. Pang. 考生家长:我感觉我的心情取决于他的心情,他比较平静我也比较平静,他要紧张我也紧张。 Examinee’s Parent: My mood depends on his mood. If he is calm, then I am also calm. If he is nervous, then I am also nervous.
竹内亮:南师大附中的话已经开始封路了吧? Takeuchi Ryo: They already closed the road that high school. 工作人员:对,开始的时候这边连电动助力车也不让走,因为他们也会鸣笛。 Staff: Yes, they’ve already started to. When they first closed the road, even electric bikes were not allowed, because they make noise.
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