
A Strategic Solution to Managerial Challenges in China (video)

PTL Group PTL Group 2021-09-17

You've registered a business entity in China, congrats! This is indeed an important step in developing your China business, but are you ready for the next step?

Here is a solution worth considering, which can be summed up in three words: Multi-Disciplinary Management.



The managerial services presented in this video focus on a twofold approach to management: one that zooms into each business function and department in your company and another that pans out to coordinate them all seamlessly under one roof. Each operational component is managed independently whilst never losing sight of what goes on in the business operation altogether.

Foreign-owned companies who embrace this managerial approach enjoy inclusive support that enhances and clarifies their operations in China. Through the lens of periodical audits, c-level managers (usually based overseas) can identify process flaws or irregularities, gain assurance that their business complies with all China’s regulations and benefit from a bird’s eye-view across their entire China operation.

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