Wed 11/16BEER: FIRST Pecha Kucha Night速写被忽视的可再生能源和草根气候,环境行动
北耳Beijing Energy & Environment Roundtable (BEER)特邀嘉宾
Jennifer Turner (吴岚)
Jennifer Turner
Director, China Environment Forum, Woodrow Wilson
北耳Pecha Kucha之夜!
First Ever Pecha Kucha Night at BEER!
Rapid-Fire Talks on Forgotten Renewables and
Grassroots Climate and Green Action in China
Wednesday, November 16th, 2016晚7:30/ Networking begins at 7:30pm, talk starts at 8:00pm
----- Location (地点) -----
Swanport Cafe, Galaxy Soho Block A, 10320
北京市东城区南竹杆胡同2号,银河SOHO A座 3F-10320
----- 报告内容 About the Talk -----
吴岚女士再回北耳!这次她带来了三位来自草根环境组织的负责人,一起加入Pecha Kucha之夜!Pecha Kucha是当下流行的快速演讲工具,20张图片,每张20秒的展示时间,被称作微缩版的“TED”演讲。 吴岚的演讲-被忽视的可再生能源,也许不那么“风景如画”---因为它是污泥和废水!目前,越来越多的美国城市正通过垃圾废水发电而向低碳迈进。也许一个变废为宝的明天在中国并不遥远!同时,三位本土环境组织的工作者将在他们的PechaKucha中展示现阶段环境机构在中国西部应对气候变化,环境保护的机遇与挑战。
Jennifer Turner is back at BEER again, bringing three Chinese grassroots NGO leaders to join her in an evening of rapid-fire Pecha Kucha talks—20 photos, 20 second seach, kind of like a highly caffeinated TED talk. Jennifer’s talk—The Forgotten Renewables—relates stories of the less “picturesque” forms of clean energy—namely sludge and wastewater. Did you know an increasing number of U.S. cities are turning sewage into renewable low-carbon electricity? Maybe poo power has a future in China too. Alongside Jennifer, three Chinese NGOs will give their Pecha Kucha talks (in Chinese) on the promises and obstacles facing grassroots groups in China working on climate mitigation and environmental protection in Western China.
----- 作业 Homework -----
了解有关“变废为宝,污泥发电”, 请提前阅读中国环境论坛的最新博文
For the sludge-to-energy issue check out China Environment Forum recent blog post (
----- 嘉宾简介 About the Speaker-----
Jennifer Turner has been the director of the China Environment Forum at
the Woodrow Wilson Center for 16 years where she creates meetings,
exchanges and publications focusing on a variety of energy and
environmental challenges facing China, particularly on water, energy and
green civil society issues. She has spoken previously at BEER about her
Global Choke Point work that has explored water-energy confrontations in
China, India and the United States.
---- About the Beijing Energy Network----
北京能源网络北京能源网络是一家致力于促进中国环境能源领域个体、机构知识共享,关系拓展与合作的草根组织,服务对象包括政府、金融、工业、媒体、倡导、智库和学界。每两周举行一次线下聚会的北耳是北京能源关系网的招牌活动,活动面向公众开放,且多数免费。请注意,除非得到演讲者本人的允许,否则所有内容不可作为他用。The Beijing Energy Network (BEN) is a grassroots organization dedicated to helping understand and tackle China’s energy and environmental challenges across a wide range of sectors. BEN organizes Beijing Energy & Environmental Roundtables, a regular speaker series that are open to anyone who is interested. We ask that our speaker's remarks remain off the record unless otherwise permitted.
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