Cut through the haze: the crucial role of data, home and abroad
Yann Boquillod, AirVisual
Cut through the fog: The crucial role of data in combatting air pollution, at home and beyond
Wednesday, 11/23, at
Swanport Cafe, Galaxy Soho Block A, 10320
北京市东城区南竹杆胡同2号,银河SOHO A座 3F-10320
About the talk/关于本次讲座
As pollution season descends on Beijing once more, Yann Boquillod from AirVisual joins BEN to discuss the crucial role that data has to play in combatting air pollution, forming the crux of both short-term and long-term solutions. Whilst the problem is now widely acknowledged and felt among most Beijingers, sometimes the scientific reality of air pollution can become obscured in conflicting advice and information, and knowing the best actions to take can be unclear.
Yann will explain which data you should really watch out for in order to protect your health, whilst busting some common myths about pollution along the way. (What is the real impact of breathing in Beijing? Is Beijing more polluted than Shanghai? What does “most polluted” really mean anyway?) Yann will also nod to the future role data has to play in contributing to the long-term solution of reducing air pollution from its sources.
冬季的北京,污染季如期而至。11月23号的活动中,来自AirVisual的Yann Bodillod将讲述数据在空气污染治理中的作用。网络时代,污染背后的真正科学解释往往被海量信息淹没,你是否又在各种相互矛盾的防霾建议中找不着北了呢?
About the Speaker/关于主讲人
Yann Boquillod is the founder of AirVisual, a Beijing-based social enterprise using big data to bring a novel approach to tackling the air pollution problem. Having lived in China for nearly two decades, Yann decided to bring his 19 years of experience working with big data in the tech industry to address the air quality crisis. Earlier this year AirVisual released the Node, an innovative air pollution monitorthat measures PM2.5 and CO2 indoors and out. Beyond China, these are being used by civilians around the world to contribute data to the global air monitoring network (click "read more "at page bottom), helping raise awareness of air pollution worldwide.
Yann Boquillod创建了AirVisual,一个在北京用数据创新污染治理手段的社会企业。在中国生活了近20年后,Yann Boquillod决定利用其在科技行业19年的大数据经历,参与空气治理。今年前一段时间, AirVisual推出了Node, 一个监测室内外PM2.5和二氧化碳浓度的创新产品。生活在国外的小伙伴们用这些数据已经构建了一个全球空气监测网(请猛戳页底“阅读原文”!),帮助各国人民提高对空气污染的意识。