
GMAT训练 | CR解析:Must Be True 演绎类题型

2016-06-13 Linhui Fu NativeStudy

作者 / Linhui Fu, 编辑 / NativeS.



如果让我们用一句话概括GMAT,那么我们会说 “GMAT是用英语来考察你的逻辑能力,包括Quantitative中的逻辑,和Verbal中的逻辑。”
Critical Reasoning (批判性推理)作为以逻辑能力为代表的典型题目,更是需要你时时刻刻保持清晰的思路。就CR而言,CR Bible逻辑圣经给我们提供了一套很实用的思考体系。今天我们将带大家了解CR当中的一个重点题型:Must be true 演绎题


If the statements above are true, which of the following must be true?

Which of the following conclusion is best supported by the statements above?

The statements, if true, best support which of the following assertions?

Which of the following can be correctly inferred from the statements above?

Which of the following is most strongly supported by the information above?

Must be true要求我们根据stimulus中的已知条件去推测一个*必然成立*的结论。解题的时候,如果要用一句话来概括Must be true题目的解题要点的话,我们会说:选项的一切以stimulus为纲。

也就说你选的这个选项必须是从原文能够推理出来的,必须在原文中有根据。通常,这个正确答案是对原文某一句话的同义重复或改述,或者是原文某两或三句话能推出来的*必然成立*的结论。在Must be true当中,你去判断每个答案的时候都一定要去原文找根据,问问自己:原文中有提到过这个选项的内容吗? 或者问问自己:根据原文的信息,选项里的信息一定成立吗? 如果答案是no的话,那么这个选项就不是正确答案。


以下例题摘自Verbal 2nd分册

Case Study 1

A computer equipped with signature-recognition software, which restricts access to a computer to those people whose signatures are on file, identifies a person’s signature by analyzing not only the form of the signature but also such characteristics as pen pressure and signing speed. Even the most adept forgers cannot duplicate all of the characteristics the program analyzes.

Which of the following can be logically concluded from the passage above?

(A) The time it takes to record and analyze a signature makes the software impractical for everyday use.

(B) Computers equipped with the software will soon be installed In most banks.

(C) Nobody can gain access to a computer equipped with the software solely by virtue of skill at forging signatures.

(D) Signature-recognition software has taken many years to develop and perfect.

(E) In many cases even authorized users are denied legitimate access to computers equipped with the software.



Premise 1: 一个新的签字识别软件会允许电脑只开放给签字有记录的人,这个软件确定人选的时候会同时依靠字体形式和其他特点,比如签字笔压和速度。

Premise 2: 即使是技艺最精湛的伪装者也不可能同时复制软件会分析的这些特点

(A) The time it takes to record and analyze a signature makes the software impractical for everyday use.

(A) “软件记录和分析指纹需要消耗的时间导致软件不可能用于日常工作” 。


(B) Computers equipped with the software will soon be installed In most banks.

(B) “装有这种软件的电脑会很快在大多数银行内安装”。


(C) Nobody can gain access to a computer equipped with the software solely by virtue of skill at forging signatures.

(C) “没人能仅仅通过高超的伪装技艺来接近装有这种软件的电脑”。 



(D) Signature-recognition software has taken many years to develop and perfect.

(D) “人们花了很多年去发明和完善签字识别软件”。


(E) In many cases even authorized users are denied legitimate access to computers equipped with the software.

(E) “很多时候即使是被授权的用户也可能被软件拒绝使用此种电脑”。

逐项分析:这属于新信息,原文只说了伪装者不可能入侵这种电脑,却没有提到过软件是否会错误地拒绝授权者。注意伪装者和授权者是两批不同的人,不要把他们混在一起。如果软件拒绝了伪装者,那么这是说明软件工作正常。 如果软件拒绝了授权者,那说明软件犯错了,因为软件本身就是要设计来让这些授权者是可以使用的。原文并未告诉我们软件是否会犯这种错误。

Case Study 2

Laws requiring the use of headlights during daylight hours can prevent automobile collisions. However, since daylight visibility is worse in countries farther from the equator, any such laws would obviously be more effective in preventing collisions in those countries. In fact, the only countries that actually have such laws are farther from the equator than is the continental United States.

Which of the following conclusions could be most properly drawn from the information given above?

(A) Drivers in the continental United States who used their headlights during the day would be just as likely to become involved in a collision as would drivers who did not use their headlights.

(B) In many countries that are farther from the equator than is the continental United States, poor daylight visibility is the single most important factor in automobile collisions.

(C) The proportion of automobile collisions that occur in the daytime is greater in the continental United States than in the countries that have Daytime headlight laws.

(D) Fewer automobile collisions probably occur each year in countries that have daytime headlight laws than occur within the continental United States.

(E) Daytime headlight laws would probably do less to prevent automobile collisions in the continental United States than they do in the countries that have the laws.



Premise 1: 要求白天用汽车前灯的规定会减少碰撞 

Premise 2: 白天可见度在远离赤道的地方更差,所以这种规定在原理赤道的地方更有效  

Premise 3: 唯一一个有这样的规定的地区离赤道的距离比美国大陆离赤道的距离更远

(A) Drivers in the continental United States who used their headlights during the day would be just as likely to become involved in a collision as would drivers who did not use their headlights.

(A)  “在美国的司机如果在白天使用前灯的话,他们会和那些不用前灯的司机一样容易卷入车祸”。


(B) In many countries that are farther from the equator than is the continental United States, poor daylight visibility is the single most important factor in automobile collisions.

(B) “在很多比美国离赤道更远的国家,白天较差的可见度是造成碰撞事故的唯一的最重要的原因”。


(C) The proportion of automobile collisions that occur in the daytime is greater in the continental United States than in the countries that have Daytime headlight laws.

(C) “白天的碰撞事故的比例在美国大于真正有这些规定的国家。”


(D) Fewer automobile collisions probably occur each year in countries that have daytime headlight laws than occur within the continental United States.

(D) “美国的每年国内的车辆碰撞事故的数量比那些真正有这些法律的国家的碰撞事故数量更多”。


(E)Daytime headlight laws would probably do less to prevent automobile collisions in the continental United States than they do in the countries that have the laws.

(E) “ 此法律在美国防止碰撞的效果比不上在真正有这些法律的国家的效果”。



作者简介:Linhui FU,NativeStudy高分导师,兼原创撰稿人。美国乔治华盛顿大学硕士,Business Analytics项目。热爱绘画、音乐、健身、潜水、哲学。同时拥有严谨的逻辑能力和巨大的脑洞,是一枚感性与理性互相拉扯的精分患者。其教授的Bible课程体系广受欢迎,GMAT授课课时已累计过千,受益学生超500人。曾四次组织大型公益课程,并撰写了《GMAT OG16CR新题解析》。


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