
GMAT训练 | OG17 新题讲解:Role of Bank

2016-06-30 Jackie Zeng NativeStudy

作者 / Jackie Zeng, 编辑 / NativeS.



1. 本文一共两段,导师将文段拆成若干小段,采用逻辑阅读法,理解段每段逻辑为主。2. 首先,按顺序阅读各小段,每段和CR原文长度类似,可1分钟计时。3. 接着,在不看答案的情况下,立即回答老师提问。4. 最后,将自己的答案和老师的答案进行比对,查漏补缺。5. 导师会在合适位置会插入RC原题,同学们可按顺序阅读各段后做题(注:最后一题主旨题解析对全文进行了总结)。

Paragraph 1

Historians remain divided over the role of banks in facilitating economic growth in the United States in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Some scholars contend (5) that banks played a minor role in the nation’s growing economy.

#思考# 该段主要内容是什么?

背景导入,引出全文关心的内容:role of banks in economic growth

#思考# Some scholars的观点是什么?


Paragraph 2

Financial institutions, they argue, appeared only after the economy had begun to develop, and once organized, followed conservative lending practices, providing aid to (10) established commercial enterprises but shunning those, such as manufacturing and transportation projects, that were more uncertain and capital-intensive (i.e., requiring greater expenditures in the form of capital than in (15) labor).

#思考# 该段的主要内容?

支持上文some scholars的观点

#思考# 注意到这一段其实只有一句话,所以进行长难句分析,整个句子的结构是什么?

Financial institutions appeared only after the economy had begun to develop and followed conservative lending practices, providing aid to established commercial enterprises but shunning those, such as …, that …

关于句子结构的分析是基本中的基本,这句话看懂的关键在于两个平行:主句有一个,appeared and followed,这个好懂;但关键是分句的平行:providing but shunning.

#思考# 所以第三个问题:

大家能不能尝试解释一下,这个providing but shunning是如何修饰主句的,又表达了怎样的意思?


第一,Providing 和 shunning直接修饰前面整个句子,而不是修饰最近的名词;

第二,Provide和shun的动作由financial institutions发出,明白动作发出者很重要,不要弄混;

第三,Provide 和 shun直接修饰followed,在此句相当于补充说明followed,意思是“how these financial institutions follow the conservative policies”.



#思考# Once organized修饰什么?

这是个openning modifier,and后面这句话的主语是financial institutions, openning modifier都是直接修饰句首的主语,所以organized直接修饰financial institutions


420. The passage suggests that the scholars mentioned in line 4 would argue that the reason banks tended not to fund manufacturing and transportation projects in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries was that

A. these projects, being well established and well capitalized, did not need substantial long-term financing from banks.

B. these projects entailed a level of risk that was too great for banks’ conservative lending practices.

C. banks preferred to invest in other, more speculative projects that offered the potential for higher returns.

D. bank managers believed that these projects would be unlikely to contribute significantly to economic growth in the new country.

E. bank managers believed funding these projects would result in credit being extended to too many borrowers.




C选项可能会纠结,但注意原文没提到high returns。

B选项,注意原文那句话有提到conservative lending practices,所以直接选B就好。


Paragraph 3

A growing number of historians argue, in contrast, that banks were crucial in transforming the early national economy. When state legislatures began granting more bank charter (20) in the 1790s and early 1800s, the supply of credit rose accordingly. Unlike the earliest banks, which had primarily provided short-term loans to well-connected merchants, the banks of the early nineteenth century issued credit widely. 

#思考# In contrast的作用?(具体转折了什么,为什么要转折?)

Some scholars的观点和a growing number of historians的观点冲突,上文认为banks play minor role,现在认为banks are crucial.

#思考# Earliest banks和作者真正想讲的banks有什么区别?

突出借贷范围扩大,来解释为什么banks are crucial in economy.

Paragraph 4

As Paul (25) Gilje asserts, the expansion and democratization of credit in the early nineteenth century became the driving force of the American economy, as banks began furnishing large amounts of capital to transportation and industrial enterprises. The (30) exception, such historians argue, was in the South; here, the overwhelmingly agrarian nature of the economy generated outright opposition to banks, which were seen as monopolistic institutions controlled by an elite group of (35) planters.

#思考# 该段主要内容?

给出例子,支持上文结论:banks are crucial in economy

#思考# 为什么文末要提出exception?

第二段观点是banks were crucial in transforming the early national economy,对立与上一段的minor role,这个exception也是banks role的体现,只不过是反向的。所以这个exception从某种程度上还是支持该段观点的。


423. Which of the following statements best describes the function of the last sentence of the passage?

(A) It provides evidence tending to undermine the viewpoint of the scholars mentioned in line 5.

(B) It resolves a conflict over the rote of banks summarized in the first paragraph.

(C) It clarifies some of the reasons state legislatures began granting more bank charters.

(D) It qualifies a claim made earlier in the passage about the impact of banks on the American economy in the early nineteenth century.

(E) It supports a claim made earlier in the passage about how the expansion of credit affected the economy.


解题思路:主旨题,新观点是banks are crucial in the economy





旧观点:play a minor role.

exception: agriculture opposite to banks. 



D选项,注意qualify的意思:if you qualify a statement, you make it less general by adding a detail or explanation on it. 



419. The primary purpose of the passage is to

A. compare the economic role played by southern banks with the economic role played by banks in the rest of the United States during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.

B. reevaluate a conventional interpretation of the role played by banks in the American economy during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.

C. present different interpretations of the role played by banks in the American economy during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.

D. analyze how the increasing number of banks in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries affected the American economy.

E. examine how scholarly opinion regarding the role played by banks in the American economy during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries has changed over time.


提出老观点:banks play a minor role in the economy

反驳老观点,提出新观点:banks are crucial in the economy;同时还给了一个例外。



B选项,得明白reevaluate的意思:you consider the argument again to make a judgement about them,而文章根本没有consider again,而是直接refute了。

E选项,how opinion has changed over time应该要体现出变化性,而这里就直接从老观点跳到新观点了。




作者简介:Jackie Zeng,NS原创撰稿人,NativeStudy高分导师。GMAT760,TOEFL阅读满分,新加坡管理大学硕士,数理金融专业(Quantitative Finance)。喜爱中国古代哲学思想,推崇禅宗和心学;同时也热爱吉他、健身和游泳,是一名思想尖锐,但积极阳光精力旺盛的大男孩。GMAT教学经验丰富,为现任NativeStudy首席导师,其设计的RC训练表格阅读法深受学生好评。


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