

2016-11-27 Charles Chu NativeStudy

Productive Destruction: The 7-Fold Way to Triple Your Performance

作者 / Charles Chu, 来源 / MarketMeditations







我们习惯性得给自己设定很多任务:本季度要做完这个项目,要练出漂亮的背肌,要每周陪孩子去一趟公园,要把自己过去旅行的照片整理一遍,要养成每周跑步的习惯,要学习英语 。。。


然后独立作家Charles在深入思考这个问题后,告诉我们答案不是需要多,而是少, 简化自己,让自己变得更高效。


We’ve got success all wrong.

Common wisdom says, “To get ahead, do more.” Well, common wisdom hasn’t done the heavy thinking.

When I sat down and studied people with real results, I found the reverse. Instead of doing more… They simplify.

I’ve used this “deletion first” approach to triple my productivity in the last 2 months—going from 2.5 hours of productive work a day (normal for Americans) to more than 8.

Some common false wisdoms:

  • To lose weight, add exercise. Wrong. Subtract calories instead. Successful dieters lose weight by removing the the most damaging foods and eating habits.

  • To do more, add waking time. Wrong. To do more, subtract waking time — go to sleep.I’m aim for 9 hours a day. A few hours of lost sleep can drop productivity by 50% or more.

To do more, begin by making space. I call this process ‘productive destruction’. 

The 7 Deletions…

What follows are 7 “deletions” I’ve personally used to simplify my life, triple my productivity and drastically improve my quality of life.

Note: Some of these are controversial — do your research before you pull out your pitchforks. I’ve done mine


Delete the chair

Welcome to my “office” —

This is the “squat desk” . The correct way to use a chair.

Why do this?

Because sitting kills you.

Each hour of sitting reduces life expectancy by 22 minutes. Americans sit 13 hours a day. That’s 72 days of lost life in a year. 

Chair-deletion comes with a host of benefits: weight loss, life extension, improved digestion, better posture, reduced back pain, and on and on.

Here’s how to get started:

  • Delete the chair from your work space. Don’t let temptation lie around. You’ll get tired and try to use it

  • Get a standing desk. Adjustments takes a few weeks, but the effort is well worth the long term effects.

  • Work in 25–5 microcycles. Set a timer and work for 25 minutes. Then, take a 5 minute break (sit down if you have to). Repeat as necessary.


Delete distractions

My guardian angel

I know my own lack of self control. So I don’t give myself the chance.

Block out the most productive hours of your day and focus only on essentials. I like to block my first 4 morning hours (for writing) and my last 4 evening hours (for reading).

How to start:

  • Track your time for a full week in 15-minute blocks. I use a spreadsheet, but can use an automated tool like RescueTime as well. Make sure you track smartphone usage (not just computer).

  • Identify the 1–3 activities with the most negative impact on your life.

  • Block them with an app like Cold Turkey or Freedom. If it’s a physical activity, delete it from your environment (if possible).

  • Repeat this every few months to identify new paint points


Delete your mind

The most important one -- It’s meditation.

I know, I know. You’re sick of hearing about it. But all spiritual voodoo aside, it’s a mental deload that just works. There’s no better 5 minute investment I can think of.

There are many ways to meditate (breathing, mantra, walking, movement, etc.) but make sure you are doing some kind of meditative practice.

Even 5 minutes can add several hours of focus to your day.

To start, try a zen “100 breaths” approach I learned in Japan —

  • Take deep breaths while counting to 100 (count breaths, not seconds).

  • If you lose count, start over.

  • Continue until you reach 100 breaths or a total of 5 minutes.

Simple mind, simple everything. Give it a shot. You’ll see incredible results.

NS语: 德国建筑设计大师路德维希·密斯·凡德罗提出过著名的设计理念“少即是多”,中国道家思想也提倡大道至简,这些不同领域的想法都与本文作者提出的通过简化自己来达到更高的生产力的理念极其相似。正如一个房间如果想要装下更多的东西,那么首先需要清空它。



