

2017-09-10 NativeStudy

NativeStudy精选编辑的第67篇Great Voice。未经授权不得转载。为您送来一些振聋发聩的声音,去聆听世界的智慧,感受思想的撞击。



Congratulations everyone, you made it.

  • 祝贺所有人,你们做到了。

When I sat in your seat all those years ago, I knew exactly where I was headed, I had it all planned out, I was going to the world bank to work on global poverty. The I would go to law school. And I would spend my life working in a nonprofit or in a government. At Harvard’s commencement tomorrow as your dean described, each school is going to stand up and graduate together, the college, the law school, the med school and so on. At my graduation, my class cheered for the PHD students and then booed the business school. Business school seemed like such a sellout.

18 months later, I applied to business school.

  • 我毕业那年,我想好了自己以后有什么计划,我要进世界银行,对抗全球贫穷,然后我要去法学院,然后我将在非营利机构或政府工作,你们院长也讲了,在明天的哈佛毕业典礼上,每个学院都要起立并一同毕业,本科部吗、法学院、医学院等等。我毕业时,我们班为博士生欢呼,然后嘘了商学院,商学院似乎很不受欢迎。 18个月后,我就申请了商学院。

It wasn’t wrong about what I would do decades after graduating. I had it wrong a year and a half later. And even if I could have predicted I would one-day work in the private sector, I never could have predicted Facebook, because there was no internet, and Mark Zuckerberg was at elementary school, already wearing his hoody. Not locking into a path too early, give me an opportunity to go into a new and life changing field. And for those of you who think I owe everything to good luck, after Canaday I got Quaded.

  • 我对自己毕业后的数十年规划其实并没错,计划只错在了一年后,就算我算到了自己会在私营企业工作,我肯定算不到自己会在脸谱,那时候没有互联网。那时候马克·扎克伯格还在读小学,已经开始穿他的标志性帽衫了。没有太早锁死自己的道路,让我有机会进入改变生活的全新领域。有些人可能认为我运气好,我想说,卡纳迪楼后,我又被安排到了方院。

There is no straight path from your seat today to where you are going. Don’t try to draw that line. You will not just get it wrong. You will miss big opportunities and I mean big, like the internet.

  • 从你们所坐的地方倒你们要去的地方是没有直路的,不要尝试画这样的直线,这不仅会出错,还会错失大机遇,我说的是大机遇,例如像互联网这样。

Careers are not ladders. Those days are long gone, but jungle gyms.  Don’t just move up and down. Don’t just look up. Look backwards, sideways, around corners. Your career and your life will have starts and stops and zigs and zags. Don’t stress out about the white space, the path you can try, because there in lives both the surprises and the opportunities. As you open yourself up to possibility, the most important thing I can tell you today is to open yourself up to honesty, to telling the truth to each other, to be honesty to yourselves, and to be honest about the world we live in.

  • 职业不是梯子,那种时代一去不返了,职业更像是立体方格铁架,不要只上下移动,不要只往上看,还要往回看,往旁边看,看转角周围。你的职业和生活会有始终,会有曲折,不要对未来的道路太过忧虑,因为生活中充满了惊喜和机遇,你需要对各种可能性持开放态度。今天我要讲的最重要的一点就是,对诚实保持开放的态度。相互之间说老实话,对自己诚实,也对我们所生活的世界诚实。

And as I lived through these painful months of separation and divorce, boy, did I wish they had? And boy, did I wish I had asked them? At the same time in my professional life, someone did speak up.  My first boss out of college was Lant Prichett, an economist who teaches at the kennedy School who is here with us today, after I deferred to law school for the second time. Lant sat down and said I don’t think you should go to law school at all, I don’t think you want to go to law school. I think you should because you told your parents you would many years ago.He noted that he had never once heard me talk about the law with any interest.

  • 我熬过了离婚后的这些痛苦时光,我多希望他们原来有给过我建议,我多希望我曾经问过他们。而在我的职业生涯中,确实有人毫无保留地说出了实话。本科后,我的第一任老板是兰特·普利切特,肯尼迪学院授课的一位经济学家,他今天也在现场。我第二次考虑法学院时,兰特跟我说,我不认为你应该去法学院,我也不认为你想去法学院。你认为自己应该去,大概只是你父母一直以来的要求。他注意到,我在谈话中从未表现出对法律的任何兴趣。

I know how hard it can be to be honest with each other, even your closest friends, even when they’re about to make serious mistakes, but I bet sitting here today, you know your closest friends’ strength, weaknesses, what cliff they might drive off, and I bet for the most part you’ve never told them, and they never asked. Ask them. Ask them for the truth because it will help you. And when the answer honestly, you know that that’s what makes them real friends.

  • 我知道相互之间坦诚相见有多么难,哪怕最亲密的朋友,哪怕是在他们可能犯严重错误的时候,不过我敢打赌,在座的各位知道自己亲密朋友的强项和弱项,知道他们可能掉落在哪个悬崖。我也敢打赌,大部分时候,你们并没有告诉他们,他们也从没问过。去问这些问题,真相会越问越明。朋友城市回答时,你就知道他们是你真正的朋友了。

Asking for feedback is a really important habit to get into, as you leave the structure of the school calendar and exams and grades behind. On many jobs if you want to know how you’re doing, if you’re going to have to ask and then you’re going to have to listen without getting defensive. Take it from me, listening to criticism is never fun, but it’s the only way we can improve.

  • 养成寻求反馈的习惯非常重要,特别是在离开学校系统,没了考试和分数之后。很多工作中,如果你想知道自己干得怎么样,你就需要去询问,而且不要因为听到不喜欢听的而觉得受到冒犯。毫无疑问,听人批评绝对不会让人高兴,但我们只能在批评中进步。

So often the truth is sacrificed to conflict avoidance, or by the time we speak the truth, we’ve used so many caveats and preambles that the message totally gets lost. So I ask you to ask each other for the truth and other people: can you list it in simple and clear language? And when you speak your truth, can you use simple and clear language?

  • 通常,真相都成了避免冲突的牺牲品。我们在讲真相时,总喜欢使用很多修饰,很多委婉语,淹没了真正要传达的信息。我希望你们在向他人询问真相的时候,能用简单明了的语言相互交流。讲到自己的真相时,也应使用简单明了的语言。

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Then one day on the treadmill, I was reading this article on Sociology Journal. about how people don’t start out lying to other people, they start out lying to themselves, and the things we repeat most frequently are often those lies.

  • 有天,我在跑步机上,正在读社会学杂志上的论文。上面写道,相比对他人撒谎,人们更喜欢对自己撒谎,而重复最多的那些话,通常就是谎言。

We have even more work to do in being honest about the world we live in. We don’t always see the hard truths, and once we see them, we don’t always have the courage to speak out.

  • 对于我们所生活的世界保持诚实,我们还有很多要做。我们并不总能看到真相,就算看到了,我们经常也没有大声说出的勇气。

When my classmates and I were in college, we thought that fight for gender equally was one that was over. Sure, most of the leaders in every industry were men, but we thought changing that was just a matter of time. Lamont library right over there, one generation before us didn’t let women through its doors. But by the time we sat in your seat, everything was equal, Harvard and Radcliffe was fully integrated.

  • 我和同学们在读大学时,认为性格平等的斗争已经结束。没错,大部分行业的领袖都是男性,但改变应该只是时间的问题。那边的拉蒙特图书馆,就在我们之前一代人的时间里,不允许女性进入,但在我们毕业那时,一切都平等了。哈佛和拉德克里夫完全统一了。

We didn’t need feminism because we were already equals. We were wrong. I was wrong. The word was not equal then and it is not equal now. I think nowadays, we don’t just hide ourselves from the hard truth and shut our eyes to the inequities, but we suffer from the tyranny of low expectations.

  • 我们不需要女权主义,因为我们已经得到了平等。我们错了,我错了,世界在那时并不平等,现在也不平等。我认为现如今,我们并不只是假装没看到真相,并对不平等视而不见,我们还在遭受低预期的践踏。

We need to see the truth and speak the truth. We tolerate discrimination and we pretend that opportunity is equal. Yes, we elected an African-American president, but racism is pervasive still.

Yes, there are women who run Fortune 500 companies, 5 percent to be precise, but our road there is still paved with words like pussy and bossy, while our male peers are leaders and results focused.

  • 我们需要看到真相,讲出真相。我们容忍歧视,假装机会是平等的。没错,我们选举了一位非裔美国人总统。但种族主义仍然无处不在,不错,确实有女性掌握着财富500强企业,准确说是5%。但我们的道路上,充满了母老虎,跋扈老女人这样的恶语。而我们的男性同行却被尊为领袖,被认为成就卓著。

African-American women have to prove that they're not angry. Latinos risk being branded fiery hot head. A group of Asian-American women and men in Facebook wore pins one day that said I may or may not be good enough.

  • 非裔美国女性总需要证明自己没有生气,拉丁裔总被打上暴躁急性子的标签。脸谱有一群亚裔男女,胸口带着牌子说,我有可能不够好。

You can challenge stereotypes that's subtle and obvious. At Facebook, we have posters around the wall to inspire us, done is better than perfect, Fortune favors the bold. What would you do if you weren't afraid? My new favorite nothing at Facebook is someone else's problem. I hope you feel that way about the problems you see in the world., because they are not someone else's problem. Gender inequality harms men along with women. Racism hurts Whites along with Minorities. And the lack of equal opportunity keeps all of us from failing our true potential.

  • 你们可以挑战老一套的做法,在脸谱我们会贴海报激励自己,完成重于完美,财富偏爱勇敢者,不要害怕,勇往直前。我最近又喜欢上一条,在脸谱没有别人的问题。我希望你们也能这样看问题,问题没有别人的问题。性别不平等对男性和女性都没有好处,种族主义对白人和少数族裔都是伤害,缺乏平等机会,让我们所有人无法发挥自己的真正潜能。


So as you graduate today, I want to put some pressure on you, I want to put some pressure on you to acknowledge the hard truths, not shy away from them, and when you see them to address them.

  • 在你们毕业的今天,我希望给你们一些压力,让你认识到,真相虽然有时难以接受,但很重要。不要逃避,碰到就要勇于面对。

The first time I spoke out about what it was like to be a woman in the workforce was less than five years ago. That means that for 18 years from where you sit to where I stand, my silence implied that everything was okay. You can do better than I did. And I mean that so sincerely.

  • 我第一次站出来,公开宣扬职场女权主义,仅仅是不到5年前。也就是说,毕业后,我有18年时间都保持着沉默。这种沉默似乎是在说,一切像这样就行了。你们肯定能比我做的更好。我由衷地这样认为。

At the same time, I want to take some pressure off you, sitting here today you don't have to know what career you want or how to get the career you might want. Leaning in does not mean your path will be straight or smooth and most people who make great contribution start way later than Mark Zuckerberg. Find a jungle gym you want to play and start climbing, not only will you figure out what you want to do eventually, but once you do, you'll crush it.

  • 同时,我也希望给你们减轻一些压力。今天坐在这里的你们,不需要知道自己该如何走上正确的人生道路。“向前一步”并不意味着你的前路将一帆风顺。很多人对世界的重大贡献都远远晚于马克·扎克伯格。找到你想爬的立体方格铁架,并开始攀爬。你最终会找到你想做的事情,并最终获得成功。

Tomorrow, you all become part of a lifelong community, which offers truly great opportunity, and therefore comes with real obligation. You can make the world fair for everyone, expect honesty from yourself and each other, demand and create truly equal opportunity, not eventually, but now. And tomorrow by the way, you get something Mark Zuckerberg does not have, a Harvard degree. Congratulations, everyone!

  • 明天,你们都将步入社会,这是一生的旅途,途中会碰到很好的机遇,也会有很重大的责任,你们能够让世界对于每个人更加公平。对自己和他人,你们需要坦诚相待,要求并创造真正平等的机会。不是最终,而是现在。顺便说下,明天你们将获得马克·扎克伯格所没有的东西,一份哈佛学位。祝贺每一位毕业生!




