
Babybearmm: GMAT一战760 (Q51V42),倾情回馈。阅读量破19万的深度好文!

2016-02-04 Babybearmm NativeStudy

题图作者:法国诺曼底摄影师 Vincent Bourilhon

作者 / Babybearmm

首发于 / ChaseDream Forum




Part I: GMAT reflection (本文内容)

1. Inside-out  2. Parsimony  3. Making connection  4. The big picture

Part II: (点击阅读)

1. My GMAT journey & suggestions
2. Verbal-CR
3. Verbal-SC
4. Verbal-RC & Foundations
5. Quant & AWA

作者前言:如果你是初识GMAT,Reflection的东东类似"GMAT哲学",可能对你来说太抽象,所以不妨直接跳到Part II 吧。

Part I: GMAT reflection

最早想叫做GMAT philosophy,然而GMAT的博大精深不是平凡如我在半年间所能洞穿的。在这里我只是想和大家分享一些自己的点滴体会,也是对GMAT从不同角度的认识,尽管接下来分的这几个部分的划分并非complete & independent,唯愿能起到抛砖之效。



这个想法来源于Simon Sinek在TED上备受喜爱的演讲: How Great Leaders Inspire Action。在此强烈推荐,相信大家听过之后会得到很多方面的启迪。我是学biochemistry的,对Simon讲的这一段深表认同:

None of what I'm telling you is my opinion.It's all grounded in the tenets of biology. Not psychology, biology. If youlook at across-section of the human brain, looking from the top down, what yousee is the human brain is actually broken into three major components that correlate perfectly with the golden circle. Our newest brain, our Homo sapienbrain, our neocortex, corresponds with the "what" level. The neocortex is responsible for all of ourrational and analytical thought and language. The middle two sections make upour limbic brains, and our limbic brains are responsible for all of ourfeelings, like trust and loyalty. It's also responsible for all human behavior, all decision-making, and it has no capacity for language.  (编者注: 1. the LIMBIC part of the brain controls decision making and emotion. 2. the NEOCORTEX part of the brain controls rational thought.)


So the same idea is here with GMAT. If welearn GMAT from outside in, from all the trivial language rules, we are cramming into our brain a bunch of tiny and meaningless stuffs, and we will, even assuming we are lucky enough to remember all these stuffs, end up with a bunch of facts and rules, BUT we do NOT know how to apply them to answer test questions! The reason is grounded in the tenets of neurobiology. All these trivial information goes into our neocortex - the outer part, but our decision-making"headquarter" lies in our limbic brain - the innerpart. The decision-making dictates our judgement, the judgement that we are going to make when facing every single problem in the GMAT test, the judgement over whether a particular sentence is acceptable, for example.... This is what I have found -the way by which most Chinese test-takers study GMAT, and which is absolutely ineffective from a biology standpoint.

What happens if we learn GMAT from inside out?

Here's how Apple actually communicates."Everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo. We believe inthinking differently. The way we challenge the status quo is by making ourproducts beautifully designed, simple to use and user friendly. We just happen to make great computers. Want to buy one?"

So, think this way.

1.Everything GMAT tests, it believes in expressing correctly and effectively.

-Sure! This idea/belief makes perfectsense! We will be using English language to communicate, either in our B-schoolor future business world, and thus we want to make sure our expression is well understood. Right?

2.The way GMAT tests this is by SC problems: Does the s-v pair make sense together and agree in number? Is the pronoun ambiguous? Is the modifier well-placed to make sense? Is the verb tense conveying the intended meaning?...

3.GMAT just happens to have some rules, such as the usage of v-ing form, but the ultimate goal is to use v-ing to express the intended meaning correctly and effectively.

As you can see, if we take this inside-out approach, everything in SC will suddenly become easy. Because we believe what GMAT believes, we will buy its ideas, and we will truly appreciate the elegance of the English language.  In this sense, we do not need to recall the specific grammatical rule to solve a SC problem, and all we needis to understand the sentence and to apply our judgement - based on our limbicbrain.

也许,有同学初接触GMAT时会觉得,GMAT这厮真是奇怪不讲道理,什么喜欢主动不喜欢被动啊,甚至还有什么V-A-N偏好排序法则啊(见Manhattan SC Guide)。如果你觉得这是GMAT“不讲道理”,那就是你没有把握住其道理,即本质。

一个句子,用active voice,表达的信息量是什么?强调的信息量又是什么?换成passive voice又是怎么样的?通常哪一种voice所表达的信息量更大呢?你能找几个用passive voice更好的句子,来justify the usage of passive voice么?(提示:尝试在OG SC文档中搜索passive voice或者active voice)

Before scientists learned how to make asynthetic growth hormone, removing it painstakingly in small amounts from thepituitary glands of human cadavers.

A) scientists learned how to make asynthetic growth hormone, removing it painstakingly

B) scientists had learned about making asynthetic growth hormone, they had to remove it painstakingly

C) scientists learned how to synthesize the growth hormone, it had to be painstakingly removed

D) learning how to make a synthetic growth hormone, scientists had to remove it painstakingly

E) learning how to synthesize the growth hormone, it had to be painstakingly removed by scientists

原句(A)尽管语法错误,但表达的意思是清晰的,就说:到底是谁"remove it painstakingly"?这个问题作者没说,也不重要。强调的只是受体,而不是subject.

所以正确选项(C)的passive voice恰如其分。而错误选项(B)(D)包含的意思是scientists是"remove it painstakingly"的主语,这就是在原句基础上凭空添加了主语,distort the meaning.

看,当你明白了active/passive voice所造成的本质的区别之后,你还需要去记忆所谓的“主动比被动好”这样的不靠谱的法则么?不用了吧,解放咱的宝贵的记忆空间吧~

再进一步,下面这道题,你能否不考虑modifier issues,只通过active/passive voice 这一点来选定正确答案?(我来人为制造难度,嘿嘿…..提示:preserve the author’s intended meaning)

When drafting the Declaration of Sentiments that was adopted at the Seneca Falls Women’s Rights Conventions in 1848,included in it by the author, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, was a call for female enfranchisement.

A, When drafting the Declaration of Sentiments that was adopted at the Seneca Falls Women’s Rights Conventions in1848, included in it by the author, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, was a call for female enfranchisement.

B. Including a call for female enfranchisement, a draft of the Declaration of Sentiments was adopted at the Seneca Falls Women’s Rights Conventions in 1848 that Elizabeth Cady Stantonwrote.

C. When the Declaration of Sentiments drafted by Elizabeth Cady Stanton was adopted at the Seneca Falls Women’sRights Convention in 1848, a call for female enfranchisement had been included in it .

D. A call for female enfranchisement,included in Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s draft of the Declaration of Sentiments in1848, that was adopted by the Seneca Falls Women’s Rights Convention.

E. When Elizabeth Cady Stanton drafted the Declaration of Sentiments that was adopted at the Seneca Falls Women’s RightsConvention in 1848, she included in it a call for female enfranchisement.


1. Draft – Elizabeth Cady Stanton

2. Adopt – unknown people/organization(UNKNOWN SUBJECT)

3. Include - Elizabeth Cady Stanton

而尽管原句语法错误,但以上意思是很清晰的。那么正确的句子必须能体现draft和include两个动作的主语是Elizabeth Cady Stanton,同时也要体现adopt这个动作的主语未知——那么adopt就应用passive voice,根据咱前面讨论的passive voice的本质。来看看各个选项,除了(A)之外,只有(E)清晰地表达了以上3个动作所拥有的信息量,对吧?



Research during the past several decades on the nature of language and the processes that produce and make it understandable has revealed great complexity instead of underlying simplicity.

(A) that produce and make it understandable has revealed great complexity instead of underlying simplicity

(B) of producing and understanding it have revealed not underlying simplicity but great complexity

(C) by which it is produced and understood has revealed not underlying simplicity but great complexity

(D) by which it is produced and understood have revealed great complexity rather than underlying simplicity

(E) by which one produces and understands it have revealed great complexity instead of underlying simplicity

再提个问题,到底应该是 ”A derives from B” 还是 ”A is derived from B” ? 如果你没有把握住active/passivevoice的本质,你会觉得“这好像是idiom的问题吧”“这需要记忆吧,真头疼”…这样的想法,就是outside-in的思维。而运用the inside-out mindset,需要琢磨透的是GMAT的灵魂,而不是记住GMAT的外衣。所谓:衣衫易改,本性难移。

还有,可曾想过:有时候被动会产生歧义,改成主动就好了;而又有些时候主动会产生歧义,改成被动就好了. 世界真奇妙吧,你晕了么?这是摘自Manhattan SC Guide的两个句子,曾经和饭饭mm、路飞斑斑等讨论过的问题:

1. 被动会产生歧义,改成主动就好了

The dealer was asked to sell a paining byPicasso.

2. 主动会产生歧义,改成被动就好了

The council granted the right to make legal petition to city official.


我个人理解:歧义的根源在于介词。被动语态需要的介词by,可能在句子中搭配成别的意思(a painting by Picasso)。而grant sth. to sb.这样的主动语态所需要的介词to,也可能会产生别的搭配(petition to city official)。这样的歧义,就是字面上产生多种合乎逻辑的解读。所以下次当我遇到”by …”这样的被动语态时,我会想想:是否by会产生歧义解读呢?——比如说上面那道题(“Research during the past severaldecades on the nature of language…”).

到这里我回过头想,哎我在干吗啊~~我饶了一大圈,到最后讨论到ambiguity,又回到了SC的本质:Everything GMAT tests, it believes in expressing correctly and effectively.

至于什么主动被动的rule,我不记得了,let’s simply forget about it

学到inside-out,才能让那些知识点真正内化,变为你的second nature,也就是形成一种intuition。如Simon Sinek所说,正是这种intuition,主导我们的decision-making——在考场上遇到一道题目,由limbic brain做出的选哪个选项的抉择,也就是所谓的gut decision. 这时候,就完成了由无招到有招再到无招的轮回。

Parsimony (“大道至简”)

其实这一点跟上面的inside-out mindset是紧密联系的,而事实上,parsimony正是宇宙万物的本质,所谓“道法自然”。物理学家一直在孜孜不倦地探究”grand unifying theory”,试图统一所有的particles & forces。就连素来被归为empirical studies的生物学,也在追求类似的”grand unifying theory”,比如在cancer, neurobiology等领域.



曾经在Manhattan论坛上,有个同学就问:我听说有这么一个rule(就类似我上面一段描述的),但这题不满足,请问这题怎么解释?Ron大神(a Manhattan Instructor, GMAT 800)就很帅气地回复说,丢掉这个rule,”Occam’s Razor applies here”。(编者注:Occam’s Razor states that one should not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.)

我看过一些国外GMAT牛人的心经,很多都提到: 整个GMATSC只有”a handful of rules”——屈指可数!假如你觉得你需要依靠很强的记忆去学习SC,那几乎一定是——没有找到theright strategy,没有学到inside out.



What do we care about comparison? Parallelism!

What are considered parallel?  1.Grammatical parallelism;  2. logical parallelism.

好了,comparison问题,就转化为parallelism的问题,也就是说comparison不过是parallelism的一个特例而已,NO need to devote a newchapter, let alone list in ten forms.

这就是“大道至简”,正如物理学里目前能够把除了gravity的三种作用力统一,在这里就是把comparison归并到parallelism. 有人说“上帝喜欢简单”。越是简单,越接近于真理

简单说下遇到比较题怎么操作。不管是than,是as … as …,还是twice之类的词,方法都是统一的:

1. 看到comparison indicator: e.g.“than”, “as… as…”

2. 找到紧接着这个indicator后出现的比较对象B

3. 在这个indicator前面,寻找B可能的counterpart – A,要求A与B的parallelism关系符合语法和逻辑两方面的要求。这样的A是否存在且唯一?


以上,解决所有涉及比较的问题,再加上一点“近乎废话的话”:Whenever you see a quantity/figure/ratio/percent, make sure that quantity/figure/ratio/percentis clearly defined.

Parsimony,不只是学习方法,也是解题的方法——Never make additional assumptions!

有段时间我总结时发现,很多时候CR做错,不是想不到,而是想多了——over-think。比如这个选项本来是out of scope的,我自己想着想着就建立起了联系,理解成了in-scope。

Ron: The correct answer should work “asis”.Never make additional assumptions.

其实CR考的就是严密的线性思维,而不是天马行空的brain-storming. 所以,Don’t over think。

化繁为简,是一种智慧,是在这个信息爆炸的Big Data时代的business leaders必须具备的素养。而简单的生活,同样是一种睿智的人生哲学。咱洞悉人性的先哲,就提出了“大道至简”。人的大脑很复杂,但分管emotion,judgment等等的limbic brain其实很简单。在哺乳动物的漫长的进化史上,大脑皮层的那些神经元数量疯狂地增长,其相互联系也不断复杂化,然而内部的limbic brain却并未有太大的演变。我想也许这就能解释:为何parsimony同样是人性的真理,而不仅仅是自然界的真理。

《三国志》里提到,诸葛亮之所以比徐庶等伙伴们牛,就是因为读书时“三人务于精熟,而独亮观其大略”。而我们做GMAT CR/RC,也要学习诸葛亮的“观其大略”。我很欣赏ManhattanRC strategy guide中提到的KISS法则——“Keep it simple, stupid”. 这是RC和CR成功的要义之一。

Making Connections

“许多看似不相关的事,其实都是相互有关联的” ——阮次山《新闻今日谈》

让所学的知识建立关联、形成体系,其实是普适的学习方法,其理论基础来源于neuroscience。在superbat 神贴里,bat详细介绍了如何通过横向、纵向刷OG达到对SC的融会贯通。

这里我来谈一下CR吧。通常大家都按题型来划分,这固然是一种思路,因为每一种题型有其特有的出题和选项编排方式,对应了特有的策略。诚然,这种分类掌握题型的方法对初学者很有用,特别是有助于理解一些基本逻辑概念,例如连续刷assumption题,就能有助于理解什么叫做assumption。然而这种分法, alone and undeveloped, 具有弊端:一则现在新颖的题型诸如fillin the blank日渐风行,我自己考试就遇到一道,而GMAT显然也想借此倡导思维的flexibility;二则,这种分题型的方法并没有体现出题者的思维,也没有体现逻辑的本质。过去的题库里,就存在很多这样的情形:同样一个段子,换成不同的问题出成不同的题目——GMAC也懒,而且出崭新的高质量的CR段子的难度很大。而很多时候,我们会发现GMAC做的事情是“旧瓶装新酒”,同一个逻辑内核换截然不同的外壳。

在我看来,很多GMAT CR题目都是有逻辑背景的,就那么几个themes——

correlation VS. causality

# vs. %

sample average vs. sample distribution

各种sample-selecting bias (例如:survivorship bias, self-selection bias,self-reporting bias)

past vs. future  (look-ahead bias)

false comparison/analogy

Aristotle 三段论

necessary vs. sufficient

faithful representation of indicators (诸如”claim to be”≠actually be; Rule/law in place ≠ compliance to the law/rule;  false positive/negative; …)


——等等反反复复出现。这些logical themes才是CR的核心,而分题型只是很表面的。一个主题可能跨越很多题型,出题者也就是以此为背景变换场景和题型的。比如各种sample selecting bias经常出现在weaken或者flaw里,Aristotle三段论的思想经常体现在inference和assumption里,至于# vs. %在几乎每种题型都能出现。"faithful representation of indicators"更是很多很多CR题目的突破点。话题更是五花八门,一会儿考古了,一会儿生物了….然而,当你拨开层层外衣揭露其逻辑本质,就会发现真相竟是如此的清晰,仅仅是被出题老头鬼魅地掩埋而已。(关于argument patterns & flaws,爆烈推荐Manhattan出的Foundations of GMAT Verbal一书的CR相关章节)

比如说以下几道OG13的CR题目,都是100以后的题号,presumably算CR难题了,有趣的是其题型还恰好各不相同,但其破题核心的逻辑却是相同的、看上去有点“小儿科”的:"Don'tcompare an apple to an orange."

#101 (irradiation of food vs. cooking)

#107 (discount store)

#114 (assume same mechanism in normal people and blind people)

My take-home:

when the argument makes comparison or draws an analogy, the assumption is: these two are comparable or analogous.

以上,我想说复习的时候从多角度去make connections。比如CR,既要按题型总结question type-specific strategies,也要总结内在纽带——logic patterns & flaws. 另外,强推Ron提出的CR复习方法:make your own analogous questions。我切身尝试过这个方法,很有效,比如就我错题中忽略的那种逻辑错误编个让我自己忍俊不禁的argument.

The big picture(大局观)

“棋道圣手,以围地为目标,然必以取势为根基。子子枢要,方可成势。势坚则围地,势弱则地断。若方才之棋,若‘秦国’处处与‘魏国’纠结缠斗,‘秦国’则难以支撑。若以势围地,势地相生,则‘秦国’自胜。” ——卫鞅论围棋,摘自孙皓晖《大秦帝国》(第一部)


SC的“势”就是作者的语意逻辑。“势”重于“形”,而“形”“势”相生。作者写这句话想要表达的意思到底是什么?下面是一道来自Manhattan CAT题目(700-800 level)

Although they are crucially important, a person's total calorie intake is only one of the many factors that determine if their weight will increase or decrease.

A. they are crucially important, a person's total calorie intake is only one of the many factors that determine if their weight will increase or decrease

B. it is crucially important, a person's total calorie intake is only one of the many factors that determine whether his or her weight will increase or decrease

C. it is a crucially important factor, a person's total calorie intake is the only one of many that determines whether his or her weight will increase or decrease

D. crucially important, a person's total calorie intake is only one of the many factors that determines the increase or decrease in their weight

E. it is crucially important, a person's total calorie intake is the only one of many factors that determines the increase or decrease in his or her weight

这题选B。能看出E选项两处distort the intended meaning吗?

1. “one of the many factors that determine” vs. “one of many factors that determines”

单复数,决定了后面that-clause描述的到底是”total calorie intake”这一个factor,还是”many factors”,而这又和全句的逻辑(“although”)密切联系。

2. 您可曾觉得 “determine whether sth will increase or decrease” 有些wordy, clumsy,而 ”determine the increase or decrease in sth” 很concise?If so, be careful! 这两者的意思是完全不同的!原句要说的是“决定是增加或是减少”,而E选项说的是“决定这个增加或减少的数值(量化)”。这就是之前说的,把握逻辑大势而不计较语言上一池一地之得失。何况咱作为non-native speakers对语言的感觉自然不如native speakers,事实上这句子正确选项表达一点都不wordy,尽管在我眼里像个呆板的啰嗦的老头。在我刚开始SC学习的时候会看到选项里我不熟悉的或者看着不爽的表达就无脑排除,比如倒装句型,比如乍看去很诡异的词序,经过几次教训后学会了这一课。


Layering in SC

Manhattan Foundations of GMAT Verbal

Manhattan RC Guide: Chapter 1 “unpacking”

事实上,提了主干之后,诸如S-V agreement, parallelism等错误就一目了然,misplaced modifier也显而易见。同时,OG也强调,句子的核心逻辑要体现在主干上,比如OG13 #96 (即OG12 #98),这题只需要靠提主干就能搞定,准确而快捷。看看OG解释的第一段里,第一句话说”Even though”体现转折之意,第二句话告诉我们句意到底是什么和什么形成转折。不夸张地说,领会了OG解释的这两句话,这题“大势已定”,后面的各选项解释那些“支离破碎”的都不用看了。

CR的“势”就是argument的conclusion(以及导出conclusion的最直接的premise)。所有有关无关的判断,其准则都是这条primary premise conclusion 的主线。抓住它,就占据了兵家要塞,所以一切的攻守——削弱加强都由此而来。关于CR的这一课,我是在Stacey的帖子里学到的,同时也是从这道我做错的题里学到的:

Tiger sharks are common in the waters surrounding Tenare Island. Usually tiger sharks feed on smaller sharks, but sometimes they have attacked tourists swimming and surfing at Tenare’s beaches.This has hurt Tenare’s tourism industry, which is second only to its fishing industry in annual revenues. In order to help the economy, therefore, the mayor of the island has proposed an ongoing program to kill any tiger sharks within a mile of the beaches.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly calls into question the likelihood that implementation of the mayor’s proposal will have the desired consequences?

(A) Even if not all the tiger sharks that come close to the beaches are killed, the existence of the program would reassure tourists.

(B) Business owners who depend on tourism are willing to pay most of the cost of implementing the program.

(C) Tourists come to Tenare Island for its beaches, even though the island features a number of other tourist attractions.

(D) The small sharks on which tiger sharks prey feed on fish that are commercially important to the island’s fisheries.

(E) Not all tourists who come to Tenare Island enjoy swimming or surfing.”

做这道题的时候,认为(D)选项outof scope从而误排除的,也许不止我一个人吧?我想啊,这题整个说的就是Tiger sharks会攻击人影响旅游业吧,至于tiger shark吃啥——Who cares?! 咱关心旅游业,咱又不是研究动物的科学家呢….. 然而事实上,(D)才是真正的相关!相关与否,取决的是结论,而非我一眼读过去印象中的“Tiger sharks攻击人从而影响旅游业”这样的story.这题是典型的措施目的型,我们评价标准是”have the desired consequences”,而desired consequence正是文中结论里的目标”In order to help the economy”,而(D)所描述的渔业,尽管和题干里的tourism无关,但和结论的”the economy”关系密切(”which is second only to its fishing industry”)。后来我也逐渐体会到了,措施目的型的CR题,结论里的 ”in order to …” 或者不定式 ”to …” 这种体现goal的语言是纲领,即是大势之所在。

RC的“势”就是作者的意图与手法(强推《悠悠阅读法》)。GMAT的阅读真的很考框架感,需要关注逻辑主线。读文章时,头脑里仿佛有个作者的回声”fact fact fact fact fact. So what? Conclusion! I got it. BUT WAIT! Here’s the TWIST: although whatever, that conclusion is wrong! Here’s why: #1 bla bla #2bla bla. Here’s a new hypothesis. Here’s the support #1 #2 #3. “ 也许你和我一样会在草稿纸上画出mind-map,也许你只是记在心里,但不管怎样,抓住文章的大势,即抓住了RC的核心。

综上,无论是SC, CR,RC,其“势”都是内在逻辑!这也是为什么说GMAT考察的核心是logical reasoning.


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