
磁带CD赠送|北京最地下小众电子派对之一 · Unicat Attack!独角猫攻击Vol.5

musicdish MusicDish独立小炒 2022-03-16






CD(Dead J邵彦棚《心象》)







2.福利截止3/15  18:00


Unicat Attack !   Vol.5  

独角猫攻击 . 五  

Attention:Swipe For Eglish !⬇️


2022年3月20日,将在751文化公园举行虎年第5次活动,独角猫攻击!将返回到Royal Alloy。

Unicat Attack! is a series of electronic music parties which combine live performances and DJ sets, with each event also being a release party for a compilation of original electronic music on cassette tape and online streaming platforms.The whole thing is themed around unicorn cats with each event and tape adorned with a different version of the unicat created by a guest artist. The aim of Unicat Attack! is to create a fun, playful event which introduces new and interesting types of electronic music to different audiences and gives DJs and live artists an opportunity to reach new audiences.

The fifth event and first for the year of the tiger is being held on March 20, 2022 with the Unicat returning to Royal Alloy in 751 Culture Park. 

Unicat Vol.3在Royal Alloy

上次在Royal Alloy是Unicat Vol.3的时候,我们和不同年龄的人一起玩得很开心,同时享受大跃啤酒饮料和Musicdish的特调莓果鸡尾酒。


Last time we had a blast with people of all ages bumping and rollicking the day away whilst enjoying Great Leap Brewing’s beverages and Musicdish’s signature baijiu cocktail.This time around we aim to repeat the feat and throw another awesome daytime rave, complete with a line of DJs and live sets who’ve never played on the same event before, booze deals, cassette tapes, draw your own unicats, and of course flashing unicorn horns. 


幕后我们有制作人和转盘DJ Boring,他在世界各地演奏,他的混音作品包括传奇的李· Scratch Perry (RIP) ; Dub/trip hop制作人兼DJ Dizzy Di,他的巡演遍布世界各地,与一些在世的传奇人物一起演奏,将雷鬼配音的神圣之美带给大众 ; 混合现场二重唱DK16混合dub、酸性技术,与迷幻的音景重新想象现有的产品到绊倒的即兴创作; 以及即将登台的DJ Key Minor,他一直在北京最好的俱乐部之夜巡回演出,无缝融合了来自世界各地的影响。

Behind the decks we have producer and spinner DJ Boring who’s played all over the world and whose remix portfolio includes the legendary Lee Scratch Perry (RIP); Dub/trip hop producer and DJ Dizzy Di, whose toured all over the world and played with some living legends, bringing the divine beauty of dub reggae to the masses; hybrid live duo DK16 mixing dub, acid techno, with psychedelic soundscapes reimagining existing productions into tripped out improvisations; and up and coming DJ Key Minor whose been doing the rounds of Beijing’s best club nights, seamless blending influences from across the globe.

和往常一样,独角猫攻击! 的派对还同时举办了一场发行活动,展示由中国原创电子音乐制作人制作的盒式EP专辑,包括在活动中表演的艺术家。

第五卷磁带的特色是DJ Boring的《Dub For Extinct Birds》,这是一个在繁茂的热带雨林中心跳动的鸟类槽,有时髦的低音线和闪闪发光的衬垫;《Tina》由Dizzy Di,一个凉爽和宽敞的旅行跳MPC果酱,将取悦大规模攻击和Portishead的粉丝;DK16提供了一个强有力的酸技术轨道(在写作时还没有命名),Kongsent混合在一起的选择削减Davecoin的科幻键漂移和变形 ; 最后,从广东迁到英国的和脑波普长期合作的Last boss,是独角猫攻击!最多产的制作人之一,幸运的是,这首歌将与疯狂的管弦乐队崩溃的《Thread Threat Theatre 2》分享。



As per usual a Unicat party also doubles as a release show for a cassette EP compilation featuring original electronic music by China based producers, including artists performing at the event. The Vol.5 tape features'Dub For Extinct Birds' By DJ Boring, a pumping avian groove in the heart of a lush rainforest of funky bass lines and shimmery pads; ‘Tina’ By Dizzy Di, a cool and spacious trip hop MPC jam that will please fans of Massive Attack and Portishead; DK16 offer up a banging acid techno track (which is untitled at the time of writing) in which Kongsent blends together choice cuts over which Davecoin’s sci-fi keys drift and morph;  finally a track from Guangdong-UK transplant and longterm Daftpop collaborator Last boss, one of the most prolific producers the Unicat is lucky enough to have in its orbit, who this time shares the frantic orchestral breakbeat meltdown of 'Thread Threat Theatre 2’. The artwork for this cassette and the event’s poster was created by the brilliant Chandoso, who’s idiosyncratic characters and witty social commentary can be found in zines, galleries, and bars across Beijing, including Side Street and Zhujingban. Only 50 of these cassettes will be produced and some of this tracks will be cassette only so don’t miss out on completing your Unicat collection!


Now we’re firmly in the year of the Tiger ! 


it’s time to dance with the Unicat once again !

   About Party   

地点 Location:

Royal Alloy, 751D Park, Beijing

时间 Time : 

3/20 14:00-20:00

预售 Presale: 80RMB

现场 Door: 100RMB


送 ! 磁 ! 带 ! 

Includes tape for first 50 guests 




专注Dub声音系统/Trip Hop;制作人DJ,拥有Live house负责人等多重身份,其音乐风格多样,可驾驭禅意深远的Triphop,迷雾般的AbstractHip-hop以及节奏灵动的Funk Soul,甚至是充满异域色彩的Dub,Jungle,刚烈的Drum andBass,Breaks。

他在北欧组织起了Dub厂牌own sound,并化名Level-DIZZY Selector并与各国的Reggae singer/rapper一起活跃于欧洲的音乐节舞台。2012年创建了活动/音乐厂牌DizzySystem。

Focusing on Dub/Trip Hop; Producer and DJ, DizzyDi has multiple identities and has a variety of musical styles, such as the groovy Triphop, the misty Abstract Hip-hop and the rhythmic Old Funk Soul, he likes to add some exotic colors with Dub, Jungle, Drum and Bass, or Breaks. He organized the Dub branded "Own Sound" in Northern Europe and became known as Level-DIZZY Selector while active in the European music festival stage alongside Reggae singers and Rappers from various countries. He created the musical event/label DizzySystem in 2012.

DJ Boring 

拥有丰富品味和无止境音乐追求的DJ Boring以美国(WUOG)的电台 DJ为起点,2011年后一直作为DJ活跃着。从流行经典、摇滚、嘻哈、舞曲朋克和放克,到太空迪斯科、德国电子、俱乐部和浩室,他给舞厅和派对带去丰富的音乐。在日常做beat单曲的同时,他也不断发行更具备电子乐风味的专辑。音乐和现实,从未变得无聊…






DJ Boring has been dj’ing internationally since 2011, after having started as a radio DJ in the USA (WUOG), with a wide range of tastes and a non-stop music disposition. Making solo beats all along the way, he has continued to release albums of increasingly focused electronic music, and is still DJ’ing clubs and parties with music ranging from pop classics, rock, hip-hop, dance-punk and funk, to space disco, German techno, club and house music. Tuned to the vibe and in reality, never boring...


DK16 是由Kongsent和Davecoin合作的全新形式Live组合(HYBRID SET),DK取自于北京老式地铁型号,在原有的轨道上做出新的组合。他们会将现有Dub Techno和Acid Techno的曲目元素与合成器相结合奉上现场即兴演奏,为原有歌曲重新编排混音带来了另一层旋律和纹理性。DK16 每次会将Set做重新编排和即兴表演结合在一起做出全新Remix从而突破流派的界限。

DK16 is the new collaborative live music (HYBRID SET) project developed by Kongsent and Davecoin. The name, DK, is taken from Beijing's old-fashioned subway model that became a new combination on the original track. They combine an existing Dub Techno and Acid Techno repertoire with an analog synthesizer keyboard to provide live improvisation, which brings another layer of melody and texture to the mix of the original songs. DK16 will combine set re-arrangement and improvisation every time to create a new remix that breaks through the boundaries of genres.

Key Minor



She has been exposed to music since she was a child, and her style is amorphous. Years of accumulation of various genres have given her unique insights into electronic music, and she is good at incorporating various elements into a limited style set. As a member of Mongolian, she has been exploring different styles of music and is committed to bringing Mongolian national elements and electronic music to the audience.

 主办 :Daftpop 脑波谱 

Daftpop是一个北京反流行品牌,由丈夫和妻子Nan Guazi和Dann Gaymer(又名Guiguisuisui鬼鬼祟祟)于2018年创立。 该品牌的设计基于流行文化的各个方面,并将它们结合并重新混合,创造出新鲜有趣的东西。 虽然第一线是由创始人设计的限量衬衫和包包,但该品牌的目标是成为其他艺术家和设计师推广中国原创作品的平台, 最近扩展到CD和磁带录音带。


Daftpop is a Beijing anti-pop brand founded in 2018 by Nan Guazi and Dann Gaymer (aka. Guiguisuisui 鬼鬼祟祟). The brand’s designs are based around taking facets of pop culture and combining and remixing them to create something fresh and fun. The brand began with an apparel focus (a limited run of shirts and bags designed by the founders), later branching out to incorporate other elements of their creative expression including accessories, musical releases, zines, and events. To date the brand has collaborated with numerous brands including clothing and skate brand and record labels from around the world.  The aim of the brand is to become a platform to promote original work from counter culture scenes are the world.


Music: https://daftpop.bandcamp.com/


Homepage: https://daftpopculture.com/

 主办 :MusicDish独立小炒

MusicDish * China独立小炒是一家位于纽约和北京的创意音乐机构,专注于制作和推广中国的现场音乐(live)活动。 

自2010年上海世博会Tomas Doncker首次巡演以来,MusicDish一直在管理和推广越来越多的海外艺术家的巡演活动,包括格莱美获得者Sugar Blue,布鲁斯摇滚教父Tom “The Suit” Forst,挪威实验乐队Sturle Dagsland和保加利亚爵士音乐家Ruth Koleva。 



3/26|“Into the Twilight Zone”发梦茱莉、Macondo、空气纸theairpaper


Life Hurts, Music Heals




