

Ryanben Capital 瑞恩资本RyanbenCapital 2024-02-17

2023年1月18日,来自广东广州的广东天成金汇企业发展有限公司控股公司TOP KINGWIN LTD(以下简称“天成金汇”)在美国证监会(SEC)公开披露招股书,其早于2022年8月26日在SEC秘密递表,股票代码TCJH,拟在美国纳斯达克IPO上市 。




天成金汇,总部位于广州,收入主要来自企业业务培训、企业咨询以及咨询和交易服务,主要客户 是中国中小企业的企业家和高管。 

天成金汇最初是一家企业业务培训和咨询公司,从 2020 年开始为客户提供个人和管理培训以及财务咨询服务。自成立以来,公司的主要业务重点是通过定制课程、研讨会提供与资本市场相关的教育和支持服务 和咨询,以提高客户对资本市场的认识和专业知识。 随后,随着品牌知名度的提高、过去交易建立的信任以及客户的口碑推荐,公司开始提供咨询和交易服务,以扩展公司的价值链并增强公司的货币化能力。

天成金汇的咨询和交易服务专注于 (i) 投资策略规划服务,即帮助公司的客户发展他们的业务概况、营销解决方案、发展解决方案、业务网络机会和来自第三方的资本资源;(ii) 投资者关系服务,即在公司的客户和潜在投资者之间建立双向沟通渠道;(iii) 融资支持服务,即在整个投资周期中提供股权融资建议,帮助客户准备必要的文件。 公司相信,公司多元化的服务不仅相互补充,而且构成一个完整的价值链,让处于不同发展阶段或有特定需求的客户从中受益。

徐瑞临 Ruilin Xu,通过Xu Ruilin Capital CO., Ltd持有A类股票48万股、占A类股票的5.84%、拥有0.57%的投票权,持有B类股票378.6960万股、占B类股票的100%、拥有90.22%的投票权,合计持股占全部股票的35.56%、合计拥有90.79%的投票权;

Fern Win Talent Holding Co., Ltd(曹斯棋Siqi Cao占40%,郝佳奇Jiaqi Hao占60%)持有A类股票96万股、占A类股票的11.69%、拥有1.14%的投票权;

谭友军 Youjun Tan,通过控制的TIANCHENGYIHAO Holding Ltd持有A类股票114.1920万股、占A类股票的13.90%、拥有1.36%的投票权;

孟东(音译) Dong Meng,通过控制的Astra Capital Ltd持有A类股票72万股、占A类股票的8.77%、拥有0.86%的投票权;

黄霏(音译) Fei Huang,通过控制的Huang Fei Holding Co., Ltd 持有A类股票69.4320万股、占A类股票的8.45%、拥有0.83%的投票权。





徐瑞临 Ruilin Xu
Ruilin Xu has been serving as our sole Director since February 16, 2022, and Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the board of directors since August 22, 2022. He has approximately ten years of experience in training, consulting and advisory industry. Mr. Xu founded and has been serving as Chief Executive Officer for our operating subsidiary, Guangdong Tiancheng Jinhui Enterprise Development Co., Ltd., since October 2018. From August 2020, he has been serving as a Director of Chengdu Red Eagle Equity Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd., focusing on private placement, mergers and acquisitions and investment in National Equities Exchange and Quotations and Beijing Stock Exchange. Mr. Xu founded and has been serving as Deputy General Manager of Guangzhou Tiancheng Capital Management Group Co., Ltd., a company specialized in venture capital financing, in July 2019, and served as Deputy General Manager until September 30, 2021. From December 2012 to February 2019, Mr. Xu served as the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Instructor of Chengdu Chengbang Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd., the main business of which is enterprise management consulting and it has provided consulting services for hundreds of small and medium-sized enterprises in China. Mr. Xu holds a bachelor’s degree with a major in business administration from Apollos University, USA and is currently pursuing his MBA studies at the EU Business School, Switzerland. We believe that Mr. Xu’s experience in the training, consulting and advisory industry and extensive knowledge of the Company from his various roles on the management team qualify him to serve on our board of directors.

Dan Wu 

Dan Wu has been serving as our Chief Financial Officer since July 23, 2022, where she is responsible for overseeing the Company’s financial functions including accounting, financial and management reporting, financing, capital management and financial analysis. Ms. Wu has approximately 12 years of experience in the industry of corporate finance and auditing. Since June 2021, Ms. Wu has been holding a senior associate position in Fern Win Capital, a venture capital firm in China. Ms. Wu served as auditor (from August 2011 to June 2016) and corporate finance manager (from July 2016 to March 2021) in Crowe Horwath First Trust LLP (Singapore), one of the leading accounting, tax and advisory services firms in Singapore, where she led and managed statutory audits of various listed companies, as well as provided Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“US GAAP”) and International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) advice to a wide range of clients. Ms. Wu holds a bachelor’s degree with a major in economics from the China University of Mining and Technology and a Master of Science in Finance from the University of Stirling, UK.

曹斯棋 Siqi Cao 

Siqi Cao has served as our director since July 23, 2022. Mr. Cao has more than 10 years of experience in investment and management. Since April 2016, he has been serving as the managing director and Chief Executive Officer of Fern Win Capital (China) Co., Ltd., a Hong Kong based asset management and venture capital firm, overseeing the firm’s project management and performance. In August 2012, Mr. Cao founded Beijing Shengshi Jiahe Trading Co., Ltd., specializing in corporate advisory services, where he provided professional guidance, assistance, advice and solutions with respect to corporate financial activities. Mr. Cao holds a bachelor’s degree with a major in business administration from the University of Toronto, Canada and a Master of Business Administration from the EU Business School, Switzerland. We believe that Mr. Cao is qualified to serve on our board of directors because of his experience in investment and management.

招股书显示,在过去的2020年、2021年和2022年前九个月,天成金汇的收入分别为133.39万、629.47万和280.17万美元,相应的净利润分别为33.997万、230.86万和 -10.78万美元。


天成金汇是次IPO的的中介团队主要有:万通证券为其承销商;Friedman LLP为其审计师;竞天公诚、Robinson & Cole LLP分别为其公司中国律师、公司美国律师;锦天城、Olshan Frome Wolosky LLP为其承销商美国律师。

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优品车 U Power,在美国SEC递交招股书,拟纳斯达克IPO上市



Ryanben Capital 瑞恩资本RyanbenCapital

