

2016-04-24 李仕萍 人类学之滇



初五,在亲戚家拜年,一片谈笑声和麻将碰撞声中,文从手机上抬头,忽然神色异样地走到面前,轻声说,“ Saya去世了。”



























Saya 出生于缅甸珠宝世家,早年在家受教育,后随家人赴美。Saya就是缅语中对老师的尊称。他照缅甸传统在寺庙里短暂剃度出家,并让儿孙辈延续了这个传统。年轻时候的照片里,Saya一米九的个子,瘦而直,帅气逼人,叼着雪茄,身穿笼基(一种缅甸男人穿的筒裙)。他做事有魄力,性情刚直,给人强势印象,不易通融。但我们却没觉得什么不好。话虽不多,能感觉他一直对我们的默默关怀。































































我知道这是很可能的,我也遭遇过几次折磨。有一次,肚子里翻江倒海,吃药都不见效,下不来床了。努努拿出一种白色药片让我试试,吃下去居然立竿见影。她就分了一些药,找个空瓶子装了给我,还贴心地抄了服药说明。第二天,我好了很多,见客厅里有些葡萄,正想拿起来吃,Saya从背后看见,说:“你最好别吃,葡萄会让你继续拉肚子。” 我想也是,就乖乖地放了回去。


他们也有吵架的时候。有一次好似 Saya怪责努努没做某件事情。结果努努发奋,连夜翻山越岭,独自穿过原始密林。密林里经过一个小破屋,有人烧火,她就和那人一起就着火,听着周围未知野兽的各种怪异声响。天亮后继续赶路,整整一夜,才走到附近小镇上,办完了事情又连夜赶回来。





















































2016年春节, F. K. Lehman 教授于睡梦中与世长辞, 享年94. 教授中文名为莱曼,缅甸名为Chitlaing, 晚年论著多署名F. K. L. Chitlaing。本科学数学,辅修语言学,后获哥伦比亚大学人类学博士学位。有6门母语,一生习得17门语言。受聘于美国伊利诺伊大学香槟校区人类学系、语言学系、和认知科学中心近60年。研究兴趣广泛,曾在东亚、东南亚、和南亚50多个田野点展开过人类学和语言学调查, 发表过一本专著和两百多篇论文。曾任美国缅甸研究协会主席(近30年),主编《人类学与民族学科学》(5年)和《数学人类学与文化理论》(18年)等杂志。曾获伊利诺伊大学杰出贡献奖。曾与中国多所大学, 如云南大学和云南民族大学有长期合作关系.


莱曼教授在人类学中的贡献主要在对缅甸钦人等多民族跨区域社会网络的研究。其博士论文研究钦人的社会结构(1963 TheStructure of Chin Society. Urbana: University of Illinois Press),之后,他探讨了东南亚各民族在长期历史过程中形成的网络关系,如早期克钦人受马帮贸易影响而产生的政治制度变迁,和今天中缅边境贸易中傣族和佤族人扮演的culturalbroker 角色。其研究整合了区域中宏大政治经济结构和社区中宗教和社会组织的细节。这方面比较突出的论文有:

1989Internal Inflationary Pressures in the Prestige Economy of the Feast-of-MeritComplex: The Chin and Kachin Cases from Upper Burma. Pp.89-102 in Susan D.Russell, ed., Ritual Power, and Economy:Upland-Lowland Contrasts in Mainland Southeast Asia. DeKalb: NorthernIllinois University.

2009The Central Position Of The Shan/Tai Buddhism For The SociopoliticalDevelopment Of Wa And Kayah Peoples. Journalof Contemporary Buddhism 10, 1: 17-30.



1995 CanGod be Coerced? — Structural Correlates of Merit and Blessing in Some Religionsof South East Asia. Pp. 20-51 in Blessingand Merit in Mainland Southeast Asia in Comparative Perspective, edited byCornelia Ann Kammerer and Nicola Tannenbaum. Yale University Southeast Program,Monograph #45.

2003   TheRelevance of the Founders’ Cult for Understanding the Political Systems of thePeoples of Northern South East Asia and its Chinese Borderlands, pp. 15-39 inNicola Tannenbaum and Cornelia A. Kammerer, eds. Founders’ Cults in Southeast Asia: Ancestors, Polity, and Identity,New Haven: Monograph 52, Yale University Southeast Asia Program.



1985Cognition and Computation, in Janet W.D. Dougherty, ed., Directions in Cognitive Anthropology. pp. 19-48 Urbana: Universityof Illinois Press.

1993(Janet D. Keller and ___) Computational Complexity in the Cognitive Modellingof Cosmological Ideas, pp. 74-92 in Pascal Boyer, ed., Cognitive Aspects of Religious Symbolism. Cambridge UniversityPress.

2002  (withDavid J. Herdrich) On the Relevance of Point Fields for Spatiality in Oceania. Pacific Linguistics, special issue,179-197.

2004On the "Globality Hypothesis" about Social/Cultural Structure AnAlgebraic Solution. Cybernetics andSystems 36, 8 (Special Issue on Cultural Systems): 803-816






他也是一位令人钦佩的导师。他对研究生说,你决定做一个人类学家, 就不只是我的学生了, 是我年轻的同行!激励年轻人去发现和改变人类学。


他还是一位好老师。课上,他不是对着一个叫做班级的东西讲课, 而在跟具体鲜活的人交流。







My main research efforts are being devoted to mathematical anthropology, cognitivescience, and linguistics, as well as to the linguistics of Burmese and of theChin languages of the India-Burma borderlands (major Lai Chin trilingualdictionary project has now been given three years of Research Boardsponsorship, and I am putting forward an application to NEH for its completion,with my Linguistics graduate student, A. Ceu Hlun), and the anthropology of theChin peoples and of the complex of peoples involved in cross border ethnic andtrade relations on the China-Burma border. This last work began in January of1997, during my attendance in Kunming, Yunnan, PRC at an internationalconference, where I presented a major paper, long since published, after whichmy former student and late colleague, Dr WANG Zhusheng and I did pilot fieldwork on the basis of which we are now planning a longer term field researchthere, with some funding already secured, partly in connection with the newexchange arrangement between his Yunnan University and our Center for EastAsian & Pacific Studies. This work has now been resumed as of the Summer of2001, under invitation from Yunnan University's Research Center of BorderRegions and Minority Nationalities in Southwest Chin, with a year's field workto be begun in December, 2002. This involvement with field projects inSouthwest China began with my Summer 2001 field work with a graduate studentamong the Wa of that province. This Summer’s work was on the ethnography of theWa of Yunnan, and especially their form of Charismatic Buddhism. Then, foreleven months of 2003, contiued in Summer, 2007, I did field work on theinter-ethnic cross border trade between China and Burma, mainly on the gemtrade but on other aspects as well — mostly in Ruili, in Southern Yunnan, butalso at Teng Chong and in Mandalay, Myitkyina and Lashio, in Burma. In theSummer of 2006, after presenting a paper at the 8th International Conference onBurma Studies at Singapore (which I helped chair as Chairman of the BurmaStudies Group of the Association for Asian Studies) I went back to Kunming andto Mandalay to arrange extensions of this work along other sections of thatborder, which is to be undertaken in the Summer of 2007.

My work, on the theoretical side, is chiefly in abstract algebra and the theory ofquantification and this is applied both to linguistics and semantics and to thedevelopment of formal-intensional theory of cognition. Also, I am trying towork out a comprehensive view of Burmese social structure and cultural historyas part of a larger view of (a) Theravåda Buddhist ideology and (b) theorganisation of ethnic relations in South-eastern Asia.  This takes intoconsideration both my own field materials and extensive translations.  Amonograph on kinship algebra, including the general theory of alliance andaffinity,  is actively contemplated, too.  All this leads me torevise my major course lectures recurrently, and I consider my introduction tothe curriculum of work on algebraic methods particularly important.  I amlikewise working actively in linguistics, both on the formal, theoretical side,mainly on syntax and semantics, and on Tibeto-Burman and Tai languages quitegenerally.  It is my constant aim to try and interrelate all theseinterests and activities round the theories of cognition and artificialintelligence research; this is the focus, in particular, for relating myanthropology and my linguistics, and both to my substantive Southeast Asiainterests, Burmese and other. I also keep up active interest in anthropologicaltheory in general, and have done work in ethnicity theory and on symbolism,trying to put the study of them on a formal, abstract basis. Some of the mostimportant results are the results of recent (1990-91) work with my Ph.D. thesisstudent, R. R. Sands, and the theoretical work on a comprehensive cognitivelyoriented formal theory of society, culture and ethnicity is now being puttogether by the two of us. For instance, my work on quantification insemantics, logic and mathematics has found important and far reachingapplications in my work on formal syntax regarding the theory of EmptyPronominal Categories and related aspects of the theories of syntacticGovernment, Binding and Control. 

All these formal interests in cognition, quantification, syntax and semanticsconstitute the core of my current work, with Dr. Janet D. Keller, on ourcourse, Anthropology 370, and our projected textbook on anthropologicallinguistics.  Similarly, my work on the mathematical analysis of kinshipand marriage structures has led directly to important results concerningso-called global structuring of social and cultural systems; this is central tomy course, Anthropology 339, on Anthropological Theory and my advanced courseon formal theory and kinship systems (Anthropology 453). I have also returnedto the teaching of the anthropology of South Asia (India etc.) since the Autumnsemester of 1994, and in 1995, teaching it again, I have worked with my nowretired colleague H. A. Gould on his projected volume on the comparative studyof systems of caste. This brings me back to my own comparative work on socialstratification having to do with the category of sumptuary Estate systems,which began in my doctoral dissertation. My work on kinship mathematics remainsvery current (see my 2001 paper in AnthropologicalTheory); I am on 2 panels for the AAA meetings of November, 2001 andcontinue my collaboration in this line of work with, D. W., Read of UCLA, D. B.Kronenfeld of UC Riverside, and others and also in connection with thee-journal (refereed), MACT.

With the pilot field work of 1989-90 and with the arrival in this country of my longtime Chin associate, Lian Uk B. A. LL.B., I returned to my research on the Chinand Mizo (Lushai) peoples of the India-Burma border; I am planning long-termfield work there, and have again started writing and publishing on Chinlanguage and ethnography. My paper (October, 1990), on the bearing of pilotwork on the Lakher language upon the general theory of the syntax of agreementsystems. With the assistance of the Burma Project of the Open Society Instituteof New York (Soros Foundation), I have participated in two conferences (on inNew York in the Spring of 1995, one in Washington D.C., in July) devoted to thesalvage ethnography and cultural history by and for the use of the minorityethnic communities of Burma. I have helped organise this project in general,and, with Mr. Lian Uk, I am now putting together manuscript and video materialfrom and on the Chin State of Burma for editing and archiving and eventualpublication. In this connection I am also actively revising my basicethnographic monograph on the Chin (1963) for republication, under an offerfrom White Lotus publishers, Bangkok.

My published paper on the descriptive and historical phonology of the Burmesedialects of Upper Burma is the result of my Spring, 1988 season in Mandalay. J.Fraser Bennett), who took his Ph.D. under me in Linguistics in the Spring of1995, picked up on my own earlier work on the Red Karen (Kayah) language, andhe and I and a colleague  (Dr. D. B. Solnit) formerly at the University ofMichigan, who has also worked on these dialects, have recently jointly renewedwork on the Kayah, where Solnit and I did field work in the Summer of 1994. Inaddition, I returned then briefly to Burma to set up plans for long term fieldresearch on a possible dialect atlas of the Burmese language, and am preparinga research and funding proposal for that purpose at this time.

I was an invited participant in a panel on work in Kinship organised by mycolleague, Professor D. Read of UCLA, for the 1995 AAA meetings on surveyingkinship theory in general, and this work grows out of the co-operative workthat Read and I continue to do towards a projected large conference andeventual published volume on kinship mathematics and related matters. I now(1997-98) have a small grant from the UIUC Graduate Research Board forfurthering the computational part of this research, which now includes Dr.Giovanni Bennardo (with especial regard to Tongan data).

My work on the cognitive analysis of culturally distinctive constructions of spaceand spatiality continues apace. In November, 1997, at the AAA meetings, I presenteda paper on point-field representations of space, with special reference toPolynesia (Samoa more particularly), and this is now being prepared forpublication together with my pupil, David Herdrich, Government Archaeologistfor American Samoa, on the basis of his rich ethnographic data collected forhis dissertation on Samoan conceptions of space.

On my new work on the China-Burma border, see the opening lines of this section.My most recent fieldwork has been during the winter of 2009-2010 in a Kachin(Jingpo)village in Southwestern China, with my doctoral student, Zhang Wenyi,again  connected withcross-border/interethnic relations and the modellng of cognitive changes due tointerethnic relations, in this case attempt9ng to model the emergence of newcognitive consensus in terms of chaos theory

I have directed five Ph.D. theses in linguistics, over twelve in anthropology,including two at other universities (University of Chicago, SUNY Stony Brook),been on some two score of thesis committees in anthropology, linguistics,education-cognitive science, and other departments, and been external examinerfor numerous theses, here and abroad (India: Gauhati, Calcutta, Australia:Sydney, Switzerland: Zürich, Denmark: Copenhagen).







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