

IOT BZH Linux阅码场 2018-06-20

根据《AGL-Application-SDK-Kickstart-on-Renesas-Porter-board》,Renesas的AGL BSP-发布的时候,采用Docker部署Yocto和AGL SDK的开发环境,目的如下:

The Yocto build environment is subject to many variations depending on:

•Yocto/Poky/OpenEmbedded versions and revisions

•Specific layers required for building either the BSP or the whole distribution

•Host distribution and version1

•User environment

In particular, most of the recent Linux host distributions (Ubuntu 15.04, Debian 8.2, OpenSuse 42.1, CentOS 7.x) do not officially support building with Yocto 1.7. Unfortunately, there's no easy solution to solve this kind of problem: we will still observe for quite a long time a significant gap between the latest OS versions and a fully certified build environment.

To circumvent those drawbacks and get more deterministic results amongst the AGL community of developers and integrators, using virtualization is a good workaround. A Docker image is now available for AGL SDK: it is faster, easier and less error-prone to use a prepared Docker container because the image contains all necessary components to build and deploy an AGL image, including a validated base OS, independent of the user’s host OS. Moreover, light virtualization mechanisms used by Docker do not add much overhead when building: performances are nearly equal to native mode.

根据《AGL/Phase2 - Devkit Build from scratch: AGL image and SDK for Porter》,Docker也被采用:

The AGL DevKit allows developers to rebuild a complete bootable image and its

associated SDK from source code. It uses Yocto/Poky version 2.x with latest

version of Renesas BSP and enables low-level development of drivers and

system services.

The AGL DevKit contains:

• This guide, which describes how to create a Docker container able to

build AGL images and associated SDKs. The container is also suitable to

build AGL Applications independently of Yocto/Bitbake.

• Applications templates and demos available on Github, to start

developing various types of applications independently of Yocto:

◦ services

◦ native applications

◦ HTML5 applications

◦ ...






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