


艺术家:陈维佳、杜秋锐、Vasken Mardikian、Daisy Dodd-Noble
展览时间:2022.8.5 - 9.11
开放时间:每周二至周日 11:00 - 19:00 

Artist:  Weijia Chen, Qiurui Du, 

Vasken Mardikian, Daisy Dodd-Noble

Exhibition Duration: Aug 5 2022 - Sep 11 2022

Open Hours: 11am - 7pm Tue - Sun
Venue: Rm.601, No.117, Hongkong Road, Shanghai

正如莎士比亚喜剧《仲夏夜之梦》A Midsummer Night’s Dream讲述人物间一系列荒唐、欢欣、孤单的关系和境遇那般,此次眼糖与逵园联合呈现的同名艺术家群展分别以戏谑、欲望与恐惧为主题,延续自文艺复兴以来的人文主义传统,探讨当今时代错综复杂的人类情感。

The title "A Midsummer Night's Dream"  comes from Shakespeare's comedy which tells a story about a series of absurd, joyous and lonely relationships between characters in a mythology style. EYECANDIES and Kui Yuan Gallery are please to present a group exhibition which borrows the title from this comedy, echoing the essence of the story inherited from the tradition of humanism since the Renaissance, to discuss the intricate human emotions of our time with banter, fantasies, desire and fear showcased in the works of 4 contemporary artists.

爱是清爽的薄荷绿 Love Can Be Mint Green
50 x 50cm 布面丙烯


During the quarantine in Shanghai, Qiurui Du depicts many humorous characterwith bright colors to tell the process of expressing love to surroundings even in isolation. He tries to question and cry out for the instinct of love in any relationships. With his exaggerated narrative, he explores the human subjectivities and constraints enforced by desire, re-examing the freedom of individual consciousness.

无题(蓝)Untitled (Blue)
120 x 100cm 布面丙烯

瓦斯肯(Vasken Mardikian)擅长玩笑式地描绘类似精灵、细菌和怪兽的不明生物体,用简单的、充满戏谑色彩的线条,加以绚丽的颜料喷涂,呈现出一个个生动又可爱的形象。在Vasken的内心深处,生活犹如小精灵帕克闯祸那样时常充满着离奇和偶然,他的创作便是在画布这幕色彩相碰撞的恶作剧中,演绎着悲观人生里的乐观哲学——生活无非是一场荒诞不经的游戏,我们身处其中的存在之意义,如他所说,就是去“寻找无意义中的意义”

Vasken Mardikian loves to depict unidentified organisms similar to fairies, bacteria and monsters, using simple lines full of playful colors and sprays to present a vivid and lovely image. Deep in Vasken's heart, life is often full of bizarre and accidental things, just like Puck makes trouble in Shakespear's play. His creation is like a prank of collision of colors on the canvas which embraced his optimism as a nihilist - life is nothing more than an absurd game in which the meaning of our existence is, as he puts it, "make sense of the nonsense of the world."

三支树干的大树 Large Tree With Three Branches
180 x 140 cm 布面丙烯

黛西(Daisy Dodd-Noble)的超现实梦幻风景画,受到亨利·卢梭等大师的影响,从日常所见的景色中选取创作素材,带领观者领略原始而奇幻的魔法森林。她笔下的树木在欣然生长时仍隐喻野性和肆意,如康德所言“人性的曲木绝然造不出任何笔直的东西”,灿烂的表象下亦有阴森的不安之感,简洁的画面窥探并洞察着人的内心。

Influenced by Henry Rousseau and other old masters, Daisy Dodd-Noble's surreal landscape painting selects materials from the daily scenery, to lead the viewer to a primitive and magical forest. The trees in her works are still metaphorical of wildness and recklessness while vastly growing, as Kant said, "Aus so krummem Holze, als woraus der Mensch gemacht ist, kann nichts ganz Gerades gezimmert werden", there is also a sense of uneasiness under the surface, simple but still penetrating people's hearts.

飞蛾、女孩与拍立得 Moth, Girl And Polaroid
180 x 110 cm 布面丙烯 混合材料

陈维佳的创作抽象地表现了由幻想诞生的爱,借用水果、刀片等诸多元素来表达甜美、恐惧、迷失、堕落和死亡的心理场景,以碎片化的意象拼接以反映未知的心理。她时常思考并批判生活里的多重诱惑——丰富的元素打造出画面中的“不平衡感” 却隐藏着危机。女性裸露的身体、奇怪生长的植物等,甜蜜而危险,繁茂而脆弱,在绚丽且短暂的幻象中摇摇欲坠,如同真实再现了潜意识中易碎的梦境。与此同时,她的作品也极富有反思精神,蕴藏着一种坦诚的方法论——摒弃个体的内在危机,用爱欲实现超验的自我。

Weijia Chen's works abstractly express the theme of eros born from fantasy, using fruits, blades and many other elements to express the psychological scenes of sweetness, fear, loss, depravity and death, and making a montage from fragmented images to reflect the unknown psychological state. She criticizes the multiple temptations in life, these rich elements show the "imbalance" within hidden crisis - Women's naked bodies and strangely growing plants are both sweet, dangerous, lush and fragile, crumbling in a gorgeous and fleeting illusion, as if it were a real reproduction of the fragile dream in the subconscious. At the same time, her works are also highly reflective, contain a candid method - abandoning the inner crisis of an individual and achieving a transcendental self through eros.


"A Midsummer Night's Dream" aims to show the kindness and evil in human nature, people's desire for love and the unpredictability of fate. As the information explosion, the communication between people has become increasingly fragmented and many absurd plots are inevitably staged in real life. From these four artist's perspectives, the exhibition presents a summer dream in this modern time.

撰文 / Cynthia


About Artists

杜秋锐,出生成长于北京,2018年毕业于美国帕森斯设计艺术学院插画系并获学士学位,2020年毕业于美国普瑞特艺术学院纯艺术绘画系并获硕士学位,曾于2018年获得Delusional Art Competition, People’s Choice by Jonathan leVin Project奖项。目前工作生活于上海、北京、纽约。曾多次举办个展及参加国际国内重要艺术展览。

Qiurui Du was born in Beijing, China. He graduated from the Department of Illustration of Parsons School of Design in 2018 and received his Bachelor Degree, and graduated from the Department of Painting and Drawing of Pratt Institute in 2020 and received his Master Degree. He has won the Delusional Art Competition, People’s Choice by Jonathan le Vine Project in 2018 in United States. He currently works and lives in Shanghai, Beijing and New York. He has held many solo exhibitions and participated in many important exhibitions all around the world.

Vasken Mardikian,生于比利时布鲁塞尔,目前在中国上海工作生活。2008年,他获得富布赖特奖学金,并于耶鲁大学艺术学院获得硕士学位。就读于耶鲁大学期间,他师从彼得·哈雷(Peter Halley)、梅尔·博什纳(Mel Bochner)和罗伯特·斯托尔(Robert Storr)。自那时起,他被南麂艺术工作室驻地(首尔)、斯沃琪和平酒店艺术家驻地(上海)和文化博物馆特兰斯(瑞典)选中,作品被展于布鲁塞尔、巴黎、纽约、迈阿密、京都、首尔和上海的个展和群展等。

Vasken Mardikian is an Belgian artist currently working and living in Shanghai, China. He obtained his MFA from Yale University School of Art with a Fulbright grant in 2008, where he studied with Peter Halley, Mel Bochner and Robert Storr. Since, he has been selected by the Nanji Art studio residency (Seoul), the Swatch Art Peace Hotel Artist Residency (Shanghai), and the Kulturresidens Tranas (Sweden), and his work has been included in solo and group exhibitions in Brussels, Paris, New York, Miami, Kyoto, Seoul, and Shanghai.

Daisy Dodd-Noble,英国青年艺术家,现居伦敦,硕士毕业于纽约艺术学院(New York Academy of Art)。她从日常所见的景色中选取创作素材, 以散发着少女情怀的色彩,将观者带入梦幻“现实”世界。她的作品曾在美国纽约、英国伦敦、西班牙帕尔玛等多地展出。

Daisy Dodd-Noble, a young British artist, lives in London and graduated from the New York Academy of art with a master's degree. She selects creative materials from the scenes in her daily life, so as to exude the color of girlish notions and bring the viewer into the dreamy "real" world. Her works have been exhibited in New York, London and Palma, etc.


Weijia Chen, born in Wuhan, Hubei in 1993, graduated from the China Academy of Art with a bachelor's degree in 2015, and now lives and works in Hangzhou. Her works have been exhibited in China Independent Film Festival (CIFF), Xining FIRST Youth Film Festival, Netherlands Animation Festival (HAFF), China Independent Animation Film Forum (CIAFF), Shenzhen Independent Animation Biennale, Seoul International Animation Festival (SICAF) , StopTrik International Film Festival and Chongqing Youth Film Festival, etc.



SPACE117为EYECANDIES眼糖 X 逵园艺术馆于上海联合呈现的展览空间,致力于挖掘青年创造力,向大众呈现多元的当代艺术。

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抖音 小红书 微博 视频号 EYECANDIES 眼糖

Address 地址:


6/F, No. 117, Hongkong Road, Hunagpu District, Shanghai 



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