





《一个~好~景愿的肖像》A Portrait Of A ~Good~ Will是青年艺术家杜秋锐最新创作的系列作品。延续了以往作品中叙事性的特点,杜秋锐用自己独特的视角观察生活,并把周遭生活中的喧嚣、奇特的气质带入到他的作品中。在该系列中,艺术家将飘散的粉色鲜花作为背景,以五彩斑斓的颜色、夸张奇趣的手法描绘人物微妙的神情,呈现出形态各异的角色与故事。

A Portrait Of A Good Will” is the latest series of works created by artist Qiurui Du. Continuing his style emphasizing strong narratives in his works, Du observes life from his own unique perspective, and brings the hustle and bustle of the real life around us into his works. In this series of works, he uses pink flowers which scattered all over the screen as the background, and depicts the characters with vivid colors and techniques to shape different stories.

双面礼物  Double Sided Gift,2022,布面丙烯,150 x 100 cm


Portrait art has a long history in human civilization. Portrait as a visual art is often used as a medium of information transmission, to show divinity, authority and power by the ruling classes such as religion and aristocracy in the early days. As time goes by, humanism develops and individual values are gradually liberated from tyranny, and portraits have been democratized so that civilians are included in this genre. Be it jubilantly, positive or in an ironic way, the portraits have become the visual representation of the life of their day.

开往春天的地铁 The Train To Spring,2022,布面丙烯,150 x 150 cm


Artist Qiurui Du were born in the 90s, growing up with a comic and digital world around him. Coming to 21st centry, he continued the tradition of creating portraiture in art history and painted for people around him. For him, the purpose of painting portraits is not to convey the nobility or power of the privileges, nor to belittle or ridicule the commoner, but to record the youth life of the minority groups around him in a democratic way with his own imagination. His works are the mix of "Ukiyo-e" and "Popism", which record his personal emotions and memories, but also clearly depicts your life and mine.

婊贝系列 Babe2022,布面丙烯,50 x 50 cm
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本次展览展出了杜秋锐全新创作的20多幅《婊贝》(又名《雨衣行者》)。延续2020年的婊贝Babe系列,艺术家通过戏谑的方式,去描述个体如何通过外在的包裹(雨衣)以及心爱的物件去获得安全感。婊贝是一系列单独的肖像,每幅作品是一个手持着艺术家记忆深刻物件的独特角色,以各种表情去传达艺术家与物品之间的情感联系。而同时呈现系列中20多幅作品,彷如一幅拼贴的个体群像。以组合性来创作个体肖像的方式,应和了酷儿理论家伊芙·科索夫斯基·塞奇威克(Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick)的理论核心,去探讨个体的“社会性”和“生理性”的区别,以及个人感受与肉体之间的微妙联系。

This exhibition exhibited more than 20 newly created works of "Babe" (also known as "Raincoat Walker") by Qiurui Du. Continuing the 2020 Babe series, the artist describes how individuals gain a sense of security through external protection (raincoats) and beloved objects in a joyful way. "Babe" is a series of individual portraits, each piece of work shows a unique character holding objects with deep personal memories, and conveys the emotional connection between the artist and the objects with various expressions.

At the same time, more than 20 works in the series are presented together, like a collage of individual portraits. The compositional approach to creating individual portraits echoes the core of queer theorist Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick's theory to explore the "social sexuality" and "physiological gender" of the individual, and also explores the subtle connection between personal feelings and the physicality itself.

一个好家庭 A Good Family,2022,布面丙烯,150 x 100 cm

《一个好家庭》A Good Family为本次展览中其中一幅群像,家庭作为社会基础结构的一种,在主流宣传中总是温暖和谐又其乐融融,而艺术家以丰富的想象力去创造神色飞扬又各怀鬼胎的一家四口,以幽默的手法呈现出个性凸显下的摩登之家。杜秋锐将他对社会的细微观察与情感融入到鲜艳、夸张、 嘲讽的表现形式里,同时,在喧闹欢乐中述说了转瞬即逝的怀疑与黯然,精准的表情与人物设置恰恰放大了杜秋锐对情感的描绘。

"A Good Family" is one of the group portraits in this exhibition. As a form of social infrastructure, the family is always warm, harmonious and happy in the mainstream publicity, and the artist uses his rich imagination to depict a seemingly good family, while each member has their own axe to grind. The conflicting facial expressions of different characters reflect their outstanding personalities in a humorous way. Qiurui Du integrates his subtle observations and emotions on the society into vivid, exaggerated and ironic expressions. At the same time, he expresses a sudden doubt and sadness in a noisy and joyful way. The precise expressions and character settings just magnify his depiction of emotions.

文 / 刘玮妍

About Artist

青年艺术家杜秋锐,90后,出生于北京,本科毕业于美国帕森斯设计艺术学院,研究生毕业于美国普瑞特艺术学院,同时作为 E.E Art Group 发起人,致力于为青年艺术家策展发声,目前工作生活于上海、北京、纽约,曾多次在国内外举办个展,及参加重要美术馆艺术展览。杜秋锐的作品画面丰富、明快、时尚感强烈,同时映射出当代高度发达的商业文明社会中, 人们冷漠、空虚、疏离的情感。

Qiurui Du was born in Beijing, China. He graduated from the Department of Illustration of Parsons School of Design in 2018 and received his Bachelor Degree; graduated from the Department of Painting and Drawing of Pratt Institute in 2020 and received his Master Degree. As the founder of E.E Art Group, he is dedicated to curating exhibitions for young artists. He currently works and lives in Shanghai, Beijing and New York, and has held many solo exhibitions and participated in many important exhibitions all around the world. His works are in a rich, bright and fashionable style, but they also reflect the cold, empty and alienated feelings of people in the highly developed commercial civilization of our time.



EYECANDIES眼糖 X 逵园艺术馆于上海联合呈现的展览空间,致力于挖掘青年创造力,向大众呈现多元的当代艺术。

Contact 联系方式:

Social Media 社交媒体:
抖音 小红书 微博 视频号 EYECANDIES 眼糖

Address 地址:
6/F, No. 117, Hongkong Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai

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