2021年度香樟启航计划(2021 CEC Sailing Plan)
香樟经济学术圈(CEC)由来自中国社会科学院、北京大学、哈佛大学、多伦多大学、上海财经大学、江西财经大学等国内外高校和科研机构的青年学者发起。论坛秉承朴实、严谨的学术风格,主要召集选题精致、故事新颖、论证严谨的高水平学术论文,旨在为国内外经济学者提供高水平、专业化的学术交流平台,提升我国经济学研究水平。为进一步促进学术发展,CEC发起“香樟启航计划”,旨在为海内外即将进入Job Market的经济、金融博士提供一个展示自己研究能力与未来研究计划的平台。
The CEC Sailing Plan is to promote communication and networking among all PhD students in the job market around the world. All researchers and institutions who are interested in academic hiring are welcomed to attend this series of workshop.
The workshop will be held on Zoom or Tencent Meeting.
报名方式:推荐与自荐。主题不限,投稿邮箱cecsp2020@yeah.net, 并抄送至 cec2018@126.com。
The CEC Sailing Plan welcomes submissions in broad fields of economics and finance with no particular preferences of theoretical and empirical studies. If you’d like to present your current work(Job Market Paper/Working Paper preferred), submit your name, institution and full paper/extensive abstract to cecsp2020@yeah.net, Carbon Copy to cec2018@126.com.
展示内容:以job talk的方式汇报自己的毕业论文、工作论文、期刊论文或其它学术研究。每位博士生可以展示40分钟的研究内容,然后自由讨论15分钟。Present your dissertation, working paper, journal paper or other academic research by way of the job talk. Each candidate has 40 minutes to present her or his own work, either in Chinese or English. The presentation is followed by a 15 minutes open discussion.
If you have any questions, please contact the organizers:
焦阳/Y. Jiao(Young Harris College)
施康/K. Shi(Chinese University of Hong Kong)
王勇/Y. Wang(Peking University)
许文立/W. Xu(Simon Fraser University),xuweny87@hotmail.com
郑世林/S. Zheng(Peking University)
朱胜豪/S. Zhu(University of International Business and Economics)
孙歌悦/G. Sun(The George Washington University)
Mainly responsible for sorting out, summarizing, and arranging the workshop schedules, and notifying the reporter a period of time in advance, and posting the schedule information (title, author's profile, abstract, etc.) in Chinese and English on the CEC sailing plan homepage(sites.google.com/view/cecsailingplan) and the CEC and CIMERS.
Mainly responsible for the review of submitted papers and presentation comments.