
SSE Talk | Energy Storage Modelling and Optimization

Dear All,

You are cordially invited to an online academic seminar to be delivered by Prof. Guannan HE (Peking University) on December 8 (Thursday). This seminar will discuss the "Energy Storage Modelling and Optimization in Low-Carbon Energy Systems".

Seminar Introduction

Time & Date: 1:30 - 2:30 PM, December 8 (Thursday)

Topic: Energy Storage Modelling and Optimization in Low-Carbon Energy Systems

Host: Prof. Chenye WU

Venue: Online

Zoom Meeting Link:


Zoom Meeting ID: 943 7155 4982

Passcode: 1208 


Energy storage technologies are essential to enabling a clean, sustainable, and low-carbon economy. The first part of this talk will introduce the modelling and optimization of electrochemical energy storage considering its inevitable degradation. The marginal cost of degradation is derived as an opportunity cost to maximize the life-cycle benefit of electrochemical energy storage with dynamic programming. The second part will introduce a sector coupling approach for modelling and optimizing heterougeneous energy storage resourses in low-carbon energy systems including hydrogen. DOLPHYN, a configurable, open-source energy system optimization model is developed to explore interactions between multiple energy vectors and emerging technologies across their supply chain as part of a future integrated low-carbon energy system.


Guannan HE is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, College of Engineering, Peking University. He got his doctoral degree from Carnegie Mellon University in 2019, and then did postdoctoral research as an MIT Energy Fellow at Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 2019 to 2021. His research focus on modelling, optimization and data analytics of energy system, with a particular interest on electrochemical energy systems. He has published in prestigious journals including Nature Energy, Joule, Energy & Environmental Science.



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