
2023年度MCPC用户优秀论文征集 | 2023 MCPC Outstanding User Paper Collection


MCPC Outstanding User Paper Collection 



Materials Characterization and Preparation Center


As 2023 is coming to an end, the Materials Characterization and Preparation Center (MCPC) has accumulated approximately 9200 hours of shared equipment usage and served around 190 users in the past year. In order to enhance communication and interaction between MCPC and its users, and to encourage users to fully utilize the center's resources for cutting-edge research and innovation, MCPC initiated the first "2022 MCPC Outstanding User Paper" collection activity at the end of 2022. Many excellent papers were submitted and displayed in the corridor on the basement floor of Lee Yin Yee Building (RA).


1. 第一作者(或共一)或第二作者为MCPC用户。

2. 该论文致谢部分有提到MCPC或特别致谢MCPC某个工程师。

3. 论文发表时间为2023.1.1-2023.12.31(拟发表日期)之间。

The second "2023 MCPC Outstanding User Paper" selection activity has now begun. The requirements for participating papers are as follows:

1. The first author (or co-first author) or the second author must be an MCPC user.

2. The acknowledgment of the paper should mention MCPC or a specific engineer from MCPC.

3. The publication date of the paper should be between January 1, 2023, and December 31, 2023 (tentative publication date).


The winning papers will receive:

1. 一年的海报上墙展示;

2. 大学食堂代金券200元(注:每篇论文200元,如有多个作者,按作者先后顺序优先选择排序在前的)。

1. Display on the poster wall for one year.

2. University cafeteria vouchers worth 200 yuan (Note: 200 yuan per paper. If there are multiple authors, priority will be given to authors in the order of their appearance).

请扫描下方二维码,或点击链接:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/tUPGw7D.aspx, 填写相关论文信息,报名截止日期为2024年1月1日。我们将会择优选出10篇优秀论文,最终评选结果将会在2024年1月中旬公布。欢迎大家投稿!

Please scan the QR code below or click link 

https://www.wjx.cn/vm/tUPGw7D.aspx  to fill in the relevant paper information. The deadline for submission is January 1, 2024. We will select 10 outstanding papers based on merit, and the final results will be announced in mid-January 2024. Welcome to your submissions!




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