
SSE Special Colloquium | 理工学院系列研讨会邀请

The School of Science and Engineering (SSE) is committed to creating a platform for students and faculty members to exchange ideas and explore cutting-edge research developments in various fields of science and engineering. Starting from 2021 fall, SSE will organize the "Weekly Colloquium" series of seminars every Friday. Each week, SSE will invite our faculty members and distinguished guest speakers from outside the University to conduct academic seminars.  

All students and faculty members are invited to join the weekly colloquium!

About the Colloquium

The speaker on May 10 is Prof. Horst Stoecker from Goethe University Frankfurt. The following is detailed information about the colloquium.



The MAGIC of Einstein's Gravitational Waves - Observing Violent Cosmic Events



3:00-4:00 PM, May 10 (Friday)



Room 102, Teaching D



Prof. Horst Stoecker, Goethe University Frankfurt



Prof. Kai ZHOU



Violent cosmic events, like the big bang, supernova collapse and binary Neutron Star bNS- collisions create nuclear and quark matter of the highest temperatures, entropies and densities in the cosmos.      

We show that cosmic gravitational wave detectors on earth can yield clear signatures for the Equation of State of this hot and dense QCD- matter, which are compatible with the new data from Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions at IMP's High Intensity Heavy Ion Accelerator Facility and from GSI/FAiR, Darmstadt, STAR at Brookhaven Lab and at CERN.


The Speaker

Horst Stoecker is a professor in Goethe University Frankfurt since 1985 and the Judah Eisenberg Professor Laureatus chair for theoretical physics at the institute for Theoretical physics from 2004. He is also seinior fellow at Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, FIAS.

After graduating from high school in 1971, he studied physics, mathematics, chemistry and philosophy at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main. Following his diploma in 1976, he worked on his Ph.D. dissertation with Walter Greiner and received his doctorate at the Goethe University Frankfurt in 1979. In 1979, he first became a guest researcher at the former Society for Heavy Ion Research in Darmstadt. In 1980 he joined the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory of the University of California, Berkeley, USA, as a DAAD-NATO Fellow. From 1982 to 1985, he was an Assistant Professor at the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Michigan State University and the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL). In 1985 he accepted a professorship in Theoretical Physics at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, and then he holds the Judah M. Eisenberg Chair - "Professor Laureatus of Theoretical Physics" at the Department of Physics there since 2004. He was vicepresident of Goethe University from 2000 to 2003, during which he also served as the founding director of Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, FIAS, where he has been a board member and senior fellow ever since. He was re-elected vicepresident of Goethe University from 2006-2007. Then from 2007 to 2015 he served both as the director general (CEO) of Europe's largest national lab for heavy ion science -- the GSI Helmholtz Center for heavy ion research, and as the vicepresident for the Helmholtz Gemeinschaft of Germany. During his service time at GSI they founded in 2010 the Facility for antiproton and ion research, FAIR, in Europe, where international research institutions from more than 50 nations worldwide participate including China as well. As the co-founder of the international center for FAIR collaboration, Horst actively collaborate for may years with numerous colleagues worldwide including high profile Chinese universities and laboratoris. Horst also holds several honorary doctorates and was awarded numerous visiting- and honorary professorships worldwide, including China for example in CCNU Wuhan, in University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, and also Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is also elected member of many scientific acaemies like the Academia Europaea, the National Academy for Technology and Science of Germany, the Acaemia Romania, and Honorary Doctor of the Russian Academy of Science. He is among the top 200 highly cited researchers in the global ranking of the Institute for Scientific Information. He published more than 750 scientific publications, his publications have been cited more than 80k times, with a Hirsch indes of above 100.

School Profile

School of Science and Engineering (SSE) is located in Shenzhen, a core city of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Adhering to the rich CUHK's academic tradition with high emphasis on humanity elements, the School is committed to nurturing innovative technology leaders embracing China and the world with global visions and social responsibility.

As one of the founding schools of the University, SSE has so far offered 7 Undergraduate Programs: Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Chemistry, Electrical and Computer Engineering, New Energy Science and Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Physics, Financial Engineering. 3 Taught Postgraduate Programs: Communications Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics,Supply Chain and Logistics Management. 7 Research Postgraduate Programs/PhD Programs: Computer and Information Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Energy Science and Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry (Approval Pending), Biomedical Engineering. Following the lofty educational philosophy and sound academic system of CUHK, SSE and its extraordinary faculty from all over the world have produced a succession of outstanding graduates. 

This series of seminars is open to all students and faculty members, and no pre-registration is required. Let's learn about the beauty of science and engineering together!



喜讯 | 理工学院唐晓莹教授入选2024腾讯犀牛鸟计划

活动回顾 | 2024翔龙鸣凤科学论坛之全国优秀研究生学术研讨会

必看 | 理工学院专业志愿填报最全指南

院长面对面 | #1:为全人教育理念所吸引,与香港中文大学(深圳)结缘


