

问津学术 2021-09-16















About Us

Founded in 1996 as the Department of International Legal Studies, GDUFS School of Law is a well-recognized institution of its kind in both teaching and research across the province for its systemic development of the discipline and its distinctive programs.

The School offers four concentrations (international economic law, civil and commercial law, intellectual property law, and legal studies) towards its Bachelor of Laws degree, international legal studies and civil/commercial law concentrations towards its Master of Laws, the Juris Master (JM) professional degree, and the concentration of European laws under the University’s Ph.D. program in European Studies. In 2010, its legal studies program was provincially recognized as one with distinctive features and its legal studies discipline was provincially rated a key discipline in 2012. The law school was recognized as a Training Base for Outstanding International Legal Professionals in Guangdong Province in 2014. In 2016, it was listed as an Experimental Zone for Innovation in Student Training in Guangdong. In 2018, its legal studies was listed by the province among the key enhancement disciplines for top-tier universities in Guangdong.

With its four Departments (International Legal Studies, Law, Civil and Commercial Law, Intellectual Property Law) and the Juris Master Education Center, the School is home to seven research/training centers accredited by the Province, one accredited by the City of Guangzhou, one accredited by the University, and six other research organs, covering a wide range of subjects relating to laws, legal studies, and interdisciplinary areas spanning intellectual property rights, governance, green development and diplomacy.

The School of Law has a strong and dedicated faculty of 60 full-time teachers and/or researchers, among whom 24 are professors, 12 associate professors, and over 60% have had overseas educational background. Besides provincial, municipal and University-wide academic/professional recognition, its scholars are proud to be on six national academic recognition programs. As most of them have legal qualifications as lawyer or arbitrator, they boast a wealth of hands-on experience in the field. It also invites nationally leading scholars of law on board as visiting professors and many experts in legal practice and theory as external supervisors for graduate students.

Years of dedication have seen impressive achievements in the School’s nationally recognized research. Scholars here have been granted two Major Projects of the National Social Science Foundation of China, two Major Projects funded by the Ministry of Education (MOE), another ten projects funded by NSSF, and about 100 provincial- or ministry-funded research projects. The faculty has recently published more than sixty heavy-impact papers in national top peer-reviewed journals including Social Sciences in China, China Legal Science, Chinese Journal of Law, Peking University Law Journal, Law Science, Studies in Law and Business, Law Review, Science of Law, The Jurist, and Tribune of Political Science and Law. The School is also proud to have gained highest research recognition on more than ten occasions such as the Second Prize in the latest prestigious triennial MOE National Excellence Award for University Research (Humanities and Social Sciences) and the First Prize in the Social Science Research Excellence Award in Guangdong Province.

In the past twenty years, GDUFS School of Law has produced a great number of globally competitive professionals of high caliber. It currently serves nearly 1,000 undergraduates, 200 dual degree students, and 330 graduate students (10 for Ph.D. degrees). With the 99%-strong job placement rate, its graduates mainly work at domestic or international law firms, government judicial service, and other major foreign companies. Besides, more than 27% of its graduates also pursue advanced degrees at institutions including Cornell University, University of Sydney, University of Hong Kong, Renmin University of China, Tsinghua University, Wuhan University, and China University of Political Science and Law.

Graduate education at the law school has been going from strength to strength in recent years. It has been granted 12 provincial innovation projects for graduate education and 38 of the faculty have won Graduate Teaching Excellence Award and seven have been awarded the title of Excellent Graduate Supervisors. The bar passage rate among its graduate students consistently stays above 60% and their employment rate reaches 100%.

Upholding the university motto of Pursuit of Integrity, Practice and Cross-cultural Learning, the School of Law aims to train internationally competitive legal professionals who are excellent in moral cultivation and in the chosen field of study, adept in cross-cultural communication and practical innovation, well-versed in international practices with global vision, and ready to engaging in international affairs. It has ties in various forms of cooperation with, among others, the University of Queensland, Pepperdine University, and City University of Hong Kong.

Always attaching great importance to promoting innovation, hands-on expertise and professionalism, the School keeps developing practice bases to create various internship opportunities for students. To date, it has such bases with more than 40 institutions including Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court, Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court, Foshan Municipal People's Procuratorate, Guangzhou Maritime Court, People's Court of Nansha District, People's Procuratorate of Baiyun District, People's Court of Baiyun District, People's Court of Haizhu District, and Guangdong Guardian Law Firm.

With years of continuous improvement, GDUFS law school, a Training Base for Outstanding International Legal Professionals in Guangdong Province, has developed an integrated model of educating internationally competitive legal professionals through incorporating foreign languages and culture, Chinese and other legal systems, and international social etiquette. This has in turn greatly benefited the students and the legal community.

The School highly supports student participation in national and international simulation competitions, winning numerous awards. In 2002, its student team won second place in the CIETAC Cup International Commercial Arbitration Moot (hosted by China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, one of the major permanent arbitration institutions in the world) and first place in 2003; and second place for eight times in Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition (China), the prestigious global competition initiated by the International Law Students Association (ILSA). In particular, the School won “first prize for the team” in the first CIETAC International Investment Moot in March 2019 and then first prize in the International Criminal Court Chinese Moot in April.

Looking ahead, GDUFS School of Law will keep moving with the times while striving for sustained excellence so as to train high-caliber graduates to serve the legal profession and the broader community.

(Last updated in April 2019)






















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