

2016-10-22 JENNA RICHARDSON 美国华人之声









“是这样。核武器的底线是一旦总统发出指令,必须遵循指令。从指令发出到负责发射核武器的人执行指令,这之间有大约四分钟”。-- 希拉里








五角大楼的消息称,克林顿公开传播的信息是绝密情报,由美国特殊启动计划 (SAP) 规范,SAP规定了访问和讨论高度机密和绝密情报的保障措施和规则。消息人士称,希拉里所述的国家核响应时间的具体细节除军方外只有极少数人知晓。


“洲际弹道导弹目标确定、空中或海上发射、发射流程和响应是国家安全和核战政策中最受秘密保护的条文,”五角大楼的一位消息人士说。“ () 响应时间作为 ERO (应急响应选项) 的一部分,现在公之于众,暴露给了敌人,实在令人难以置信。”







OCTOBER 20, 2016



Following Wednesday’s presidential debate Pentagon officials found themselves completely dumbfounded as to why former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would feel it appropriate to announce U.S. Special Access Program intel on national television.


According to sources within the Department of Defense speaking under anonymity, Clinton likely violated at least two Dept. of Defense SAP protocols during the debate by announcing onlive television the United States Government’s response time for a nuclear launch.


“But here’s the deal. The bottom line on nuclear weapons is that when the president gives the order, it must be followed. There’s about four minutes between the order being given and the people responsible for launching nuclear weapons to do so.” –Hillary Clinton


To the dismay of intelligence officials, the fact that this top secret information is now publicly known not only proves that Clinton is “unfit to be commander-in-chief,” but it also poses a direct threat to national security.


One high ranking intelligence official explained that any time frame calculated pertaining to a US nuclear launch “would have merely been an educated hypothesis, absent leaked documents and there have been no such breaches” prior to Clinton’s admission Wednesday.


Via TruePundit


“Secretary Clinton proved tonight she is unfit to be commander-in-chief,” a top-ranking DOD intelligence source said. “What she did compromises our national security. She is cavalier and reckless and in my opinion should be detained and questioned so we can unravel why she did what she did.”


According to Pentagon sources, the information Clinton disseminated publicly is Top Secret intelligence governed under the U.S. Special Access Program (SAP) which dictates safeguards and protocols for accessing and discussing highly classified and Top Secret intelligence. The specific details of the country’s nuclear response time discussed by Clinton, sources said, are only known by a handful of individuals outside top military brass…


“Targeting options by ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missiles), air or sea, launch order, launch procedures and response are some of the most secretly guarded tenets of national security and nuclear war policy,” a Pentagon source said. “It’s truly incredible that (nuclear) response time as part of an ERO (Emergency Response Option) is now out there in the public domain to our adversaries.” U.S. Defense sources said according to developed U.S. counterintelligence, military officials in China, North Korea, Syria, Russia, Iran and even actors like ISIS had no previous definitive intelligence to determine the U.S. nuclear response time, especially during an ERO, prior to Clinton’s admission Wednesday night. Sources reluctantly acknowledged her calculations were accurate.







