
最新消息:华人英雄Peter Wang的葬礼有望按照荣誉军事葬礼规格举行

2018-02-18 网络消息 美国华人之声

据刚刚得到的未经官方证实的消息:上个星期在佛罗里达校园枪杀案中为了保护同学而英勇牺牲的Peter Wang同学的葬礼将按照荣誉军事葬礼规格举行。 Peter Wang的中文名是王孟杰。 他的葬礼将在2月20号(星期二)中午11点至下午2点在Kraeer  Funeral Home (地址:1655 N. University Dr Coral Springs, FL 33071)举行,其间将举行追思仪式。


这一则未经证实的消息说,政府已经通知王孟杰的家人,王孟杰获得荣誉军事葬礼。 王孟杰是参加后备军官训练的学生,在他生命最后一刻是穿着军服,为帮助同学尽快逃离枪击现场的过程中遇难的。他的无私和英勇行为保住了数十人的生命。他是英雄,应该得到这样的荣誉军事葬礼。

华人在白宫请愿网站上发起了要求为王孟杰军事葬礼的请愿。 在这之前,美国退役老兵就已经发起这个提议。Reddit上很多致敬文章。





Peter Wang, a JROTC cadet at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. He died helping save his fellow students during the February 14, 2018 shooting at his school. Photo via Jesse Pan/Facebook.

Peter Wang is a hero, and members of our military are rallying online to honor him and support his family.

Wang, a 15-year-old freshman and cadet in the JROTC program at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, was killed during the shooting at his school last week.

Multiple witnesses describe Wang wearing his gray JROTC shirt and helping hold open the door for his fellow classmates, allowing them to escape before him, when he was shot and killed.

“He is so brave,” Wang’s cousin Lin Chen told the Sun Sentinel, noting that she was not surprised to hear of his heroism. “He is the person who is genuinely kind to everyone. He doesn’t care about popularity. He always liked to cheer people up. He is like the big brother everyone wished they had.

