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I. Invitation to Outstanding Young Talents

Since 2021, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) has launched the NSFC Outstanding Young Scientists Fund Program (Overseas). This remarkable initiative aims to attract and inspire exceptional young talents from around the world, who have already made notable achievements in natural sciences, engineering, and technology, to work in China. The program offers them the freedom to choose their own research directions and engage in innovative projects, fostering their rapid growth as scientific and technological leaders. Moreover, it aims to cultivate a cohort of outstanding academic professionals who are poised to make significant contributions to the global scientific and technological frontiers, ultimately bolstering China's position as a powerhouse in scientific advancement.

Qufu Normal University wholeheartedly extends an invitation to outstanding young talents in the fields of Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Materials Science and Engineering, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Bioscience, Biotechnology, Bioengineering, Ecology, Electronics and Information, Electronic Science and Technology, Computer Science and Technology, and Control Science and Engineering. We urge you to seize this opportunity and apply for the prestigious 2024 NSFC Outstanding Young Scientists Fund Program (Overseas) through Qufu Normal University, where a world of possibilities awaits you.

II. Eligibility Criteria for the Outstanding Young Science Fund Program (Overseas)

1. Compliance and Ethical Conduct:

- Applicants must adhere to the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, demonstrate good scientific ethics, and actively embrace the spirit of scientists in the new era.

2. Age Requirement:

- Applicants must be born on or after January 1, 1984.

3. Educational Qualification:

- Applicants should hold a doctoral degree.

4. Research Focus:

- The primary research direction should be in natural sciences, engineering, or technology.

5. Work Experience:

- After obtaining their doctoral degree and before March 15, 2024, applicants are generally expected to have acquired official teaching or scientific research positions in overseas universities, research institutes, or enterprise R&D organizations, with a minimum of 36 consecutive months of work experience.

- Candidates who have obtained their doctoral degree overseas and have demonstrated exceptional performance may have some flexibility regarding the required work experience.

6. Research Achievements and Potential:

- Applicants should have research or technical accomplishments that are recognized by experts in their field.

- They should also demonstrate the potential to become academic leaders or exceptional talents in their chosen area of expertise.

7. Residence Status:

- Applicants must not have permanently returned to their home country (China) on a full-time basis.

- If the applicant plans to return to China after January 1, 2023, they must have resigned from their overseas position or be currently unemployed overseas. Furthermore, they must commit to a minimum of three years of full-time work in their home country (China) after receiving the grant.

Requirements regarding Project Limitations:

- In accordance with the relevant directives from the central government, the program follows the integration and convergence policies for national science and technology talent programs.

- Applicants can only undertake one project at the same level of the National Science and Technology Talent Program. They cannot apply for multiple projects at the same level simultaneously.

III. Benefits and Support for Successful Applicants

1. State Funding Support:

- The State provides funding support ranging from 1-3 million yuan for a period of three years.

2. Shandong Province Talent Support:

- In addition to State funding, Shandong Province offers additional support to national leading talents, including a talent allowance of up to 1 million yuan (tax-free) and research grants of up to 1 million yuan (tax-free).

3. City-Specific Support:

- If you are selected as high-level talent and choose to work in Jining or Rizhao City, you will receive a monthly living allowance of 5,000 yuan for three consecutive years.

4. University Benefits:

- If your application for the 2024 NSFC Outstanding Young Scientists Fund Program (Overseas) is approved, and you sign a full-time employment contract with us, Qufu Normal University provides the following benefits:

- Direct appointment as a professor and Ph.D.

- An annual salary of 1 million yuan, with the option to continue on an annual or permanent basis after the initial appointment expires.

- Settlement fee (house purchase subsidy) of 2-3 million yuan, or a set of housing of approximately 120 square meters with complete living facilities during your employment period.

- Start-up funding for scientific research, with 3-5 million yuan for experimental natural sciences and 2-3 million yuan for non-experimental natural sciences.

- Post allowance of 300,000 yuan and matching research funding support of 300,000 yuan per year for three consecutive years.

- Comprehensive support for disciplinary platforms, laboratories, and team building.

- Assistance in spousal employment placement.

- Access to excellent compulsory education and pre-school education resources, including Qufu Normal University's attached experimental kindergarten, elementary school, and middle school.

- First-class healthcare services from hospitals in Jining, Rizhao, and Qufu Normal University.

- Opportunity to declare provincial top talent (team) innovation and entrepreneurship with the support of Qufu Normal University.

- Eligibility to apply for the Shandong Province High-level Talent Preferential Card, granting access to 29 green channel services related to entry and exit, residence, healthcare, and social services.

IV. How to Apply

1. Submitting your CV:

- Please send your CV to the email address rcc@qfnu.edu.cn with the subject line "Application for Outstanding Youth Science Fund Project (Overseas) - Name". Make sure your resume includes basic personal information, contact details, educational and professional background, as well as notable academic achievements such as papers, projects, patents, and awards.

2. Filling out the Application Form:

- Once you have signed a work contract or intentional agreement with Qufu Normal University, starting from February 1, 2024, you can access the project application information system. Here, you will need to complete the "Application Form for Outstanding Youth Science Fund Project (Overseas) of the National Natural Science Foundation of China" online. Qufu Normal University will assign a dedicated person to assist you with the application process. You can access the Project Application Information System at the following website: https://grants.nsfc.gov.cn/

3. Online Application Form:

- Fill out the application form in either simplified Chinese or English, following the provided instructions and outline for writing the application form. Upload any required attachments and additional materials as specified.

4. Paperless Application:

- The application process is paperless. You will submit the electronic application form, attachments, fairness commitment, and other necessary documents online to Qufu Normal University. They will review and approve your application before submitting it online to the Natural Science Foundation of China.

5. Application Deadline:

- The deadline for project applications is April 15, 2024.

V. Contact information

1. Job Application Service Specialist:

Liu Zaiguo, Tel: +86-537- 4452866, +86-18953752733 (WeChat).

2. Project Application Service Specialist:

Wu Nan, Tel: +86-537-8933171, +86-15863736656 (WeChat).

Introduction to Qufu Normal University

Qufu Normal University is located in Qufu, one of the first national historical and cultural cities, one of the first national excellent tourist cities and the hometown of Confucius in the Oriental cultural mecca, and has a new campus in the beautiful seaside city of Rizhao, which is a key university in Shandong Province, a high-level university in Shandong Province, and a high-level academic discipline construction university.

I. Excellent school conditions

The university was founded in Qufu in July 1955, established as one of the six key colleges and universities by the People's Government of Shandong Province in 1981, approved as one of the first batch of colleges and universities to enroll postgraduates in the country in the same year, granted the right to confer master's degree in 1982, constructed Rizhao Campus in 2002, granted the right to confer doctoral degree in 2003, and received the excellent results of the Undergraduate Teaching Level Assessment of the Ministry of Education in 2004. In 2022, the construction of Qufu Campus Expansion Project, a major educational project of Shandong Province under the "14th Five-Year Plan", will be completed. The university covers an area of 3,337 acres, has a collection of 4.49 million books and 2.36 million e- books, with a total value of fixed assets of 1.753 billion yuan, and five disciplines in the top 1% of the world in terms of ESI (Engineering, Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science, and Materials Science), six first-class disciplines in Shandong Province (Engineering, Mathematics, Chinese  History, Chemistry, Physics, and Chinese  Language  and Literature), and four high-level disciplines in Shandong Province (Education, Mathematics, Chinese History, Chemistry, Physics, and Chinese Language and Literature). Education, Mathematics, Chinese History, Physical Education), developed into a provincial key comprehensive teacher-training university with outstanding advantages in basic arts and sciences, coordinated development of a variety of disciplines, and outstanding characteristics in promoting excellent traditional culture and training excellent teachers.

II. Strong faculty

The school hired Nobel Prize winner Mr. Ding Zhaozhong as the honorary president; the existing faculty and staff of 2545 people, including 305 professors, associate professors 657 people; the existing dual-appointed academicians 2 people, selected for the National High-level Talent Special Support Program, the Yangtze River Scholars, the National Jieqing, the national cultural celebrities and the "four batch" of talents, the national one hundred million Talent Project and other national talent projects 25 people, the National Master Teachers 2 people, the State Council Degrees Committee of Professional Degrees Education Steering Committee, a member of the Ministry of Education, Vice Chairman of the Teaching Steering Committee of Colleges and Universities, a member of the Committee, the country and Shandong Province have made outstanding contributions to the young and middle- aged experts in 24, Taishan Scholars, 11 special professors, Taishan Scholars, young experts, the province of the wisdom of the high-end talent experts 8 people, enjoying the special allowance of the State Council 37 people, the National Model Teacher 5 people, the National Master of Education Outstanding Teachers 5 people, to create a high-level, specialized talent team.

III. Enrichment of teaching resources

The university has 11 doctoral first-level disciplines, 1 doctoral degree authorization category, 25 master's first-level disciplines, 18 master's degree authorization categories, 11 postdoctoral mobile stations, 70 undergraduate enrollment majors, the formation of a comprehensive disciplinary system covering 10 major disciplines, such as arts, science, engineering, law, etc., and the first to advocate and build the only teacher culture theme, teacher ethics education features of the Chinese Teachers Museum, was approved as the only national teacher ethics education base in Shandong Province, the only Chinese and foreign youth exchange base. Museum, approved as the only national teacher ethics education base in Shandong Province, the only Chinese and foreign youth exchange base, included in the "14th Five-Year Plan" major education projects in Shandong Province. The school and the Provincial Department of Education jointly established the Shandong Province Teachers' Excellent Traditional Culture Education Base and the Shandong Province Research and Guidance Center for the Inheritance and Development of Excellent Traditional Culture in Universities, Schools and Primary Schools. The school has been selected as one of the top schools in Shandong Province with special characteristics of applied talent cultivation, the second batch of national innovation and entrepreneurship education demonstration colleges and universities, the Ministry of Education's implementation of excellent secondary school teacher training colleges and universities, the top 50 colleges and universities with typical experience in national innovation and entrepreneurship education, the first civilized campus in Shandong Province, the high-level university in Shandong Province, Shandong Province wisdom education demonstration school, the National Teacher Ethics Education Base, the National Language and Literature Promotion Base and the National Civilized Campus.

IV. Strong scientific research

There are 5 provincial and ministerial-level collaborative innovation centers, 9 provincial key laboratories, 2 provincial engineering technology research centers, 2 humanities and social sciences research bases in Shandong Province, 1 provincial key think tank, 8 provincial and ministerial research bases of the Ministry of Education, the State General Administration of Sports, Shandong Provincial Government, and a large number of high-level scientific research projects, including the "973" plan, "863" plan, and the national key research and development plan. The university has undertaken a large number of high-level scientific research projects, including the national "973" program, "863" program, and the national key research and development program, and has reached a high level of excellence in the fields of applied mathematics, laser polarization, electrical information, bio- resource development and utilization, land planning, physical chemistry, Confucius Confucianism, education science and sports science. In 2019, it won the only second prize of National Natural Science Award in Shandong Province universities; in 2019 and 2020, the number of provincial natural science awards ranked No.1 in provincial universities, and the natural index ranked No.83 in the country. 2020, as the first unit, it won the first prize of the Eighth Ministry of Education Award for Outstanding Achievements in Humanities and Social Sciences and three second prizes, which ranked No.1 in provincial universities and broke the vacancy of the first prize in Shandong Province universities for 12 years. In 2020, it will win 1 first prize and 3 second prizes of the 8th Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Sciences Outstanding Achievement Award as the first unit, ranking the 1st in provincial universities, breaking the vacancy of the first prize in Shandong province for 12 years; the total number of projects of the National Social Science Fund and the Ministry of Education's Humanities and Social Sciences Programs for the past five years ranks the top 3 in provincial universities, and it has won the first prize of Shandong Province's Excellent Achievement Award of Social Sciences for 10 years.

V. Serving local depth

The university adheres to the tradition of Chinese practical learning, effectively fulfills the function of university service to the society, actively serves the major project of transforming old and new energies in Shandong Province, actively buttresses the "ten" industries, participates in the construction of demonstration bases for the fusion of culture and science and technology in Shandong Province, the blue economic belt on the Shandong Peninsula, the Yellow River Delta High-Efficiency Eco-Economic Zone, and the West Luxi economic uplift belt, and implements the Action Plan for Serving the Localities. It has also implemented the Action Plan for Local Service, and achieved significant results in the construction of new rural areas in Shandong Province, land use planning, comprehensive development of ecological agriculture in the Yellow River Delta, ecological environmental protection and utilization of biological resources in Nansihu Lake, and dissemination of excellent traditional culture. In the past five years, 230 horizontal projects have been approved, with a project funding of more than 60 million yuan, and more than 30 think tank consulting reports have been adopted by provincial and ministerial level and above government departments. It publicly publishes academic journals such as Qilu Journal (the second batch of excellent journals funded by the National Social Science Foundation), Journal of Qufu Normal University (Natural Science Edition), Journal of Secondary School Mathematics and Modern Language.

VI. Wide-ranging external exchanges

The school is the first batch of universities designated for enrollment of foreign students by the Ministry of Education, the International Chinese Teacher Scholarship of the Center for Sino-Foreign Language Exchange and Cooperation of the Ministry of Education and the Shandong Provincial Government Scholarship Program for Foreign Students, and has been selected as one of the "Provincial and University Joint Cultivation Programs" for public overseas students and the "Double Hundred Programs for Foreign Professionals" of Shandong Province. The university has been selected for the "Provincial School Joint Training Program" and "Double Hundred Program for Foreign Experts" of Shandong Province. There are two Confucius Institutes in Canada and Korea. Over the years, the university has adhered to the academic policy of being inclusive and accepting all kinds of things, and has widely absorbed the achievements of diversified civilizations with a broad mind and open eyes, and has established inter- university friendly relations with 87 universities and colleges in nearly 20 countries, such as South Korea, Japan, the U.S.A., Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, etc., and has set up extensive and in-depth cooperation in the fields of joint running of schools, mutual assignment of teachers and students, and cultural and academic exchanges. Cooperation.

A thousand years of holy land, and we are eager to welcome scholars! Looking to the future, Qufu Normal University will adhere to the original intention of educating people for the Party and the country, adhere to the school motto of "never tire of learning and teaching", carry forward the school spirit of "diligence, simplicity, unity and enterprise", focus on serving the major national strategies and regional development needs, and promote the integrated development of education, science and technology and talents in an integrated manner. Focus on serving the needs of major national strategies and regional development, promote the integrated development of education, science and technology, talent "trinity", and actively create a talent gathering plateau, and strive to promote high- level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement, to build a world-renowned high- level Confucius Hometown University to work hard and move forward with determination, and to promote the modernization of the Chinese style of the new journey to show Qufu Normal University to take up the role of the teacher, contribute to Qufu Normal University power! Welcome to join Qufu Normal University!

Qufu Normal University ·这里是曲园·




—  曲阜师范大学党委宣传部  — 

来源 | 人才工作处

美编 | 刘 萌   复审 | 刘永礼

主编 |  孙祥广



