
WeChat ID limelight07 Intro 诗歌/摄影/旅行,诗人王寅的作品,以及王寅推荐的与此相关的一切。 朗读:威廉·巴特勒·叶芝 The Lake Isle of Innisfree    William Butler Yeats I will arise and go now, for always nightand day I hear lake water lapping with low soundsby the shore; While I stand on the roadway, or on thepavements grey, I hear it in the deep heart's core.I willarise and go now, and go to Innisfree, And a small cabin build there, of clay andwattles made; Nine bean rows will I have there, a hivefor the honey bee, And live alone in the bee loud glade. And I shall have some peace there, forpeace comes dropping slow, Dropping from the veils of the morning towhere the cricket sings; There midnight's all a glimmer, and noon apurple glow, And evening full of the linnet's wings. I will arise and go now, for always nightand day I hear lake water lapping with low soundsby the shore; While I stand on the roadway, or on thepavements grey, I hear it in the deep heart's core. 威廉·巴特勒·叶芝(William Butler Yeats,1865-1939),爱尔兰诗人 茵纳斯弗利岛 我就要动身走了,去茵纳斯弗利岛, 搭起一个小屋子,筑起泥巴房; 支起九行芸豆架,一排蜜蜂巢, 独个儿住着,荫阴下听蜂群歌唱。 我就会得到安宁,它徐徐下降, 从朝露落到蟋蟀歌唱的地方; 午夜是一片闪亮,正午是一片紫光, 傍晚到处飞舞着红雀的翅膀。 我就要动身走了,因为我听到 那水声日日夜夜轻拍着湖滨; 不管我站在车行道或灰暗的人行道, 都在我心灵的深处听见这声音。 袁可嘉译 驶向茵纳斯弗利岛的渡轮行驶图 王寅 摄 2015 遥望茵纳斯弗利岛 王寅 摄 2015 本期编辑:miu 长按并识别二维码 赞赏 ¥9.00 limelight07 诗歌/摄影/旅行 点击下方阅读原文查看“灰光灯”往期内容 Author requires users to follow Official Account before leaving a comment Write a comment Write a comment Loading Most upvoted comments above Learn about writing a valuable comment Scan QR Code via WeChat to follow Official Account

