【姓名】: Henry Liu
【主讲科目】: 雅思、托福写作&阅读
【简介】: 在雅思写作和阅读方面有独特的见地,深谙欧美文化生活。责任心强,善于与学生沟通交流,站在学生的角度考虑,倡导因材施教,有的放矢,夯实基础,勤学多练,引发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的良好习惯,重在通过书本内外知识有机结合,提高学生综合素质和能力。
【经历】: 加拿大劳里埃大学MBA,德国特里尔应用科技大学理学硕士。丰富的一线教学实战经验,屠鸭的路上曾帮助数千名考生实现理想分数。
如果想在SAT作文三大评分标准(Reading, Analysis和Writing)之中的Analysis这一项取得满分,有这样一条“Offers a thorough, well-considered evaluation of the author’s use of evidence, reasoning, and/or stylistic and persuasive elements, and/or feature(s) of the student’s own choosing.”,对原文的analysis的方法有很多种,其中一种是采用小故事的分析方法,在SAT写作中它有一个专门的术语,称作“anecdote”.
案例 1
Godfrey Harris 和Daniel Stiles在2014年3月发表于New York Times的文章——The Wrong Way to Protect Elephants,主要内容是对美国现有的动物保护法律进行批判。作者列举了Ben Treuhaft的例子,通过此人一次从日本运送钢琴回美国失败的经历,证明了政府的某些法规是不合理的。这个例子用了充实的细节,生动的语言描述,大大加强了文章的感染力,读者因此容易感同身受。
“To further their case, the authors appeal to the readers’ pathos through anecdote to exemplify their position. A real life case study of Ben Treuhaft, a professional piano technician, is used to convey the exhaustive paperwork and export permit requirements that are exceedingly different to acquire, making transportation of her personal belongings nearly impossible.” 此外,对于此类例子可以进行一个小小的总结:“The authors indicate that this is just one of many situations where history, culture and monetary value and are being lost due to this legislation. This vivid depiction through example leads the reader to truly understand how “draconian” these rules are.”
【Voice Of Gedu】闯关地图题,听力拿7不再是梦想!