
【公益活动】21 October Vegan Event: Talk+Dinner Party 周六纯素演讲和晚宴派对

2017-10-10 TACN+云想北京 云想天地

About the Event 活动介绍

A charitable vegan event is benefiting animals in Beijing. We gather to meet new people, learn about pet adoption and volunteer opportunities with local animal shelters, learn what is vegan lifestyle and watching videos, experiencing VR and having a fun at our min- vegan green life festival (selling vegan dessert, vegan drinks, vegan skincare and etc). At the end of the event, we will have a vegan buffet dinner together to share our more stories. 


What's included? 活动内容

For only ¥80 RMB per person, you can enjoy the mini Green Life market, great informative talks and a vegan buffetfeaturing the most popular vegan dishes of the restaurant!

The event features:

  • 13:00 Min Vegan Green Life Festival – multiple local vendors showcasing organic vegan products includingfood and cosmetics.

  • 14.00 Guests arrival and registration

    Free raffle tickets (for those who arrive on time before 14:00) with a chance to win Vegan food samples, stickers, badges, eco-bags (Please notice, if you arrive later than 14:00, the raffle ticket will cost ¥10 RMB each).

  • 14.15 Event begins: Talks and video watching  

    1. Talk: Health Benefits of a Vegan Lifestyle.

    2. Talk: Good Pet Ownership and Animal Shelter and Rescues in Beijing - How You Can Get Involved.

  • 3.  Raffles, VR sessions and networking 
  • 18.00 Vegan Dinner 

仅 ¥80 元每人!您可以免费参加当天活动和纯素自助晚餐上面的所有美食!


  • 13:00 小型纯素绿色生活嘉年华开始:展示和试用纯素产品。当天销售部分金额会捐助给 A Voice for Animal 慈善机构为救助流浪动物。

  • 14:00 开始签到

    14:00 之前到达可免费领取抽奖小票,三位幸运嘉宾赢得奖品,包括:纯素商品样品、贴纸、胸针、多家素食餐厅优惠卡和环保袋 (请注意:如果您在 2:30 之后到达,抽奖小票将收费每人 ¥10 元);

  • 14:15 活动开始。介绍活动内容和安排.

    1. 讲座: 纯素生活方式为健康带来的积极影响;

    2. 讲座: 关于动物福利和宠物知识的相关信息

  • 3. 抽奖问答、VR虚拟现实体验和自由交流

  • 18.00 纯素自助晚餐,超过 12 道美味菜品供您品尝和享用


  • iAnimal VR experience (throughout the event)! 

    iAnimal VR 虚拟现实 – 亲身体验动物视角

  • Min Vegan Green Life Festival 现场小型纯素绿色生活嘉年华

    1. 0Kcal Vegan Lab (vegan dessert) 纯素甜品

    2. Wake (organic vegan skincare)有机纯素护肤用品

    3. Napattiga (Thailand Latex pillows) 泰国乳胶枕头

    4. Organic vegan food and enzyme drinks 有机鲜银耳和酵素

       5. Roberts Berrie 芬兰蓝宝氏 41 27704 41 11433 0 0 6563 0 0:00:04 0:00:01 0:00:03 6563林浆果公司

  • Temporary tattoos 现场炫酷贴纸纹身

  • Vegan Buffet Dinner 纯素自助晚宴

Event information 活动详情Venue 活动地点: Belencre 字里行间 (大望路店)

Address 地址:朝阳区大望路华贸商业街华贸公寓 19 号会所三层

Subway 地铁路线:Closest subway station: Dawanglu (Line 1 – exit A, or, Line 14 – exit F)

最近地铁站:大望路(乘 1 号线到达以后走 A 出口,或,乘 14 号线到达以后走 F 出口)

Green Life Vendor 商家:products must be vegan, no animal testing. Part of sales will be contributed to the animal charity. Please contact Catherine 18618351472 for more information. 产品必须纯素,无任何动物成分和没有动物实验。商家当日销售额部分作为捐助动物慈善机构的捐助。如感兴趣,请联系18618351472。

Food allergy notice:

All food listed on the event menu are vegan-friendly. Please be advised that the food on the menu may contain these ingredients: tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, soya. For detailed information, please seek out venue staff for advice.



位子有限,预订从速哟!如有问题请联系 Mariya 玛丽亚 (13811206105)。

请留意:订位截止时间是 10 月 20 日周五中午 12 点。

Hurry, limited space available! If you have any questions please contact Mariya (13811206105).

Please notice: booking will close on Friday 20 Oct at 12:00 Beijing Time.


You need to fill out the booking form to reserve your seat(s). Please scan below QR code or click Read more for registration


Event Organiser and Sponsor 活动主办和赞助

  • ThinkCloud Beijing 云想北京

  • Towards a Compassionate Nation (TACN)


