Vegan Health & Beauty
Practical Guide on Nutrition, Fitness and Beauty
纯 素 健 康 和 美 丽
DATE & TIME 日期和时间
2018 April 21 Saturday, 15:00 – 18:30
04 月 21 日周六下午 3:00 点至晚 6:30
Venue 场地:Root Pop
Address 地址:Shuangjing, Baiziwanlu, Pingguo North, Building 3B, No.22, opposite the Contemporary Art Museum Build.3 双井百子湾路苹果社区北区 3 号楼 B 座 22 号今日美术馆 3 号馆对面
Tel. 电话: 010-58263201
Closest subway station 最近地铁站:Shuangjing 双井
Root Pop ® Vegan Cafe in Beijing
Do you ever wonder...
• Is vegan food enough to have all the good nutrients for your body?
• How do the fitness trainers keep a great shape with a vegan diet?
• Why should we use vegan cosmetics and where to get it in Beijing?
Compassionate Cities project has set up this event to help answer these questions by professional nutritionists, finiteness trainers and long-term vegan activists. We also have something else for you! This includes:
• Buffet dinner (¥85 RMB per person)
• Vegan market - outside of Root Pop with cosmetics and food stalls
• 如何不用肉、鱼、蛋和奶制品做美味的食物?
• 如何使纯素食物更美味?
• 从来没去过 Root Pop (或完全爱上了 Root Pop) ?
那么这个活动是给您准备的!仅 ¥85 元每人,您可尽享活动当天纯素市集 的纯素美妆、护肤品和健康美食和自助晚宴上的所有美食!
15:00 - 15:00
Vegan market (will be open till 18:00)
纯素小市集(开至晚 6:00 或更晚)
15:00 - 16:00
Talks by nutritionists and fitness trainers – info and personal experiences on vegan nutrition and fitness
营养师、健身教练讲解 - 关于纯素营养和健身的信息以及个人经验
16:00 - 16:30
iAnimal VR experience
“动物视角” 虚拟现实体验
16:30 - 17:00
Talk by vegan activists - vegan cosmetics why & how: practical guide for Beijingers
纯素活动家演讲 - 纯素美妆:给北京小伙伴的实用指导
17:00 - 17:30
"The best vegan V photo" contest and award – a chance to win prizes by entering the contest. Simply upload your vegan V picture.
“最棒 胜利✌️手势’照片” 比赛、投票和颁奖 - 只需上传您参与比赛的纯素食物照片您便有机会赢取丰富的奖品。
Nominations include 提名奖项包括:
a) Most elegant V 最优雅奖
b) Most sporty V 最运动奖
c) Craziest V 最疯狂奖
Winners will be voted during the event. 获奖名单将在活动期间揭晓。
Prizes include 奖品包括:
• Magazines 杂志
• Vegan food samples 纯素食物样品
• Weekly free pass with personal trainers 免费健身教练指导
• Root Pop vouchers 优惠券
See below how to take part! 往下看了解如何参与!
17:30 - 19:00
Vegan Buffet 纯素自助晚宴 – delicious plant-based food from the first 100% western vegan restaurant in Beijing! 品尝来自 100% 西方式纯素餐厅美味的蔬食美食!
• iAnimal VR experience “动物视角” 虚拟现实体验
• Temporary tattoos 现场炫酷"纹身"贴纸
• Vegan market 纯素小市集
Left 左: iAnimal VR experience “动物视角”虚拟现实体验
Right 右: Temporary tattoos “纹身”贴纸
Left 左: Lin Shaoliang, vegan personal trainer 纯素健身教练
Right 右: Nini, nutritionist from Chinese Natural Therapy Association 纯素营养师
BOOK NOW 纯素晚宴立即订位!
Booking will close on April 20, Friday at 22:00, or once fully booked (max. 35 places).
Scan the QR code or click "read more" for booking the place.
订位截止时间是 4 月 20 日周五晚 10 点或订满为止(最多 35 个名额)
1. Baked pumpkin & lentils salad 烤南瓜小扁豆沙拉
2. Roasted carrot and pumpkin soup 烤胡萝卜南瓜汤
3. Smoked eggplant bread 熏茄子面饼
4. Coconut fragrant chickpeas curry 椰香咖喱鹰嘴豆
5. Mini durian pulled sandwich 迷你手撕榴莲蘑菇三明治
6. Chickpea balls with cauliflower puree 鹰嘴豆丸子配菜花泥
7. Doughnuts 甜甜圈
8. Carrot cakes 胡萝卜蛋糕
9. Oatmeal cookies 燕麦曲奇饼
Top left 左上: Chickpea balls with cauliflower puree 鹰嘴豆丸子配菜花泥
Bottom left 左下: Baked pumpkin & lentils salad 鹰嘴豆丸子配菜花泥
Right 右: Smoked eggplant bread 熏茄子面饼
Left 左: Roasted carrot and pumpkin soup 烤胡萝卜南瓜汤
Right 右: Carrot cakes 胡萝卜蛋糕
A charitable vegan buffet party benefiting animals in Beijing. We gather to meet new people, learn about the vegan lifestyle, plant-based food and its benefits.
Venue 场地: Root Pop
Address 地址:双井百子湾路苹果社区北区 3 号楼 B 座 22 号今日美术馆 3 号馆对面
Tel. 电话:010-58263201
Event Organiser: Beijing Volunteer with Animal (Meetup group)
Event Sponsors:
• Towards a Compassionate Nation (TACN 同理心慈善基金)
• ThinkCloud Beijing (云想北京)
• The Pollination Project (蒲公英项目)
All food listed on the event menu are vegan-friendly. Please be advised that the food on the menu may contain the e ingredient : tree nut , peanut , wheat, soya. For detailed information, please seek out venue staff for advice.
这么酷炫的活动,快来参加吧~ 名额有限哦!