
快报 | 霍金私人葬礼在剑桥举行,数千人为其送行

2018-04-03 每日英语听力

The drizzle kept falling. Cambridge seemed to be weeping as thousands of citizens and visitors gathered on Saturday in respectful mourning silence outside the university church, Great St May’s.


Up to 500 families members, friends and colleagues attended the private funeral service after the legendary British physicist professor Stephen Hawking’s coffin was carried through Cambridge’s main King’s Parade street into the church.

在传奇级英国物理学教授斯蒂芬.霍金的棺材经过剑桥国王街主游行街道被运往教堂之后,有多达500 名(霍金的)家庭成员、亲友和同事参加了其私人葬礼仪式。

The solid oak coffin, carried by by six porters all in formal black uniform, was covered by an arrangement of white lilies, which represent the universe, and white roses symbolizing the polar star.


The private service, officiated by the Reverend Dr. Cally Hammond, dean of Gonville and Caius College, Hawking’s academic home, was described as "both inclusive and traditional, reflecting the breadth and diversity of his life," according to a statement by Hawking’s children.


Also among those inside the church was Eddie Redmayne, who played the role of professor Hawking in the 2014 biographical drama The Theory of Everything.


Great St Mary’s Church dates back to the 13th century, almost as old as Cambridge University itself. The church bell, considered the model for the Big Ben in London, chimed 76 times ahead of the funeral at around 1400 GMT to remember the great scientist who died at home on March 14 at the age of 76.


On the streets of Cambridge, the outpouring love and sorrow for Hawking’s death are heart-felt and genuine.




