




Notification of Strengthening COVID-19 

Prevention and Control Measures 

in Huadu District


当前,我区疫情形势依然严峻复杂,防控压力十分巨大,为严格落实“外防输入、内防反弹”疫情防控总策略和“动态清零”总方针,现就进一步强化疫情防控有关措施通告如下:At present, our district faces formidable challenges at this critical juncture in fighting COVID-19. To implement the “preventing inbound cases and domestic resurgence” and the swift COVID-19 clearance policy, we are hereby announcing the following measures:
一、强化来(返)穗报备I. Strengthening Measures for Registration
Prior to arrival in Huadu District, thosetraveling (returning) to Guangzhou from other places should declare themselves through the "Return to Guangzhou" section of the "Suikang" WeChat mini program. If they haven’t done so, they should apply immediately upon landing/arriving in Guangzhou. They should take the initiative to notify their company, hotel, and village (community) where they live, providing them with truthful information such as their ID information, place of departure, destination, travel history, and other relevant information, and complying with epidemic prevention and control measures. They must complete the PCR test as soon as possible upon arrival in Guangzhou, and take PCR test once a day on the second and third days. During the first three days, they should refrain from attending gatherings such as dining and parties, visiting crowded places (shopping malls, supermarkets, farmers' markets, fitness, and entertainment venues, etc.) and key locations (schools, training institutions, and eight special venues including venues under public security and judicial supervision, welfare institutions, elderly care institutions, aid facilities, psychiatric institutions, religious venues, maternal and infant care institutions, and rehabilitation institutions), or using public transportation. After the first three days, they should continue to abide by the universal PCR testing policy, and take PCR tests every day.
二、强化个人健康管理II. Strengthening Personal Health Management
It is mandatory for all travelers traveling (returning) to Guangzhou from risk areas to comply with the epidemic prevention regulations. People who traveled (returned) from high-risk areas shall be placed under "7-day mandatory home quarantine". During this period, your health codes will turn red and you are prohibited to go outside. A PCR test will be performed on the first, third, fifth, and seventh days of home quarantine (counted from the day the traveler leaves the high-risk area). Those who do not have the conditions for home quarantine or are voluntary for centralized quarantine will be transferred to centralized isolation facilities. Those who have lived in or traveled to low-risk areas within 7 days shall implement a 3-day health monitoring at home and take 2 PCR tests within 3 days (24 hours apart). During the health monitoring period, you should avoid social gatherings, such as parties or dining, should not visit crowded places or key institutions, and should not take public transportation.
三、强化人员管理III. Strengthen staff management全区党政机关、事业单位、国有企业、社会组织要加强员工健康监测、核酸检测,将后勤保障、物业人员、临时用工列为重点人群监测管理,对涉疫地区来(返)穗人员动态摸排、信息登记和主动报告。跨区通勤人员落实核酸“一天一检”,工作生活“两点一线”,不聚餐、不聚会、不前往人群密集场所。加强支援兄弟区抗疫工作人员管理,尤其是加强进出高风险区、临时管控区以及近7天内病例活动区域的工作人员管理,严格落实闭环管理措施,集中居住场所要提前向属地镇(街)报备。The Party and government institutions, public institutions, state-owned enterprises, and social organizations shall strengthen the health monitoring and supervision of PCR testing on their employees, especially on the logistical staff, property service personnel, and temporary employees. The personnel traveling (returning) to Guangzhou from epidemic-related areas shall be investigated, registered and reported. The cross-district commuters shall take a PCR test once a day, and avoid gathering, dining together and going to places other than their residences and workplaces, especially crowded places. All of the organizations shall implement closed-loop management on their staff assisting the epidemic prevention and control work in sister districts, especially those entering or leaving high-risk areas, temporary lockdown areas, and epidemic-related areas that COVID-19 infections have been to within seven days. The designated residential places for the above-mentioned personnel shall be reported to the local town (subdistrict) in advance. 
四、强化场所防控IV. Strengthen prevention and control measures in key sites
Public places such as medical institutions, tourist attractions, transportation stations, catering service providers, shopping malls and supermarkets, hotels, farmers' markets, wholesale markets, construction sites, gyms and entertainment venues in Huadu District shall strictly implement the prevention and control measures, including urging visitors to wear masks and scan venue code, checking their body temperature, health codes, travel codes, and 48-hour PCR testing results. Guangzhou North Railway Station, Intercity Huadu Railway Station and other transportation stations shall guide the personnel traveling (returning) to Guangzhou from other provinces to take both antigen and PCR tests upon arrival. Accommodation premises must report the information of those who have lived in or traveled to cities or regions with COVID-19 cases in the past seven days to the villagers’ (residents’) committee in a timely manner, and urge them to practice safety protocols as required. Designated residential places (such as hotels and guesthouses) for the above-mentioned staff shall not receive other guests at the same time (unless for work purposes evaluated and approved by the local town/subdistrict or department of disease prevention and control). Teachers and staff of universities, colleges, technical education institutions, primary and secondary schools, and kindergartens shall only travel between their residences and workplaces, and are prohibited to meet with those who recently traveled (returned) to Guangzhou. Factories and businesses shall monitor the movements of staff, vehicles and logistics during the production, supply, sales and other procedures, establish and improve a daily health monitoring and reporting system, and urge employees to take proper precautions.
五、强化村(社区)防控V. Strengthen prevention and control measures in villages (communities)
Closed-off management shall be implemented in each village (cooperative) and residential community. The location of entrances and exits shall be chosen in a proper way in road sections, with 24-hour-on-guard checks set at every entrance. In addition, emergency access shall be reserved. Designated personnel shall be dispatched to the entrance and the management of entry and exit shall be strictly implemented. Residents, visitors and people who drive into the above venues must strictly cooperate with the measures such as temperature checks, masks wearing, venue code scanning, health codes and travel codes checks. When entering an urban village, a 48-hour negative PCR testing result or sampling proof must be checked. Villagers (residents) shall avoid non-essential outdoor activities, live a simple life, avoid gathering and dining together, take proper precautions and conduct health monitoring, actively participate in the PCR testing according to the arrangements of the local town (subdistrict), and avoid batch testing outside the district. The housing leasing agencies or landlords shall specify the person in charge of the epidemic prevention and control work as well as the contact person, and provide the villagers’ (residents’) committee with the latest information of the leased housing and tenants as required. Those who do not report the rental information and do not cooperate with the government and villagers’ (residents’) committees will be held accountable according to law and regulations. Sub-lessors and lessees shall perform the above obligations at the same time. Each town (subdistrict) shall refine the minimum grids (service management unit) of urban villages, designate the grid administrators,local police and supervisor of each building, and publish the information on the wall. The three-tier network consisted of villagers’ (residents’) committee, comprehensive grids and the minimum service management units shall be improved. Small volunteer teams consisted of Party members and residents shall be formed to fight against the epidemic together. 
六、强化个人防护VI. Strengthen personal precautions广大市民要进一步增强个人防护意识,当好个人健康安全的“第一责任人”,积极配合各项疫情防控措施,主动就近参加核酸采样,倡导核酸“每日一检”。自觉养成勤洗手、戴口罩、保持1米社交距离的好习惯,不随地吐痰,注意咳嗽礼仪,少聚餐聚会、少走亲访友,非必要不到人群密集、通风不良的公共场所。居民群众若出现发热、干咳、乏力、咽痛、嗅(味)觉减退等症状时,应第一时间到发热门诊就诊,并避免乘坐公共交通工具。Residents shall further enhance their awareness of self-protection to safeguard their health and safety. They shall actively cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control measures, and take the initiative to get PCR tests at the testing sites nearby. It is encouraged to take PCR testing once a day. Good habits are advocated, such as washing hands, wearing masks,keeping a social distance of one meter in public places, avoiding spitting, covering your mouth and nose when coughing, avoiding gathering, visiting others, and going to crowded places which are poorly ventilated. If the residents experience symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, and loss of smell/taste, they shall take proper precautions and seek medical treatment at fever clinics nearby in a timely manner. Public transportation shall be avoided during this process. 
七、强化责任追究VII. Strengthen the accountability system
Every entity and individual has the duty to dissuade and stop people in risk areas from exiting the zone without permission, assisting others to get rid of the epidemic prevention and control management, and wearing masks improperly in public places. Any entity or individual that fails to fulfill the responsibility, refuses to implement the epidemic prevention requirements, especially fails to cooperate with the epidemiological investigation, conceals or falsely reports the travel history, leaves the risk areas without permission, assists others to get rid of the epidemic prevention and control management and causes the spread of the epidemic, will be held accountable in accordance with theCriminal Law of the People's Republic of China, and the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases.




Huadu District COVID-19 Prevention 

and Control Command Center

November 26, 2022







