
Photos: Adventuring in Argentina

2016-04-18 YCIS Beijing YCISBeijing

In March, YCIS Beijing students from Years 9 and 10 travelled to South America to experience the rich and lively cultures of Argentina and Brazil through the school's World Classroom programme, designed to give students insight into and gain an appreciation of other cultures and customs

Students were treated to a myriad of activities, from river cruises to cooking classes to lessons in the always alluring art of tango.

Our students joined up with others from sister schools in Shanghai and Hong Kong, making new friends as they explored a brand-new environment.

Vibrant colours were on display at every turn, from arts and crafts to the very city itself.

It was an enjoyable and memorable trip for all, leaving students not just with a fresh understanding of the rich culture of South America, but with a greater appreciation for what they have back home.

Read more about the trip by following the link below!

