
[TEACHER TALKS] Moving into Secondary

2016-06-20 YCISBeijing

In this edition of Teacher Talks, Joy Moore, Lower Secondary Coordinator, continues this month’s theme of transitions by explaining the transition from Year 6 to Year 7 and the changes that take place for our students as well as advice for parents on helping students adjust to a new environment.

Transitions, or periods of change in any aspect of life, are always challenging; the move from Primary to Secondary school is no different. The Y6 students will be embarking on the next stage of their educational journey in August and we have had a number of activities and events to support this process. These have been spread throughout the second semester and have included spending the day in Secondary, joining a number of Secondary activities like the ‘Hang Out’, and attending classes in subject-specific classrooms in Secondary. Despite being on the same campus, the Year 6 students rarely venture to areas of the Secondary school, so it's very helpful to become familiar with these areas before August.

Read the entirety of Joy's transition advice by following the link below!

[TEACHER TALKS] Three Tips for Healthy Tech Time

[TEACHER TALKS] Peer Mentoring and Leadership

[TEACHER TALKS] The Benefits of a True Co-teaching Model

