
[SPIRIT WEEK] YCIS Beijing's House Colors Fly

2016-06-20 YCISBeijing

From June 13 to 17, as a way to relieve the pressure of exams and enjoy the final days of this academic year, YCIS Beijing celebrated its annual Spirit Week. Each day throughout the week focused on a different and fun theme based around school character traits and exemplified by the Primary School House symbols.

The YCIS Beijing House system is designed to give students a sense of belonging and commitment. The Houses systems offers positive competition and a chance to embrace healthy sportsmanship. The highlight of the week was House Spirit Day, an action-packed event filled with exciting games and inter-house sporting competitions.

Red Phoenix

The week began by featuring the house icon the Red Phoenix. Students learned that despite being extremely powerful, the phoenix is also a benevolent mythical creature. To honor this kind yet strong house mascot, a Super Hero day was held. Each student dressed up in their favorite heroes from movies and literature and were able to show off their costumes during a Super Hero Parade and Costume Contest. Many adorably sweet students chose to dress up as their parents and teachers, believing them to be their true heroes.

Blue Mustang

Tuesday honoured the Blue House’s symbol: the Blue Mustang. A wild and free animal, the mustang epitomizes being active, healthy, and free. In tribute to the house animal, students were encouraged to bring their roller-skates, scooters, and skateboards to school to feel the wind blow through their hair as they enjoyed playing games and being active during their lunch periods.

Follow the link below for our full report on School Spirit Week (plus more adorable photos!)

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