
A Picture Perfect Welcome BBQ!

2016-09-12 YCISBeijing

September 1's Welcome BBQ was an undeniable success! Great food, fun games, warm weather and of course our wonderful community all joined together to make this year's our best one yet. Thank you to everyone who attended and to everyone who gave 110% to give the YCIS Beijing Community such a fantastic evening.

With over 1000 attendees over the course of the evening, the Welcome Barbecue was a wonderful capstone to the start of the new school year. We wish all of the wider community a happy and successful school year ahead!
Please visit our Flickr gallery for the full selection of photos from this wonderful event by clicking "read more"!

[PHOTOS] First Day Photo Gallery!

[EVENT] Nutrition Talk: The Power of Parents

[ANNOUNCEMENT] YCIS Beijing PO Website is Online!

