
[NEW ARRIVALS] University Guidance Counsellor – Susie Wiltshire

2016-09-12 YCISBeijing

Continuing our "YCIS New Arrival" series - where we interview the latest additions to our ever growing YCIS Beijing family - we spoke with our new University Guidance Counselor Susie Wiltshire about her new role and the unique advantages that the school's university guidance services offer.

Where are you from?

I am from England but have spent most of my life in Scotland.

What does your role as University Guidance Counsellor at YCIS Beijing involve?

The role is extremely broad but underpinned by a concern to advise and direct students towards researching and selecting best fit universities to match their academic strengths, social interests, and also to enure that they have opportunities to develop their intercultural sensitivities and curiosity as they embark upon their paths in higher education. The role involves working directly with students and also with stakeholders and other interested parties. This includes teachers and administrative staff, outreach work with universities across the globe, developing a culture of shared learning with other UGCs, and of course, working with parents.

The role requires good communication skills and helping students to develop these. For example, helping to students to convey their academic rigour in college applications and imparting a sense of their character and interests; researching, retrieving and delivering up-to-date information about universities, so that students - with the support of their parents - can make fully informed choices about their post-school learning journey. They will also be encouraged to think beyond this in terms of acquiring both broad and nuanced skill sets to enhance their employability options.

What inherent benefits do you think an international school education gives university applicants?

Students who have received an international education often bring different viewpoints and experiences to the classroom. This enriches the learning experience and benefits students and the learning community of which they are part. The readers of university applications recognise this and are particularly enthused by the range of international applications that they receive. Universities are keen to ensure that their student body is diverse and culturally rich. Thus the university today represents a microcosm of increasingly culturally eclectic global communities. A good international school education prepares students to strive and thrive in these environments.

What are you looking forward to most about this year?

I’m looking forward to the end result of sharing in the excitement of students being accepted into their most preferred universities and the aspirational optimism that accompanies this. I sincerely believe that university is the best of times; the biggest hurdle is getting in! I’m here to help students through those worst of times – the application minefield!

Get to know more about Susie by clicking "read more"!

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