
[TEACHER TALKS] The Value of After School Activities

2016-10-31 YCIS Beijing YCISBeijing

As much as a school tries, there is just not enough time in the school day to give students the ability and opportunity to devote considerable time to their favourite interest or hobby. At the Yew Chung International School of Beijing (YCIS Beijing), students thankfully have ample time to engage in After School Activities (ASAs), giving students a chance to explore their passions as well as develop various skills necessary for their success in the future.

We sat down with Yew Chung International School of Beijing's Primary School Curriculum Co-ordinator Jennifer Mills to learn more about our extensive ASA programmes and the benefits these programmes give to our students.

Ms. Mills explains that the key to selecting an ASA is finding out what your child is passionate about. Read the whole article on our website by following the link below.

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