
Career Talks Invigorate Internship Interest 以职业探讨激发中学生实习的兴趣

2017-03-17 YCIS Beijing YCISBeijing

Students in the Yew Chung International School of Beijing’s IGCSE programme in Secondary school now have even greater opportunities for learning outside the classroom thanks to the Year 11 Internship Programme. Aimed at giving students real world work experience and connections they can utilize after graduation, the programme partners with a variety of companies to ensure participants have access to a field in which they are interested.


As a prelude to this summer programme, business owners and professionals were invited to YCIS Beijing to speak directly to our students about their respective industries and professional work experience, plus offer some helpful tips and advice on how to properly apply for a job. Organized by IGCSE Coordinator Lianne Yu, School Counsellor Ron Drisner, and Teacher Librarian Sora Lim, these career talks proved invaluable to the participants.

就这样拉开了这次暑期计划的序幕,企业管理者和专业人士们被邀请来北京耀中国际学校与我们的学生,就有关他们各自的行业和专业的工作经验进行直接的交谈,并且为如何正确的申请一份工作提供了一些有帮助的技巧和建议。此次活动是由IGCSE协调人Lianne Yu,学校顾问Ron Drisner和图书馆老师Sora Lim组织的。这些职业讨论证明了对参与者们是非常宝贵的。

Ms. Yu described the positive reaction to the event from both students and employers as well as how this programme will enrich our Upper Secondary students’ development.


Please introduce the Career Talks. How did they differ from talks in years past?


While we’ve led career talks annually for many years, this year we were able to invite companies who will be offering internship programmes to our Year 11 students to give both sides the opportunity to meet face to face.


Students were broken into small groups with one employer each and rotated half a dozen companies during the session. This small group setting allowed them to ask personalized and detailed questions, which in turn help them to better prepare themselves for a career in that industry and better understand what they need to do to succeed. I think this is a marked improvement from years past and a much more valuable experience for our students!


Tap “Read more” for essential tips on how to prepare your child for their very own internship!


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