
YCIS Beijing Teacher Recognized as a Community Star! 老师当选北京社区明星!

2017-04-13 Greg Eiselt YCISBeijing

The dedication of YCIS Beijing teachers to charity and community was highlighted with the selection of our Secondary Math teacher Sharee Hebert as one of Beijing Kids’ Shining Community Stars!

鉴于我校中学部数学老师Sharee Hebert对慈善和社区活动的突出表现,被当选为北京孩子社区的闪亮明星!

Featuring “individuals who make a difference in leadership, community, and charity,” the selection included students and teachers from across the Beijing community. We are proud to count Ms. Hebert, one of those exceptional individuals, as part of our YCIS Beijing family!

以“个人影响领导能力,社区活动以及慈善活动为特色”,本次选拔包括来自北京社区的老师和学生。我们以Ms. Hebert 作为北京耀中的一份子而自豪。

Below is a snippet of the original feature from Beijing Kids:

下面就是Beijing Kids一个原始特征的小片段:

You may have heard the phrase “a close-knit community,” but for Sharee Hebert, Secondary Math Teacher at Yew Chung International School of Beijing (YCIS Beijing), it’s the ancient and noble art of knitting itself that brings people together, in the school and the wider community.

你可能听说这样一句短语“紧密联系的社区”,但对于Sharee Hebert, 一名北京耀中国际学校的中学数学老师来说,这是一个古老而高贵的编织艺术,把校内和更广泛的社区联系一起。

Aside from teaching, Hebert also runs a lunchtime knitting group. “I used to sit at lunchtime and knit in my classroom,” she told us. “My homeroom students would come in and say ‘What are you making?’ The girls were really interested – and some boys too! They asked me to offer it as a lunchtime activity. It was such a success we offered it again this year, and had to run a second day, we had so much interest.”


Tap “Read more” below to read the full piece on the Beijing Kids website!


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