
Students Host Dinner for Charity 我校学生将举办慈善晚宴

2017-06-02 Greg Eiselt YCISBeijing

As part of our students’ tireless dedication to charity, our compassionate Year 12 students are in the midst of organizing the annual YCIS Beijing Student Charity Dinner on June 18, 2017 at the Taj Pavilion in Lido. Featuring wholly student-created performances and artwork auctions, plus plenty of delicious food, the night is sure to be a fun-filled occasion, all for an eminently charitable cause.


To get a more in-depth look at this wonderful event, we caught up with the head event organizers, Y12 students Vani Gupta and Annie Ding, to learn more about the charity dinner as well as the event’s charity of choice.

为了深入了解这个活动,我们采访了本次活动的组织者Vani Gupta和Annie Ding。

We’re going to be helping an organization called Dew Drops Little Flower, a charity dedicated to helping orphans who have disabilities. They arrange surgeries to help them cure these disabilities as well as provide support for them financially.


The name Incandescence was inspired both by the charity dinner setting as well as the more abstract idea of hope. The charity dinner is going to be a fancy candlelight dinner, and since we hope to provide the children who receive our donations with a further glimmer of hope to live happier and healthier lives, incandescence made sense as a name for the event!


Each year, the Student Charity Dinner is led by a different group of students for different charities, so we wanted make sure that the tradition continued as a featured annual event that raises a lot of money for charity. Besides the money, it’s also about raising awareness. We hope the guests will continue to help the organization well after the dinner is over. And of course, we hope that everyone has a great time!


Event details follow. Tap “Read more” below to register today!


Date: June 18, 2017


Time: 6 PM onwards


Location: Taj Pavilion, Lido Hotel


We look forward to seeing you there!


[SAVE THE DATE] Incandescence Charity Dinner 【保存日期】狂热慈善晚宴

[PICTURES] Our Best Global Community Day Yet!【图片集锦】迄今最棒的全球社区日

[FUNDRAISER] YCIS Oscars Charity Dinner Raises 230,000 RMB耀中奥斯卡慈善晚宴筹款超过23万人民币

