
Growing Minds Through Building Mars 火星项目培养学生发展式的思维

2018-01-12 北京耀中国际学校 YCISBeijing

At Yew Chung International School of Beijing, students in the Year 8 Learning Community recently joined together to undertake the school’s inaugural Mars Project, simulating the incredible efforts of SpaceX and Mars One as they aim to establish human colonies on Mars. Spread across many weeks, students were introduced to the fundamentals of setting up a new colony, including the formation of government and institutions, while relying on practical uses of mathematics, science, and the humanities to plan their new society.


Originally conceived of by a group of Secondary teachers in one of their regularly scheduled collaboration meetings, the aim of the project was to create something that could allow the Year 8 Learning Community to work together, that would be open to cross-curricular integration, and that could incorporate Project-Based Learning principles. The Mars Project fit those aims perfectly, while also being fun for students and drawing realistic parallels to the projects actually taking place in the world today.


Rebecca Flavin, Secondary English Teacher at YCIS Beijing, shares more information about the Mars Project, including the ways in which the unique Learning Community model helped to facilitate its success.

Rebecca Flavin, 北京耀中国际学校中学部英语老师,和我们分享了更多有关火星项目的信息,其中包括独特的学习社区模式是如何使这个项目取得成功的。

To learn more, please click “Read More” below.


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