
捕捉光的容器 | 远洋·招商·保利 东湾体验中心

BOX盒子实践 景观周 2021-02-03

▼Site / 场地

The project is located in Zengcheng, Guangzhou, Guangdong, southwest of Zhucun Avenue, east of Fenggang Station, No. 21 Guangzhou Metro. The north side is Foxconn Technology Town, and the southeast side is a high-rise residential area. In the future, the Metro Line 21 Express Line will be opened, and the number of permanent residents will double.

Right in front of the site is the Expressway - Zhucun West Avenue. The impression here is that the noise of the construction site, the speed of passing large construction vehicles and the dusty road reveal the uneasiness and impatience from the faces of the fast-moving people.

We need to find the beauty of space in a specific environment, based on the poetic interpretation of the architectural field, and combined with the innovation of materials, to create a peaceful experience for the local people.

▼Peaceful Box / 宁静的盒子


There were always a lot of problems in the early stage. The shed is adjacent to the experience center, the tower cranes occupy the background planting space, the municipal telecommunications box cannot move, the construction vehicles need to share the customer vehicle passages, etc... How to reduce the impact of the construction site on the experience center? How to present the best scenes in a limited venue? How to distribute the use at a limited cost? The BOX design team conducts repeated discussions and mutual fundraising proposals with the building and the interior.


The space uses the form of opening to ensure the external display, with clean body and linear as the main form of expression, and advocates the integration of architecture, landscape and interior. Achieve mutual consensus in "less, it is more". The design elements are integrated into the building, landscape, and interior to create a positive space that blends and symbiosis.

▼Plan / 平面图

▼Experience Center Front Court / 体验中心前场


The opening lawn sets off the architectural image, and a 12-meter multi-branched hackberry tree serves as the crowning touch of space. The quiet waterscape reflects the building, the water ripples are refraction to give a new texture, and the wall washers enhance the spatial level and body mass.

▼Experience Center Backcourt / 体验中心后场

英国著名建筑师理查德·罗杰斯说: “建筑是捕捉光的容器, 就如同乐器如何捕捉音乐一样, 光需要使其展示的建筑。

Richard Rogers, a famous British architect, said: "architecture is a container for capturing light, just like how musical instruments capture music, light needs to be displayed.

在前场与后场转折处设立对景雕塑,犹如起航的“游艇”在水面激起了浪花,划过安静的海湾空间。 景墙采用1200*600珍珠白让围合空间与建筑产生共鸣。

The opening lawn sets off the architectural image, and a 12-meter multi-branched hackberry tree serves as the crowning touch of space. The quiet waterscape reflects the building, the water ripples are refraction to give a new texture, and the wall washers enhance the spatial level and body mass.


The ground 1200*300 sesame ash emphasizes the linearity of the ground, combined with the guidance of the sculpture to reach the experience center. A piece of still water, a holly, a wall, a little more quiet, less than a minute.

▼Nightscape Effect/夜景效果


Wall washers, waterside lights, light-transmissive glass, still water surface, light and shadow have become the protagonists of space.


The translucent wall, still water, tree shadow, and sinking platform are like an elegant picture scroll that runs along the indoor floor glass.


Sky, U-glass, declining greening, benches, the space extends to the outside, the light and shadow penetrates into the inside.

Name | 项目名称:

East Bay | 东湾体验中心

Location | 项目地点:

Zengcheng, GuangZhou | 广州增城

Client | 项目业主:

SINO-OCEAN · CMSK · GPoly Group | 远洋·招商·保利

Owner Team | 业主团队:

郭雷  郑棣升  郑俊伟  王辉   王磊   魏咬青

Date | 完成时间:


Lanscape Design | 景观设计单位 :
BOX Studio 盒子实践(BOX博克斯林景观事务所)
纪凤涛  刘样多  李海滔  罗瑜  林俊健  
陈洁婷  王洋清  徐佳惠  常君华  陈晓丽
Architectural Design | 建筑设计单位:
Interior  Design | 室内设计单位:
Interior Furnishings | 室内陈设单位:
Photography Team | 摄影团队:
Before Photography Ben 前方空间摄影 罗志宗  





