
重庆融创壹号院景观设计首发:解构空间 光影美学

以和&英拓 景观周 2021-02-03


Aesthetics exploration, destructured space, serving the future community center


           Destructured aesthetics, Sense of place


The project is located in the north of the Chongqing downtown. Architect proposed an idea of “museum in the city. Use elevation difference and destructured way to create a series of indoor and outdoor spaces where the first floor is the clubhouse with constant temperature pool, the second and third floors will be used as community center, the fourth floor will used as a small art gallery. Main entrance is located on the third floor.


Landscape space consists of two mains. One is different balcony terrace gardens facing west natural slope. Each of the three terraces has different views and spatial feelings.  


The other main landscape space east side of the site facing city interface. Following with the idea of “outdoor museum. Space got “destructured”into series of “exhibition rooms”. The experience from parking lot to building entrance is like visiting an outdoor art gallery.


           Hidden and revealed, denial and reward


The design of the landscape wall maximizes the experience of the space. The height of the wall forms the sense of “hidden” of the space. The “revealed “surprise is experienced through the idea of “seeing and being seen “from traditional Chinese garden theory. The combination of sight and movement encourages visitors to explore and interact with the space and other visitors. 

Reception hall functions as first space“denial”at the starting point of spatial sequence, which gives visitors who walk in a chance to change their mood and slow down.


Water features, trees, white fence and landscape sculpture becomes the focal point and “art piece” in each exhibition rooms. The light and shadow interaction generated by space during the day forms a rich theme change. Producing a sense of space and time for visitors. 


           Seeing and being seen,

           a feast of light and shadow


We hope that visitors can become the protagonist of the place. The place is shaped around human scale and senses.

When the visitors become the protagonists in the picture, the design of the circulation route and the wall allows visitors to sudden appear in each room. This "sudden" feeling forms another interesting interaction of sight in the space. The opening facing east is another interaction between private and public. 


The canopy walkway provides shades in summer and gently captures the changes in light and shadow during the day, reflection of the light and water ripples. The genuine color and texture of the stone warms the space while also balances the green of the vegetation, the gray of the river wave, the white if the fence and the blue of the sky.


           The metaphor of water


The water in Chongqing is as famous as the mountains in Chongqing. The experience of the water starts from the entrance reception hall where the walk begins. A series of water features change symbolizes the metaphor of water from high mountain waterfalls to low valley streams. Starting from the "waterfall", a finely controlled water falls smoothly, with a pleasant sound of splash, which metaphors as Chongqing's high mountain waterfall; in the second room, shape of the water changes into a slightly raised water table, and it falls silently from all sides, corresponding to the terraces landscape of Chongqing.


As visitors walked closer to the main entrance, the scale of the space and the openness became larger and larger, and finally in the last space promotes the sense of “reward” in the spatial sequence.  The water wave sculpture is inspired from Japanese Zen garden. The scenery touches people's imagination of nature.


The “Water Wave” landscape sculpture touched the imagination of Chongqing's rivers and fog inspired by Japanese Zen garden. The forms of the three water features run through the entire space sequence. While enriching the experience, they also imply the natural landscape of Chongqing, from the mountain waterfall to the valley river in sequence.


           The essence of art


"Art is just within our understanding, but outside of reality;


Let us appreciate her for a moment and forget this secular world, but she has not exceeded the scope of our understanding; we can rethink the world through her as it is and the way the world should be.



There is no art in this world, there are only the artists, what we see is not the work, but the person behind the work and yourself. " 


We hope that through the design of Chongqing One Sino Park Art Center, we can explore a possibility of aesthetics, and hope that those who visit can have an imagination of living here in the future.


项目名称:重庆融创壹号院 项目位置:重庆市大竹林项目面积:±10000㎡设计时间:2019年建成时间:2020年业  主:融创西南区域重庆置地公司

景观设计:以和设计&英拓景观 联合设计

            (团队主要成员:ChungPo Fang-方仲伯、温红霞、

景观施工:同棋园林 建筑设计:aoe事建组结构设计:中机中联室内设计:矩阵纵横摄  影:存在建筑-建筑摄影




2020年5月19个精品项目合集 | 景观周发布



